
Adam Danz


Last seen: Today Aktiv seit 2014

Followers: 13   Following: 17


Software engineer at MathWorks with a Ph.D. in neurophysiology from the University of Rochester (NY). Specialized in visual and vestibular systems, multisensory integration, sensory-motor and control systems, steering, and navigation. Former member of the MathWorks Community Advisory Board. *My community contributions before 14-Feb-2022 were prior to my employment at MathWorks.



  • MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack Participant
  • MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 Participant
  • Editor's pick for Answers
  • Knowledgeable Level 5
  • Solver
  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4
  • Explorer
  • Most Accepted 2021
  • MATLAB Mini Hack Participant
  • Revival Level 4
  • 36 Month Streak
  • Master

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first time use Histogram, need help
In MATLAB, I recommend using the histogram function. histogram('Categories',Categories,'BinCounts',counts) x = reshape([0.29:0...

ein Tag vor | 1

Add title to one row of a subplot
Instead of using subplot, I recommend using tiledlayout which supports nested layouts and global titles. Follow these instructi...

2 Tage vor | 0

dock graphics window size
To set an existing figure's position back to the factory default, set(fig,'Position','factory') Note that set() must be used ...

4 Tage vor | 0

Why is my Mixed ANOVA including the intercept as an interaction term?
You can remove the interaction term by including "-1" in the model spec (doc). I also included terms for Congruency and Target i...

8 Tage vor | 1

Variables window doesn't work after undocking in R2023b
Hi Kim, please contact tech support and include your instructions above how to reproduce the problem.

8 Tage vor | 0

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exportgraphics causing strange messages in terminal only for Compiled version of App
This issue was fixed in R2024a. The problem occurred when setting append to true in exportgraphics.

10 Tage vor | 1

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Fix to frequent "Application not responding" for MATLAB on the Mac
Thank you for sharing your experience, @Daniel Dolan and others. I've consulted with MathWorks developers who work on this infr...

16 Tage vor | 0

Return cursor to commandline after plotting
I'm familiar with this issue. Please consider reporting your thoughts on the matter to Tech Support. The best way to do that is...

17 Tage vor | 0

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When will the transition from Java to Javascript be complete?
Thanks for your questions and curiosity about the JavaScript transition. I highly recommend that you try out the beta version of...

29 Tage vor | 4

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Vertical blank space in tiledlayout compact
> As you can see there is some vertical unnecessary space between the two horizontal stacks of plots. I would like to reduce it ...

etwa ein Monat vor | 1

How to get "Clean" edges on a surface plot?
Conversion from 3D scatter points to a surface is not straightforward. Here, I'm using Delaunay triangulation to create a mesh ...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

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How to get "Clean" edges on a surface plot?
Use convhull to enclose the polyton and trisurf to plot the results. Code from OP GS = [0,0 0.225,2.35 1.325,5.525 ...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Plotting two surface plots in the same figure using two different colormaps
Assign two surface objects two different colormaps using Truecolor arrays The recommended approach is to create an overlayed ax...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

changing font size in all the elements of figures
Starting in MATAB R2022a you can use the fontsize command. For example, to set the fontsize to 15 points for all* text in a fi...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

How to change the size of heatmap axis labels
How to independently change fontsize of tick labels and axis labels in heatmap Heatmap's FontSize property sets the font size f...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0


Creating a Flight Tracking Dashboard, Part 2: Developing an Aircraft Chart
Guest Writer: Ken Deeley Ken is an application engineer in Cambridge, UK, supporting MathWorks users with their technical...

etwa ein Monat vor


Invalid Parameter Name: EdgeColor
Thanks for sharing this. This is a bug that was fixed in MATLAB R2024a Update 5, released on 12 July 2024. hist3(X,[250 250],...

etwa 2 Monate vor | 3

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Animating Science: Creating Time-Sensitive Animations with MATLAB
Guest Writer: Gianluca Carnielli Gianluca is an application engineer at MathWorks based in Italy. While he supports MATLAB...

etwa 2 Monate vor


How do you set the Layout Option at construction for ui objects?
See David's answer in the thread below for a one-liner solution:

2 Monate vor | 0

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Change the background colour gradient.
The axes color property can only be set to one solid color. A workaround is to plot a patch with interpolated colors and to s...

2 Monate vor | 1

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loop plot add text to only one specific plot year
I recommend using xregion (requires R2023a or later) or xline (requires R2018b or later). With xline you can also include a tex...

3 Monate vor | 0

How to remove decimal points in the Workspace
See format to set output display format. format shortg or if you always want 2 decimal places, format bank See full list o...

3 Monate vor | 0

Simple turn on Lamp with switch in app designer
The problem is that the values the switch returns are On and Off with capital letters. Your string comparison is case sensitive...

3 Monate vor | 0

Passing output from a ButtonDownFcn callback function
Callback functions do not have outputs or a clear workspace where the outputs would live. Instead, within a callback function y...

3 Monate vor | 0

X-Axis Boxplot Shift
This demo plots the boxchart first and then plots the jittered scatter next to the boxes. This differs from the original request...

3 Monate vor | 0

Text inside the meshgrid
The problem: the initial image it not fully displayed in the figure Below is the section of code that creates the axes where th...

3 Monate vor | 1

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Axis exponent missing when using exportgraphics to export figure in pdf vector format (or image)
This issue has been fixed in MATLAB R2024a Update 4. Get R2024a Update 4 ================================================= Th...

3 Monate vor | 2

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How to save the figure generated by pcplayer
Get the figure handle from the player object produced by pcplayer. Use VideoWriter to create a VideoWriter object and use get...

3 Monate vor | 0

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How to report/flag a user or a ThingSpeak channel?
For the second link, you can report the users using the "report" flag at the top of their profile. The first users doesn't have...

3 Monate vor | 0

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Graphics fail when running live script after a long period of inactivity
Thanks for the information @Jorge. So that we can track this and investigate further, please contact tech support > Product Usa...

3 Monate vor | 0

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