Ports und Subsysteme
Blöcke, die sich auf Subsysteme beziehen, wie Inport, Outport, Subsystem und Modell
Verwenden Sie Blöcke aus der Bibliothek Ports und Subsystem, um Eingabe- und Ausgabeports sowie bedingt ausgeführte Subsysteme, Iterator-Subsysteme und Varianten-Subsysteme zu erstellen.
Enable | Add enable port to subsystem or model |
Enabled Subsystem | Subsystem whose execution is enabled by external input |
Enabled and Triggered Subsystem | Subsystem whose execution is enabled and triggered by external inputs |
For Each Subsystem | Apply algorithm to individual elements or subarrays of input signals or mask parameters |
For Iterator Subsystem | Repeat subsystem execution during simulation time step for specified number of iterations |
Function Element | Specify function to be called via exporting function port (Seit R2022a) |
Function Element Call | Specify function call to be issued via invoking function port (Seit R2022a) |
Function-Call Feedback Latch | Break feedback loop involving data signals between function-call blocks |
Function-Call Generator | Provide function-call events to control execution of subsystem or model |
Function-Call Split | Provide junction for splitting function-call line |
Function-Call Subsystem | Subsystem whose execution is controlled by external function-call input |
If | Auswahl der Subsystem-Ausführung mithilfe von if-else -Ausdrücken ähnlicher Logik |
If Action Subsystem | Subsystem whose execution is enabled by If block |
In Bus Element | Select input from external port |
Inport | Create input port for subsystem or external input |
Model | Reference another model to create model hierarchy |
Out Bus Element | Specify output of external port |
Outport | Create output port for subsystem or external output |
Resettable Subsystem | Subsystem whose block states reset with external trigger |
Subsystem | Group blocks to create model hierarchy |
Switch Case | Select subsystem execution using logic similar to switch
statement |
Switch Case Action Subsystem | Subsystem whose execution is enabled by Switch Case block |
Trigger | Add trigger or function port to subsystem or model |
Triggered Subsystem | Subsystem whose execution is triggered by external input |
Unit System Configuration | Restrict units to specified allowed unit systems |
Variant Subsystem | Template subsystem containing Subsystem blocks as variant choices |
While Iterator Subsystem | Repeat subsystem execution during simulation time step while logical expression is true |
- Use Control Flow Logic
How to use control flow blocks to model control logic.