
Johannes Hougaard

Last seen: 3 Tage vor Aktiv seit 2020

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Function which creates a vertical line (Heaviside or something) which has a double gap in it
I think this function will do what you like. For your example you should put in approximately x = 0.1; gaps = [-1.1 -1;1 1.1]...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

How can I replace the three YLABEL (degree of membership) to only one?
I would think that you could just skip your ylabel and use an annotation textbox in stead Moving your axes up and down is manag...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

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Display a set of random images in one out of 4 specific coordinates
As described in my comment this should do the trick by storing your four coordinate sets in the cell array positions and indexin...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

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How to use multiple button function by using 1 excel data?
I think you are pretty close from what I can see. The properties of the app are kept as variables and can be obtained from any ...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

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How to combine multiple plots using subplot
You have to define all your subplots in the [9 2] grid - the code you present show the first 9 graphs in a [9 1] grid and the la...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

Reading CSV file with header and other data
If your header is always the same size you can simply hard code which lines are header lines (in this case 19) datatable = read...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

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Only part of my plotted line will dash and how to add text to a line in the plot?
Hi Tomaszzz The reason some of the line is full and not dotted is that is it not the line as such but more a connection between...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

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Read the third column of a .csv file
Another option which requires less of a custom function but still use the 'detectImportOptions' is to specify in your detectImpo...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 1

How do I merge two figures into one?
This code will do something like what you wish, but you'll have to adapt it to your own data x_values = linspace(0,8*pi,1234); ...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 1

How to add a secondary axis to a .fig ?
Use the function 'open' to load the saved figure to a variable (a handle) and use yyaxis to add the secondary axis figure; axe...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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Reading a .txt file without knowing the length of rows and skipping headers
m = readmatrix('connectivity.txt','NumHeaderLines',1);

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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Reposition image in app
I am the author of a MATLAB app where I'd like to add a logo (as a uiimage) to the upper right corner of my UIFigure window. Wh...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



replace values of x matrix for positions of y matrix where y=1
y = rand(33,33); % This is a y of random numbers between 0 and 1 x = round(rand(33,33)*0.7); % This is another x of random numb...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

identifying if a number stays the same between files
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly - at least if I do then the data you've included are all not identical. Bu...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Why do I get the error 'Ensure the file is a valid spreadsheet file and is not password protected.'?
Because you make and open the (empty) file with the fopen call but don't use the file identifier for the writetable (which you s...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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I want to add binary numbers randomly in a cell array. How to do it?
I can't really get the desired output from Marcels comment. Maybe if you add it to a for loop it'll be feasible. However I thin...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Using exportgraphics on Figure With Multiple Subplots
What you need to do is to provide an input to exportgraphics to take the figure rather than the axes When calling exportgraphic...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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increment row in excel from matlab script
I think the easiest would be to keep your matrix in MATLAB and make the large matrix in MATLAB before writing the Excel sheet. ...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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I want to check that the Value of one array exist in another array, using function ?
It is possible using the function ismember RemainingSensor=[1 2 4]; Cover=[1 3]; validsensors = ismember(RemainingSensor,Cove...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

A moving line plot in MATLAB figure with animation between 3 points
Could be something like this then... It's super inefficient code and can definitely be improved in speed as well as complexity....

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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How to read data in single column in csv file?
Seems like a pretty hard way to do stuff - that the .csv file is heavily formatted. Having formatted strings - to me - calls fo...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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Input txt. file of complex numbers
As far as I can tell you can use the readmatrix function to read the file if you use the 'NumHeaderLines' option for the import....

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Basic calculator not working in app designer.
I think that as the error message states the .Value field of the EditField must be a string rather than a number. This could pr...

fast 4 Jahre vor | 0

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how to plot a function
Another way to do it would be using the fplot by which you don't need a for loop and to define the number of points in your x-ax...

fast 4 Jahre vor | 0

How can I make a sentence in Alphabetical order
I think a minor modification of your function like this function[output] = sentenceSort(x) %%%The input x is a string array o...

fast 4 Jahre vor | 0

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I have to generate an array of 10x1 in an ascending order. With a condition that the two consecutive elements should have a difference between 1 to 8
This is not a super elegant solution but I think it'll do the trick for you numbers = zeros(10,1); numbers(1) = randi(8,1); %I...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Switch-case function problem
If you wish to solve the problem using a switch/case sentence you should omit the == as that is assumed for the case. Furthermor...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1


Reading settings for an app from text file
I have designed an app for which I need to store some settings in a text file as shown in the attached example_file.ini. In my ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



Linear Interpolation to eleminate zero values
I'm not sure I fully understand your issue, but this may be a solution (or something to point you in the direction) y = [1 2 1 ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 2

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How to obtain moving average smoothing of daily time series?
I think the function you need is filter - but that requires a numeric input (for which I would use the datenum function) timese...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1

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