Entwickeln von uifigure
-basierten Apps
Programmgesteuerte App-Entwicklung über UI-Abbildungen, die speziell für die Erstellung einer App konzipiert wurden (Funktion
)Entwickeln und bearbeiten Sie Apps programmgesteuert, indem Sie deren Layout und Verhalten mit MATLAB®-Funktionen kodieren. Mit der Funktion uifigure
kann eine Abbildung erstellt werden, die speziell für die App-Entwicklung konfiguriert ist und als Container für Ihre Benutzeroberfläche dient. UI-Abbildungen unterstützen denselben Typ moderner Grafiken und interaktiver UI-Komponenten wie App Designer.
Grundlagen für die Erstellung von Programm-Apps
- Create and Run a Simple Programmatic App
Step through the process of creating a simple app programmatically. - App Building Components
View samples of the UI components available for building modern apps. - Ways to Build Apps
Choose an app building approach that best suits your project requirements and your preferred workflow.
Benutzerdefinierte App-Darstellung
- Lay Out Apps Programmatically
Manage the size, location, and front-to-back order of components programmatically. - Manage App Resize Behavior Programmatically
Manage the default automatic resizing behavior for programmatic apps. - Programmatic App That Displays a Table
Create a table UI component and modify its appearance and behavior programmatically. - Format Tabular Data in Apps
Control how different data types are displayed when using table array data in an app. - Style Cells in a Table UI Component
Color cells, format text, and display icons in a table UI component. - Create HTML Content in Apps
Create an HTML file to embed HTML, JavaScript®, or CSS content in your app that can trigger or respond to data changes.
Programmierung des App-Verhaltens
- Create Callbacks for Apps Created Programmatically
Write callbacks to control the behavior of apps you create programmatically. - Share Data Among Callbacks
Manage and share data in your app using different techniques. - Interrupt Callback Execution
Learn how to control whether callbacks can be interrupted by other callbacks. - Create Responsive Apps
Apply techniques to improve the performance and responsiveness of your apps. - Improve App Startup Time
Improve the time it takes for your app to load by populating only the content that is visible. - Debug HTML Content in Apps
Simulate how data is sent between MATLAB and JavaScript in an HTML UI component.