TASKING LAPACK Performance Libraries

Linear algebra libraries for embedded C/C++ applications


  • Directly supported by MATLAB®, C/C++, and other model-based packages
  • Optimized for embedded hardware like TriCore™/AURIX™ microcontrollers
  • Easily port existing BLAS/LAPACK based applications from desktop to TriCore
  • Bit exact TriCore simulation results on PC available via TASKING® TriCore Toolset


TASKING provides an implementation of the LAPACK interface (including BLAS) as a library for Infineon TriCore AURIX and AURIX 2nd Generation in the form of a highly optimized and tested binary library for usage with the TASKING TriCore Compiler (included in the TriCore VX Toolset) and other architectures.

They take full advantage of the TriCore architecture, enabling faster advanced driver assistance (ADAS) systems, especially when analyzing multiple sensor inputs. In addition, they allow easy porting code to other systems.

The C-library can be easily called from MATLAB via MEX. When generating C code using Embedded Coder, the TASKING LAPACK Performance Library (C-library) provides BLAS/LAPACK support on embedded hardware which was previously not available.


TASKING Germany GmbH

Streitfeldstrasse 19
81673 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 2620 10080

Required Products


  • Linux
  • Windows


  • E-mail

Product Type

  • Embedded Software - Tools, IDE, RTOS


  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Embedded Systems
  • Image Processing and Computer Vision
  • Real-Time Systems
  • System Modeling and Simulation


  • Automotive
  • Industrial Automation and Machinery
  • Medical Devices