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Remove folders from search path


rmpath(folderName1,...,folderNameN) removes the specified folders from the search path. If you specify a set of multiple folders separated by path separators, then each of the specified folders is removed.


oldpath = rmpath(folderName1,...,folderNameN) returns the path prior to removing the specified folders.


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Remove /usr/local/matlab/mytools and /project/functions from the search path.


Input Arguments

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Folder names to remove from the search path, specified as one or more character vectors or string scalars. Use the full pathname for each folder.

Example: "c:\matlab\work"

Example: "/home/user/matlab","/home/user/matlab/test"

MATLAB® resolves all pathnames containing '.', '..', and symbolic links to their target location before removing them from the path. For example, if you specify c:\matlab\..\work, MATLAB removes the folder c:\work from the path.

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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