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Math Operations

Mathematical function blocks such as Gain, Product, and Sum

Use blocks from the Math Operations library to model basic mathematical functions.


AbsOutput absolute value of input
Algebraic ConstraintConstrain input signal
AssignmentAssign values to specified elements of signal
BiasAdd bias to input
Complex to Magnitude-AngleCompute magnitude and/or phase angle of complex signal
Complex to Real-ImagOutput real and imaginary parts of complex input signal
DivideDivide one input by another
Dot ProductGenerate dot product of two vectors
Find Nonzero ElementsFind nonzero elements in array
GainMultiply input by constant
Magnitude-Angle to ComplexConvert magnitude and/or a phase angle signal to complex signal
Math FunctionPerform mathematical function
Matrix ConcatenateConcatenate input matrices of same data type for iterative processing
MinMaxOutput minimum or maximum input value
MinMax Running ResettableDetermine minimum or maximum of signal over time
Permute DimensionsRearrange dimensions of multidimensional array dimensions
PolynomialPerform evaluation of polynomial coefficients on input values
Product of ElementsCopy or invert one scalar input, or collapse one nonscalar input
Product, Matrix MultiplyMultiply and divide scalars and nonscalars or multiply and invert matrices
Real-Imag to ComplexConvert real and/or imaginary inputs to complex signal
ReshapeChange dimensionality of signal
Rounding FunctionApply rounding function to signal
SignIndicate sign of input
Sine Wave FunctionGenerate sine wave, using external signal as time source
Slider GainVary scalar gain using slider
SqrtCalculate square root, signed square root, or reciprocal of square root
SqueezeRemove singleton dimensions from multidimensional signal
SumAdd or subtract inputs
Trigonometric FunctionSpecified trigonometric function on input
Unary MinusNegate input
Vector ConcatenateConcatenate input vectors of same data type for iterative processing
Weighted Sample Time MathSupport calculations involving sample time
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