Grundlegende Programmdateien
Der einfachste Typ der Programmdatei wird als Skript bezeichnet. Skripte sind nützlich, um eine Serie von MATLAB®-Befehlen zu automatisieren, etwa Berechnungen, die Sie wiederholt über die Befehlszeile ausführen müssen oder Serien von Befehlen, die Sie referenzieren müssen.
Grundlegende Programme
- Create Scripts
Create a script in a new file or from commands in the Command History. - Add Comments to Code
Add comments to describe your code and allow others to understand it. - Find and Replace Text in Files and Go to Location
Find and replace text in the current file or multiple files, automatically rename variables or functions, and go to a location in a file. - Edit and Format Code
Use column selection, code autocompletions, refactoring, indentation, and code folding to edit your code and make it easier to read. - Create and Run Sections in Code
Divide MATLAB code files into sections and run all sections or run each section individually. (Seit R2021b) - Save and Back Up Code
Save and automatically create backup copies of files in the Editor and Live Editor. - Editor/Debugger Preferences
Use Editor/Debugger preferences to customize the Editor.
Hinzufügen von Eingaben und Ausgaben
- Scripts vs. Functions
Code files can be scripts that simply execute a series of MATLAB statements, or they can be functions that also accept input arguments and produce output. - Add Functions to Scripts
Add functions to scripts to reuse code within a script and avoid creating and managing separate function files.
Teilen von Code
- Publish and Share MATLAB Code
MATLAB provides options for presenting your code to others, including using publishing and creating live scripts and functions in the Live Editor.