I have modelled a three phase inverter to run a 5Kw PMSM motor (MATLAB preparametrized). The torque load is applied through ideal torque source and step junction, and the speed of the motor is visualized. When I provide the gate signal only through SPWM generator (No control, only SPWM signal generation through carrier and sine wave comparison),
The speed stabilizes around 62 rad/sec after some initial oscillations, but when I try to run the same model using PMSM field oriented control block set, the speed is negative (negative rotation) and it keeps on increasing eventhough the speed reference provided is only upto 60. The waveform of both speed and torque has been attached hereby.
Moreover, is there anyway to tune the PI controllers (inner and outer loops) of PMSM Field oriented blockset automatically.
It can be seen from the torque waveform, there is soemkind of disturbance around 0.4-0.45 sec, which creates too much noise in current, torque waveforms. What could be the reason behind this.
Before we begin, you will need to make sure you have 'sir_age_model.m' installed. Once you've downloaded this folder into yourworking directory, which can be located at yourcurrent folder. If you can see this file in your current folder, then it's safe to use it. If you choose to use MATLAB online or MATLAB Mobile, you may upload this to yourMATLAB Drive.
This is the code for the SIR model stratified into 2 age groups (children and adults). For a detailed explanation of how to derive the force of infection by age group.
fprintf('Proportion of adults that became infected: %f\n', proportion_infected_adults);
Throughout this epidemic, 95% of all children and 92% of all adults were infected. Children were therefore slightly more affected in proportion to their population size, even though the majority of infections occurred in adults.
I would like to propose the creation of MATLAB EduHub, a dedicated channel within the MathWorks community where educators, students, and professionals can share and access a wealth of educational material that utilizes MATLAB. This platform would act as a central repository for articles, teaching notes, and interactive learning modules that integrate MATLAB into the teaching and learning of various scientific fields.
Key Features:
1. Resource Sharing: Users will be able to upload and share their own educational materials, such as articles, tutorials, code snippets, and datasets.
2. Categorization and Search: Materials can be categorized for easy searching by subject area, difficulty level, and MATLAB version..
3. Community Engagement: Features for comments, ratings, and discussions to encourage community interaction.
4. Support for Educators: Special sections for educators to share teaching materials and track engagement.
- Enhanced Educational Experience: The platform will enrich the learning experience through access to quality materials.
- Collaboration and Networking: It will promote collaboration and networking within the MATLAB community.
- Accessibility of Resources: It will make educational materials available to a wider audience.
By establishing MATLAB EduHub, I propose a space where knowledge and experience can be freely shared, enhancing the educational process and the MATLAB community as a whole.
In one line of MATLAB code, compute how far you can see at the seashore. In otherwords, how far away is the horizon from your eyes? You can assume you know your height and the diameter or radius of the earth.
March has been bustling with activity on MATLAB Central, bringing forth a treasure trove of insights, innovations, and fun. Whether you're delving into the intricacies of spline conversions or seeking inspiration from Pi Day celebrations, there's something for everyone.
Here’s a roundup of the top posts from the past few weeks that you won't want to miss:
Dive into the technicalities of converting spline forms with a focus on calculating coefficients. A must-read for anyone dealing with spline representations.
Discover the synergy between MATLAB and Visual Studio Code, enhanced by GitHub Copilot support. A game-changer for MATLAB developers.
These threads are just the tip of the iceberg. Each post is a gateway to new knowledge, ideas, and community connections. Dive in, explore, and don't forget to contribute your insights and questions. Together, we make MATLAB Central a vibrant hub of innovation and support.
The latest release is pretty much upon us. Official annoucements will be coming soon and the eagle-eyed among you will have started to notice some things shifting around on the MathWorks website as we ready for this.
The pre-release has been available for a while. Maybe you've played with it? I have...I've even been quietly using it to write some of my latest blog posts...and I have several queued up for publication after MathWorks officially drops the release.
The stationary solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation refer to solutions that are time-independent, meaning they remain constant over time. For the non-linear Klein-Gordon equation you are discussing:
Stationary solutions arise when the time derivative term, , is zero, meaning the motion of the system does not change over time. This leads to a static differential equation:
This equation describes how particles in the lattice interact with each other and how non-linearity affects the steady state of the system.
The solutions to this equation correspond to the various possible stable equilibrium states of the system, where each represents different static distribution patterns of displacements . The specific form of these stationary solutions depends on the system parameters, such as κ , ω, and β , as well as the initial and boundary conditions of the problem.
To find these solutions in a more specific form, one might need to solve the equation using analytical or numerical methods, considering the different cases that could arise in such a non-linear system.
By interpreting the equation in this way, we can relate the dynamics described by the discrete Klein - Gordon equation to the behavior of DNA molecules within a biological system . This analogy allows us to understand the behavior of DNA in terms of concepts from physics and mathematical modeling .
% Parameters
numBases = 100; % Number of spatial points
omegaD = 0.2; % Common parameter for the equation
% Preallocate the array for the function handles
equations = cell(numBases, 1);
% Initial guess for the solution
initialGuess = 0.01 * ones(numBases, 1);
% Parameter sets for kappa and beta
paramSets = [0.1, 0.05; 0.5, 0.05; 0.1, 0.2];
% Prepare figure for subplot
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1200, 400]); % Set figure size
% Newton-Raphson method parameters
maxIterations = 1000;
tolerance = 1e-10;
% Set options for fsolve to use the 'levenberg-marquardt' algorithm
sgtitle('Stationary States for Different \kappa and \beta Values', 'FontSize', 16); % Super title for the figure
In the second plot, the elasticity constant κis increased to 0.5, representing a system with greater stiffness . This parameter influences how resistant the system is to deformation, implying that a higher κ makes the system more resilient to changes . By increasing κ, we are essentially tightening the interactions between adjacent units in the model, which could represent, for instance, stronger bonding forces in a physical or biological system .
In the third plot the nonlinearity coefficient β is increased to 0.2 . This adjustment enhances the nonlinear interactions within the system, which can lead to more complex dynamic behaviors, especially in systems exhibiting bifurcations or chaos under certain conditions .
gives the solution for the Helmholtz problem. On the circular disc with center 0 and radius a. For the plot in 3-dimensional graphics of the solutions on Matlab for and then calculate some eigenfunctions with the following expression.
It could be better to separate functions with and as follows
diska = 1; % Radius of the disk
mmax = 2; % Maximum value of m
nmax = 2; % Maximum value of n
% Function to find the k-th zero of the n-th Bessel function
% This function uses a more accurate method for initial guess
If the answers are indeed AI generated, then the user didn't do "clearly indicating when AI generated content is incorporated".
That leads to my question that how do we enforce the guideline.
I am not against using AI for answers but in this case, I felt the answering text is mentioning all the relevant words but missing the point. For novice users who are seeking answers, this would be misleading and waste of time.
I have Line-to-line sinusoidal voltage reading as L1-L2, L2-L3 and L3-L1. I want to get RMS-like DC-signal that is equal to 400V when input voltage is 400V when there is no unbalance. I want to im...
Firstly, in order to obtain the first n decimal places of pi, we need to write the following code (to prevent inaccuracies, we need to take a few more tails and perform another operation of taking the first n decimal places when needed):
function Pi=getPi(n)
if nargin<1,n=3;end
With this function to obtain the decimal places of pi, our visualization journey has begun~Step by step, from simple to complex~(Please try to use newer versions of MATLAB to run, at least R17b)
1 Pie chart
Just calculate the proportion of each digit to the first 1500 decimal places:
Imagine each decimal as a small ball with a mass of
For example, if, the weight of ball 0 is 1, ball 9 is 1.2589, the initial velocity of the ball is 0, and it is attracted by other balls. Gravity follows the inverse square law, and if the balls are close enough, they will collide and their value will become
After adding, take the mod, add the velocity direction proportionally, and recalculate the weight.
The digits of π are shown as a forest. Each tree in the forest represents the digits of π up to the next 9. The first 10 trees are "grown" from the digit sets 314159, 2653589, 79, 3238462643383279, 50288419, 7169, 39, 9, 3751058209, and 749.
The first digit of a tree controls how many branches grow from the trunk of the tree. For example, the first tree's first digit is 3, so you see 3 branches growing from the trunk.
The next digit's branches grow from the end of a branch of the previous digit in left-to-right order. This process continues until all the tree's digits have been used up.
Each tree grows from a set of consecutive digits sampled from the digits of π up to the next 9. The first tree, shown here, grows from 314159. Each of the digits determine how many branches grow at each fork in the tree — the branches here are colored by their corresponding digit to illustrate this. Leaves encode the digits in a left-to-right order. The digit 9 spawns a flower on one of the branches of the previous digit. The branching exception is 0, which terminates the current branch — 0 branches grow!
The tree's digits themselves are drawn as circular leaves, color-coded by the digit.
The leaf exception is 9, which causes one of the branches of the previous digit to sprout a flower! The petals of the flower are colored by the digit before the 9 and the center is colored by the digit after the 9, which is on the next tree. This is how the forest propagates.
The colors of a flower are determined by the first digit of the next tree and the penultimate digit of the current tree. If the current tree only has one digit, then that digit is used. Leaves are placed at the tips of branches in a left-to-right order — you can "easily" read them off. Additionally, the leaves are distributed within the tree (without disturbing their left-to-right order) to spread them out as much as possible and avoid overlap. This order is deterministic.
The leaf placement exception are the branch set that sprouted the flower. These are not used to grow leaves — the flower needs space!
Let's still put the numbers in the form of circles, but the difference is that six numbers are grouped together, and the pure purple circle at the end is the six 9s that we are familiar with decimal places 762-767
This study explores the demographic patterns and disease outcomes during the cholera outbreak in London in 1849. Utilizing historical records and scholarly accounts, the research investigates the impact of the outbreak on the city' s population. While specific data for the 1849 cholera outbreak is limited, trends from similar 19th - century outbreaks suggest a high infection rate, potentially ranging from 30% to 50% of the population, owing to poor sanitation and overcrowded living conditions . Additionally, the birth rate in London during this period was estimated at 0.037 births per person per year . Although the exact reproduction number (R₀) for cholera in 1849 remains elusive, historical evidence implies a high R₀ due to the prevalent unsanitary conditions . This study sheds light on the challenges of estimating disease parameters from historical data, emphasizing the critical role of sanitation and public health measures in mitigating the impact of infectious diseases.
The cholera outbreak of 1849 was a significant event in the history of cholera, a deadly waterborne disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholera. Cholera had several major outbreaks during the 19th century, and the one in 1849 was particularly devastating.
During this outbreak, cholera spread rapidly across Europe, including countries like England, France, and Germany . The disease also affected North America, with outbreaks reported in cities like New York and Montreal. The exact number of casualties from the 1849 cholera outbreak is difficult to determine due to limited record - keeping at that time. However, it is estimated that tens of thousands of people died as a result of the disease during this outbreak.
Cholera is highly contagious and spreads through contaminated water and food . The lack of proper sanitation and hygiene practices in the 19th century contributed to the rapid spread of the disease. It wasn't until the late 19th and early 20th centuries that advancements in public health, sanitation, and clean drinking water significantly reduced the incidence and impact of cholera outbreaks in many parts of the world.
Infection Rate
Based on general patterns observed in 19th - century cholera outbreaks and the conditions of that time, it' s reasonable to assume that the infection rate was quite high. During major cholera outbreaks in densely populated and unsanitary areas, infection rates could be as high as 30 - 50% or even more.
This means that in a densely populated city like London, with an estimated population of around 2.3 million in 1849, tens of thousands of people could have been infected during the outbreak. It' s important to emphasize that this is a rough estimation based on historical patterns and not specific to the 1849 outbreak. The actual infection rate could have varied widely based on the local conditions, public health measures in place, and the effectiveness of efforts to contain the disease.
For precise and localized estimations, detailed historical records specific to the 1849 cholera outbreak in a particular city or region would be required, and such data might not be readily available due to the limitations of historical documentation from that time period
Mortality Rate
It' s challenging to provide an exact death rate for the 1849 cholera outbreak because of the limited and often unreliable historical records from that time period. However, it is widely acknowledged that the death rate was significant, with tens of thousands of people dying as a result of the disease during this outbreak.
Cholera has historically been known for its high mortality rate, particularly in areas with poor sanitation and limited access to clean water. During cholera outbreaks in the 19th century, mortality rates could be extremely high, sometimes reaching 50% or more in affected communities. This high mortality rate was due to the rapid onset of severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance caused by the cholera toxin, leading to death if not promptly treated.
Studies and historical accounts from various cholera outbreaks suggest that the R₀ for cholera can range from 1.5 to 2.5 or even higher in conditions where sanitation is inadequate and clean water is scarce. This means that one person with cholera could potentially infect 1.5 to 2.5 or more other people in such settings.
Unfortunately, there are no specific and reliable data available regarding the recovery rates from the 1849 cholera outbreak, as detailed and accurate record - keeping during that time period was limited. Cholera outbreaks in the 19th century were often devastating due to the lack of effective medical treatments and poor sanitation conditions. Recovery from cholera largely depended on the individual's ability to rehydrate, which was difficult given the rapid loss of fluids through severe diarrhea and vomiting .
In 1849, the estimated population of London was around 2.3 million people. London experienced significant population growth during the 19th century due to urbanization and industrialization. It’s important to note that historical population figures are often estimates, as comprehensive and accurate record-keeping methods were not as advanced as they are today.
% Assuming t and Y are obtained from the ode45 solver for the SIR model
% Extract the infected population data (second column of Y)
infected = Y(:,2);
% Plot the infected population over time
plot(t, infected, 'r');
title('Infected Population over Time');
grid on;
The code provides a visual representation of how the disease spreads and eventually diminishes within the population over the specified time interval . It can be used to understand the impact of different parameters (such as infection and recovery rates) on the progression of the outbreak .
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