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Ports und Subsysteme

Blöcke, die sich auf Subsysteme beziehen, wie Inport, Outport, Subsystem und Modell

Verwenden Sie Blöcke aus der Bibliothek Ports und Subsystem, um Eingabe- und Ausgabeports sowie bedingt ausgeführte Subsysteme, Iterator-Subsysteme und Varianten-Subsysteme zu erstellen.


EnableAdd enable port to subsystem or model
Enabled SubsystemSubsystem whose execution is enabled by external input
Enabled and Triggered SubsystemSubsystem whose execution is enabled and triggered by external inputs
For Each SubsystemApply algorithm to individual elements or subarrays of input signals or mask parameters
For Iterator Subsystem Repeat subsystem execution during simulation time step for specified number of iterations
Function ElementSpecify function to be called via exporting function port (Seit R2022a)
Function Element CallSpecify function call to be issued via invoking function port (Seit R2022a)
Function-Call Feedback LatchBreak feedback loop involving data signals between function-call blocks
Function-Call GeneratorProvide function-call events to control execution of subsystem or model
Function-Call SplitProvide junction for splitting function-call line
Function-Call SubsystemSubsystem whose execution is controlled by external function-call input
IfAuswahl der Subsystem-Ausführung mithilfe von if-else-Ausdrücken ähnlicher Logik
If Action SubsystemSubsystem whose execution is enabled by If block
In Bus ElementSelect input from external port
InportCreate input port for subsystem or external input
ModelReference another model to create model hierarchy
Out Bus ElementSpecify output of external port
OutportCreate output port for subsystem or external output
Resettable Subsystem Subsystem whose block states reset with external trigger
SubsystemGroup blocks to create model hierarchy
Switch CaseSelect subsystem execution using logic similar to switch statement
Switch Case Action SubsystemSubsystem whose execution is enabled by Switch Case block
TriggerAdd trigger or function port to subsystem or model
Triggered SubsystemSubsystem whose execution is triggered by external input
Unit System ConfigurationRestrict units to specified allowed unit systems
Variant SubsystemTemplate subsystem containing Subsystem blocks as variant choices
While Iterator Subsystem Repeat subsystem execution during simulation time step while logical expression is true
