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Matlab & Simulink crash at 2nd model run
After first run, execute "clear mex" or "clear functions" in MATLAB Command Window to see if it makes a difference.
9 Tage vor | 0
Avoid reuse of local variables in Embedded coder
That is probably not the correct option. You should try to disable the "Reuse local block outputs" option. https://www.mathwor...
11 Tage vor | 0
Switch multiport switch inputs based on time and order from user
There are many ways to do it. The easiest or most flexible way to do it is probably by using a MATLAB Function block. Use a Cloc...
12 Tage vor | 0
Attempting to turn off Dynamic Memory allocation but struggling to set variable size upper bound
Try allocating the variable in one shot, e.g. obj=struct('x',num2cell(rand(1,1000)))
19 Tage vor | 0
Can one Function call Trigger Multiple Subsystems?
Function-Call Split
25 Tage vor | 0
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运行s-function Output argument "sys" (and possibly others) not assigned a value in the execution with "ctrl>mdlOutputs" function.
Probably a typo at the last line of this code below. Should be 'sys', not 'sym'. Also need to add a line 'end' to finish this fu...
2 Monate vor | 0
my for loop stop after the first valid number has been found how do i fix this
Use "result_1", no need to create "answer_1" numbers=1:100; result_1=[]; for i =1:numel(numbers); num=numbers(i); i...
4 Monate vor | 0
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hi i started the matlab onramp course and im stuck on this further practice question i wld appreciate if anyone cld help me or even give an hint
density=10:10:100 index=[1 3 6] SelectedDensityValue=density(index)
4 Monate vor | 0
Questions regarding Unit Delay block initial condition and model recompilation
Use Simulink.Parameter Specify its storage class as "ImportFromFile" and specify a HeaderFile name. When the code is generated...
4 Monate vor | 0
Why am I getting a computed maximum size is not bounded error in a MATLAB Function block in Simulink R2021a even when using assert?
The Simulink diagnostic is probably not designed to read the assert() function. The proper way for this is to define those data...
4 Monate vor | 0
How do I use the unit per mille in Simulink parameters and ports?
It is "m" for "milli". "mille" means "a thousand", that is "k" for "kilo".
4 Monate vor | 0
switching of svpwm is not working . it is not showing staircase mode in scope
To convert radians to degree, the Gain should be 180/pi. You had it as pi/180. That seems to be the cause. The logic seems corr...
4 Monate vor | 0
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how to write a program combininb name and age?
No Switch statement is needed. This practice is to get the input and put it in the right format. help input help sprintf
4 Monate vor | 1
Is it possible to access the blocks inside the model under test from the test harness in custom criteria script of simulink test?
I think the testing harness model is using the Model block to reference the model under test, so you can't access the block dire...
4 Monate vor | 0
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Why do I receive "Error in port widths or dimensions"?
Simulink uses forward propagation and back propagation to determine the size of the signal. There is a conflict in this propagat...
4 Monate vor | 0
How to use global variable in MATLAB discrete-event system block (not MATLAB Function Blocks)?
Use Global Variables in System Objects
5 Monate vor | 0
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How to save a MATLAB Simulink based simulaton with scopes data intact for future viewing?
Simulation Manager
5 Monate vor | 0
How to save in Simulink output/results to different files
SDI datastore and tall array
5 Monate vor | 1
I have some calcualted variable in simulink which will create an array is there a block to work this out?
5 Monate vor | 0
How can I save the text in the model workspace variable description?
mw=get_param(bdroot,'ModelWorkspace'); a=mw.getVariable('Param'); >> s=get(a,'Description') s = 'abc'
5 Monate vor | 0
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get Simulink block libinfo in find_system
'ReferenceBlock' is a block property. 'Library' is not. You are probably looking for 'LinkStatus'. model='f14'; open_system(mo...
5 Monate vor | 0
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How to adjust font size in Matlab editor
Fonts, Custom, Editor
5 Monate vor | 0
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Output single Timetable from Simulink when some logged signals are not doubles
I did an example in R2022b. It didn't have problem logging and extracting different data types in a single table. Your problem m...
5 Monate vor | 0
How can i edit my code which works on r2014b version at work but not on my personal r2024a version?
No matching files named 'XXXXXX' were found. This is the error. It should give you a clue. Put a break point at line 239 where...
5 Monate vor | 0
Simulink Mask won't display parameter values
Variable 'label' is inside the function. It is not visible in the mask workspace. disp(label), not disp('label') Use the follo...
5 Monate vor | 0
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How to programmatically change the command window text size?
5 Monate vor | 0
GUIDE code from pre 2015 need to access the button press function and "programatically press the button" from a different m file
In the .m file created for your GUIDE application, there is a function called SaveSpectrumPlotButton_Callback() defined. Current...
5 Monate vor | 0
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I encountered error though the input data to INS block is exactly 3-column
The input needs to be N-by-3 real-valued matrix. You need to use the "Vector Concatenate" block, instead of the "Bus Creator" b...
5 Monate vor | 0
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Hi. Manual variant sink.
>> get_param(gcb,'sw') ans = '1' >> get_param(gcb,'sw') ans = '0' >> get_param(gcb, 'LabelModeActiveChoice') ans ...
5 Monate vor | 0
Is it posibble to import a simulink model into Unreal Engine simulation ?
5 Monate vor | 0