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Interactive Model Editing

Create, format, navigate, and search Simulink models

Learn how to build and edit models in the Simulink® editing environment. Discover techniques, tips, and shortcuts you can use to work in Simulink.

For an introduction to Simulink, try the self-paced interactive Simulink Onramp tutorial and Get Started with Simulink.

For information about how to run a model and view the results, see Simulation. For information about how to share, reuse, standardize, print, and protect the confidentiality of model content, see Collaborative Model Editing.

You can also create, edit, and test models programmatically. To learn more, see Programmatic Model Editing.


Simulink OnrampFree, self-paced, interactive Simulink course
Simulink FundamentalsSelf-paced, interactive course available as part of Online Training Suite subscription
Simulink PreferencesSettings for Simulink Editor and model files
Library BrowserFind and add blocks to model
Property InspectorEdit parameters and properties for any Simulink model element
Model Data EditorInspect and edit data items (signals, parameters, and states) in a table that you can sort, group, and filter
Model ExplorerView, modify, and add elements of Simulink models, Stateflow charts, and workspace variables
Model FinderSearch, filter, and browse examples, models, and projects
FinderFind and optionally replace values in Simulink models, libraries, and subsystems


Keyboard Shortcuts

Create Models

Format Models

Navigate Models

Search for Models, Model Contents, and Simulink Editor Actions

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