Physical Modeling
Physical modeling is a way of modeling and simulating systems that consist of real physical components. It employs a physical network approach, where Simscape™ blocks correspond to physical elements, such as pumps, motors, and op-amps. You join these blocks by lines corresponding to the physical connections that transmit power. This approach lets you describe the physical structure of a system, rather than the underlying mathematics. For more information, see Basic Principles of Modeling Physical Networks.
Simscape Foundation libraries contain a comprehensive set of basic elements and building blocks, organized by domain. Connect these blocks together just as you would assemble a physical system. Use these blocks, along with the blocks from the add-on products, such as Simscape Electrical™ or Simscape Driveline™, to model multidomain physical systems. For information on how you can extend the Simscape modeling environment by creating custom components that do not exist in the Foundation library or in any of the add-on products, see Customization.
- Modeling Basics
Model construction techniques, best practices
- Mechanical Models
Mechanical elements for rotational and translational motion, simple mechanisms, mechanical sensors and sources
- Electrical Models
Basic electrical blocks and modeling techniques
- Electromagnetic Models
Basic electromagnetic blocks and modeling techniques
- Isothermal Liquid Models
Basic isothermal liquid blocks and modeling techniques
- Thermal Liquid Models
Basic thermal liquid blocks and modeling techniques
- Two-Phase Fluid Models
Basic two-phase fluid blocks and modeling techniques
- Gas Models
Basic blocks and techniques for modeling gas systems
- Moist Air Models
Basic blocks and techniques for modeling moist air systems
- Thermal Models
Basic thermal blocks and modeling techniques
- Physical Signal Manipulation
Blocks for transmitting physical control signals
- Utilities
Required and commonly used blocks for setting simulation environment, interfacing with Simulink® models, and generating custom components on-the-fly
- Physical Units
Units and unit conversion functions available with physical modeling environment
- Fault Behavior Modeling and Fault Triggering
Model fault behaviors and trigger faults during simulation