FPGA Floating-Point Libraries
You can map to a floating-point library to synthesize your floating-point design without converting from a floating-point to fixed-point design. Eliminating this conversion step reduces the loss of data precision and enables you to model a wider dynamic range.
If your model design uses Single
or Double
types, use FPGA floating-point target libraries to generate code for your Simulink® model. HDL Coder™ can map your design to the native floating-point library and a vendor-specific
FPGA point library, such as the Altera or Xilinx FPGA floating-point libraries. Using native floating point and vendor-specific
IP together more efficiently uses resources on the FPGA, such as hardened DSP floating point
adder or multiplier primitives, which allows you to fit a bigger design into the FPGA
fabric. This mixed design is advantageous for large and complex models.
hdlcoder.FloatingPointTargetConfig | Floating-point target configuration for floating-point library |
hdlcoder.FloatingPointTargetConfig.IPConfig | IP settings for selected floating-point configuration |
- Generate HDL Code for Vendor-Specific FPGA Floating-Point Target Libraries
How to set up and generate HDL code for Altera and Xilinx floating-point target libraries.
- Customize Floating-Point IP Configuration
Learn how to customize the latency or target frequency of the floating-point IP library.
- HDL Coder Support for FPGA Floating-Point Library Mapping
Blocks supported in Simulink for mapping to floating-point target libraries.