Automotive Data Dictionary
A global data dictionary for all ECU labels and variables used in a company or organization
Global data dictionary for all ECU labels and variables (single-source concept)
Company-wide availability and uniqueness
Continuous and consistent data declaration during the whole development process
ADD (Automotive Data Dictionary) centralizes all data elements and definitions to support the reuse of data for function development as well as software development. This enables users to select a data definition from a single repository containing unique names for all data elements independent of a specific project or editor tool. The single source concept of ADD eases the handling and management of data declarations over all projects. Because these labels are unique and available company-wide, ADD allows a continuous and consistent data declaration during the whole development process. ADD is used in automotive ECU development. It is the starting point of all activities and provides interfaces to both simulation tools and code generation tools for target ECU controllers.
ADD provides an interface to MATLAB and Simulink. This interface allows users to export ADD data (data objects) into the MATLAB workspace. Additionally, developers can use ADD as a data declaration editor or data declaration storage for the ECU labels and variables in a Simulink model.

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Related Connections Views: Automotive, Data Analysis and Statistics, Embedded Systems, Modeling and Simulation Tools, System Modeling and Simulation