Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro Consulting Services

Algorithms for data analysis, signal processing, statistics and physical modeling


  • Algorithm development for data analysis and measuring systems 
  • Statistical analysis of large and complex datasets
  • Implementation, simulation, and testing of signal processing routines with MATLAB® and Simulink®
  • Modeling and simulation of physical systems 
  • Model-Based Design and testing
  • Developing embedded software using MATLAB, Simulink and Embedded Coder®


Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro specializes in algorithms, data analysis, modeling, and simulation for product and process development, production monitoring, production control, and other measurement and testing processes. Their experts in signal processing, predictive analytics, machine learning, and image/video analysis deliver custom solutions and support clients during developing, testing, and controlling phases.

Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro helps you in design of new measurement systems from scratch, evaluation of large datasets (sensor data, lab data, log files, etc.), and creation of automated evaluation algorithms.

Fields include medical and pharmaceutical technology, measurement and control technology, automotive, optoelectronics, semiconductor, energy, and other technical fields.

Customers’ benefits at a glance:

  • Better control of production processes and improved product quality
  • Improved measuring algorithms for faster and precise results
  • Standalone software for signal processing, data, image, or video analysis
  • Identification of error sources
  • Complete transfer of programmed codes, documentation, instructions, and training
  • Fast and innovative solutions, agile workflow

Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro uses MATLAB and Simulink as tools to perform statistical analysis, signal processing, user interface design, prototype modeling, and testing. In addition, to achieve complex and challenging customer goals, up to 18 additional toolboxes can be applied, including  Simulink® Coder™, Simulink® Report Generator™, Embedded Coder, Parallel Computing Toolbox™, Computer Vision Toolbox™, Image Processing Toolbox™, Image Acquisition Toolbox™, Simulink® Test™, and Stateflow®.


Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro GmbH

Kreuzbergstr. 37
10965 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-692055800

Service Type

  • Consulting Services


  • Data Analysis and Statistics
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Image Processing and Computer Vision
  • MATLAB Programming
  • System Modeling and Simulation


  • Automotive
  • Biotech and Pharmaceutical
  • Industrial Automation and Machinery
  • Medical Devices
  • Technical Services and Consulting