Chris Portal
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Chris Portal serves as director of engineering for the MATLAB® Graphics, App Building, and Data Tools teams, delivering data visualizations, app building capabilities, and data exploration tools for MATLAB. Chris joined MathWorks in 1997 as a developer and has been involved in the development and evolution of a number of MathWorks products including MATLAB, Simulink®, PDE Toolbox, and version 1.0 of the Data Acquisition, Instrument Control, and Image Acquisition Toolboxes in the Test and Measurement product area. He is currently named in 15 patents, and holds a B.S. and M.Eng. in mechanical engineering from Cornell University.
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App Slow With UIAxes
Thank you @Adam Danz and @Ephraim Bryski. The additional info is useful. I see the same uifigure/uiaxes slowness Adam is showing...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 5
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How to install GUIDE to App Designer migration tool?
You would need to download it from here: <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/66087-guide-to-app-designer-mi...
mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0
Using animatedline in Matlab App Designer?
Your callback is doing a “clear all”, which clears out all of the variables available at that point, which in this case are “app...
mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 1
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Problem with auto reflow in app designer
Auto-reflow is different than the autoresize option. Autoresize will resize components for you when the window is resized. Reflo...
mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0
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How do display the contents of array in Listbox using app designer ???
See the documentation for an example: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/uilistbox.html#bujty2f-1 Basically, you config...
mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0
Why can I not plot in app designer?
The data doesn’t fit within your limits. By only specifying the A vector you mentioned, you are only specifying the Y axes value...
fast 6 Jahre vor | 1
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Is it possible to run an App Designer app on an installation of Matlab which does not have App Designer?
App Designer apps do not depend on App Designer to run, but the apps use features that were first introduced in R2016a, which is...
etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0
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Trying to learn how to display an image using app designer
You can pass workspace variables to your app using a startup function and app input arguments. The approach is described here: ...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
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Matlab app designer, overlaying images with transparency in UIAxes?
Using R2018a, I'm not able to reproduce this. This is the code I tried: I = imread('cameraman.tif'); f1 = imshow(I,'Pare...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1
How do I save data from a Web App into a local file ?
In R2018a, this would only be possible if you specify a network path to the WRITETABLE command for it to produce the file at tha...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1
Dynamic Option Values in UIDropdown using App Designer
You can do this by configuring your dropdown's values in the startup callback function. Right click on the figure background in ...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1
How to speed up UIAxes in App Designer
Hard to say for sure without seeing the surrounding code, but you may need a call to DRAWNOW in your for loop. Alternatively...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
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Pairing MLAPP (AppDesigner) Apps With Other Classes
This is how I’d approach it: # Use the app window’s StartupFcn callback to initialize all your Class1, Class2, and Class3 obj...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
How do I make an App written in App Designer Modal?
If you're using 18a or later, you can try using UIPROGRESSDLG to create an indeterminate progress bar while the secondary app is...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 2
Access public property outside the app
You can take a look at this File Exchange submission to see how to do this in 16a and 16b releases of App Designer: <https://...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1
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Creating Multiwindow Apps in MATLAB 2016b
You can take a look at this File Exchange submission which does something similar and should work for 16a and 16b releases of Ap...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
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Can Web Apps take input arguments?
Currently, it’s a limitation, but there’s a workaround. This is what the doc says: <https://www.mathworks.com/help/compiler/w...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
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App designer dynamic properties
The answer in this other post describes how to do this in the general case if you’re creating multiple new components. If you ar...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
Introduction of a new class properties inside its functions in App Designer.
The way to do this would be to add a property to your app called something like “NewComponents”. Every time you need to intro...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
How to plot a 3D graphic with app designer ?
You can do this by calling your 3D plotting function and passing in the handle to your app axes: [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:0.5:10,...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1
How to pause/stop a Simulink model directly from App designer
You can do this by using the set_param and get_param functions to configure the SimulationCommand setting for your model. This d...
fast 7 Jahre vor | 0
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How to Set App Designer Drop Down and List Box Data types
See the answer thread for the following post on how to address this: <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/400550-...
fast 7 Jahre vor | 0
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App Designer LIST BOX data type
The type for the Value property depends on how you've configured the listbox. There are basically 2 scenarios: # *Using Items...
fast 7 Jahre vor | 0
Is it possible to Re-order App Properties
Unfortunately there is no way to do this as of R2018a. It is a known enhancement, but I will log an additional request for the t...
fast 7 Jahre vor | 0
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Add static images with APP designer
There are currently 2 options available which are described here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/283215-insert...
fast 7 Jahre vor | 1
Uidatepicker in app designer
You can pass the panel’s handle as the parent for the uidatepicker. The syntax is described here: <https://www.mathworks.com/...
fast 7 Jahre vor | 0
Trisurf in App Designer
TRISURF doesn't appear to support an axes to be passed in as the first input argument. Instead, it can take it via PV pairs as f...
fast 7 Jahre vor | 4
How can I open an external application from Matlab app designer
Your system is not going to know where your test data file lives, so you need to provide it more than just the name and extensio...
fast 7 Jahre vor | 0
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Problems with BytesAvailableFcn in App designer
This was covered in a related post available here: <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/276824-how-to-use-bytesav...
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 1
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2017b: Since install of 2017b, I cannot run App designer properly. It fails to load something and does not compile.
Can you try the following and see if that helps: rehash toolboxcache
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0