


Aktiv seit 2011

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Professional Interests: Simulink, Physmod, Control Systems, Automotive, Robotics.
Growing Interests: Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine Learning.

Although I work for the MathWorks, all my comments, answers and opinions expressed here are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect those of MathWorks, past or present.


  • First Review
  • 6 Month Streak
  • Knowledgeable Level 4
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  • Scavenger Finisher
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Optimization Error for car model
The following seems to fix your problem but I don’t know if this is what you really wanted to do: Set FCMin to “Minimize ...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

How to extract nearest pixel value [roi] by selection of reference pixel on a image?
Use the < *|impoint|*> function. Examp...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

Applying a Moving average function smooth
You can use the < *|movmean|*> function and set the <https://www.mathworks...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 2

What's the difference between VideoReader and vision.VideoFileReader?
One primary difference I can see is < *|vision.VideoF...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 4

| akzeptiert

Why does Simulink model data plot/recording to workspace variable and scope dispay reset after 1000 data entry points?
Couple of things to try. Scope has a limit data points to last option. Uncheck this in the Scope configurations. <</matlab...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

What does plotStyle denotes in a structure logged from Scope?
Looks like it is used internally to convert between different types of logged data from the documentation page <http://www.mathw...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

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How to use a For iterator
Copy/pasting helpful comment as an answer: Note that there are TWO types of FOR subsystems. According to the documentation: ...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

How to create a lookup table with two inputs and one output?
Have you looked at the lookup table blocks? Documentation <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

How to change the color of a graph only in a particular section?

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

How to Enhance Image edges after segment on Binary Image
The simplest answer is to try using the |edge| function in the Image Processing Toolbox. Here is the <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

How to open a Simulink Scope without the model
You can use the |open_system| command. For e.g. in your case: open_system('model/Scope') Doc on the command <https://www...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

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Sampling dataset into training(70%) and validation(30%) data
If you have the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, |cvpartition| function is the easiest way to do this. Take a look at th...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

Starting with a grayscale image, how can I colour a certain pixel based on its x,y coordinates?
Take a look at the question and answer <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1

How to find the position of an object by comparing the reference image with the object alone and test image with the extra background objects
There might be several ways to do this. A straight forward way I could think of is to use the template matching algorithm in the...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

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Need help receiving accelerometer data through an I2C connection in MATLAB.
Have you looked at <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

Where do I download the examples introduced in the "Simulink Design Optimization Getting Started Guide"???
They are all shipped with the product itself. So if you have an installation of MATLAB with SDO, just follow the steps in the gu...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

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I am studying object detection using circular hough transform and I could not understand why this part of a code gives error "??? Undefined function or method 'circle_hough' for input arguments of type 'double'." Can you please figure out?
*|circle_hough|* doesn't seem like a MathWorks developed function. There is a file exchange entry you might want to download to ...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1

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simulink add_block fails for 'built-in/Transfer Fcn'
Using block names like 'Transfer Fcn' works only if you use the full block path as follows: add_block('simulink/Continuous/...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

Save Simulink subsystem output as constant
There are a couple of ways to do this based on what you feel comfortable with. 1. *Using MATLAB Function block:* Here we d...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

Use inputs of a user defined Matlab function block as global variables whithin the block
This documentation shows how to do this: <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1

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How to save global variables in MATLAB Function (more than 2) with one Data Store Memory?
This documentation shows how to do this: <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

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Matlab .m file from Simulink keeps running?
When do you want to run this MATLAB function? Only at the start once, when you load the model once, when you stop simulation onc...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

How do I remove initial peaks I get while differentiating a harmonic signal twice using simulink ?
Hello Utsav, Thanks for the detailed explanation! There is a fundamental difference in how you are calculating the derivative...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

how to use Slider Switch in simulink model ?
This block enables you to control block parameters in the model. I've made a GIF below that shows how to work with this block. (...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

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How is the "vectorized gating signal" generated for a full-bridge converter block in simscape?
Yes, the documentation seems to say that here: <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

if is possible to cancel a process if matlab take too much time to perfom the process?
Use Ctrl+C at the command prompt. Documentation here: <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

Why does the "Enabled Subsystem" not work?
This is because the setting 'Output when disabled' is different for the respective output ports of the Enabled subsystems. Th...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1

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etwa 8 Jahre vor

Hi, I am a novice at matlab but i am trying to learn how to use sim powers systems. I am trying to connect a relay into one of the examples but I keep getting a red dotted line. Can anyone show me how you do this please?
You are attempting to connect Simscape blocks to Simulink blocks. This is not (always) possible. Take a look at the documentatio...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

what is this in matlab
It looks like a block in Simulink/Simscape. You can right click on the block > Help to get more information about it.

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

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