John D'Errico
A retired applied mathematician, consultant, sometime mechanical engineer, numerical analyst, woodworker, bridge player. Please DON'T contact me, as too many students then decide I am their personal consultant if I allow it. I won't do consulting by mail.
62 Dateien
Cody HighlightsRANG
of 297.105
15 Fragen
7.782 Antworten
4 of 20.417
62 Dateien
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1 Highlight
How to compute the characteristic equation given the eigenvalues?
You have not asked this question as if it is a homework assignment, so I'll give an answer. The characteristic equation GIVEN e...
etwa 2 Stunden vor | 0
How to download old version of toolbox?
You cannot. That is, you cannot use an old toolbox for a previous release in a newer release of MATLAB. So what can you do? You...
etwa 21 Stunden vor | 0
Bug with large HEX numbers
H = 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141'; numel(H) So 64 hex digits, which would yield an intege...
ein Tag vor | 1
How to get consistant results when testing code performance
A single time test will be susceptible to anything that attracts the attention of your CPU. And sadly, your CPU suffers from com...
2 Tage vor | 0
update guess in fsolve
Um, no, You cannot always find a way to "update" your initial guess for fsolve. One can even prove this to be true. You can cha...
3 Tage vor | 1
How to remove columns in very large matrices.
GET MORE RAM!!!!!!!!! RAM IS CHEAP!!!!!!!! Need I say it again? You have a quite large array. (1.75e6*2000*8)/1e9 That arra...
4 Tage vor | 1
using sparse matrix and vpa function simultaneously
I wanted a nice bright red Lambo for Christmas. Nope. Did not happen, nor was it ever going to happen. The same applies to you. ...
4 Tage vor | 0
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Matrix is singular to working precision
I don't even need to run your code, to see an obvious mistake. In fact, I knew what I expect to be a problem, even before I look...
7 Tage vor | 0
real and integer variables
No. We won't do what is surely your homework assignment. But why not TRY IT! First, plotting it is trivial. LEARN TO USE a tool...
14 Tage vor | 0
Why matlab is not as intelligent as python
Why? Why is anything the case? Because it is. Because they are two different languages, with different capabilities, and differe...
16 Tage vor | 3
Matlab sparse matrix does not come out as I would expect
S=sparse([1 3 2 1 4],[3 1 4 1 4],[1 2 3 4 5],4,4) full(S) It works just fine. What did you do wrong? LOOK CAREFULLY AT WHAT Y...
16 Tage vor | 1
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defining upper and lower limits of a matrix
Is there any way to set the min and/or maximum values of the elements in a matrix, and do so automatically? NO. Well, not withou...
22 Tage vor | 1
how to optimize block toeplitz matrix ?
The one thing you NEVER, EVER, EVER want to do is stuff the elements into a sparse array iteratively. NEVER DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
23 Tage vor | 0
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PC specs for heavy & complex simulations
No computer will ever be as fast as you want it to be. Even if you do get the fastest, most powerful computer you can possibly ...
24 Tage vor | 0
Which statistic is minimized in curve fitting app
The sum of squares of the residuals is mimimized. SSE effectively stands for Sum of Squares of Errors. What is the 2-norm? Just...
24 Tage vor | 1
I need to draw a shape in matlab help me
This is not a difficult problem. Not at all. But it is impossible for us to do it, based on having been given no information exc...
24 Tage vor | 0
Simmetrical Constraints in Multivariate Regression
Now please stop asking this question. I already suggested 3 ways you MIGHT solve it, the first time you asked. You could have ad...
25 Tage vor | 0
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Find limits satisfying a condition on an integral
You have posed a interesting problem, with a subtle flaw that possibly you don't understand. You asked to find an integral limi...
26 Tage vor | 0
Simmetry constraints in multivariate regression.
Sure. In fact, I can think of at least 3 ways to do so, almost trivially. Just estimate the upper (or lower half) of the matrix...
26 Tage vor | 1
how to find curve fiitng equation through custom equation
You can't. Yes, I want world peace. But do you think that just wanting it is sufficient? Nothing I do will change it either. The...
28 Tage vor | 0
Accidental deletion of project, how to contact file exchange admin
Why did you do that? Silly question, I know. ;-) Yes, it should be undoable. I'll contact the FEX admin and ask them to resolve...
28 Tage vor | 0
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Complex multiplication giving incorrect result
Yet another person who does not understand the realities of double precision arithmetic. Note that the imaginary part is roughl...
etwa ein Monat vor | 2
What is the best kind of MATLAB function to teach beginners?
I think I agree with @Stephen23, in that teaching symbolics first can cause issues. We see many new users who think everything s...
etwa ein Monat vor | 1
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Different results of the same caculation by loop code and by array code
As is almost always the case, when we see this complaint, it is because you do not understand how arithmetic works in terms of d...
etwa ein Monat vor | 0
Are you sure you have the student edition, and not the 30-day free trial? It would appear you have gotten the trial version, by ...
etwa ein Monat vor | 0
MINLP problem in MATLAB with both integer constraints and nonlinear equality constraints
NOPE. Were I writing that code, hoping to solve a problem with integer variables, and general nonlinear equality constraints, et...
etwa ein Monat vor | 1
How to stabilize the edge effects in a cubic B-spline?
You don't show any data, so there is little we can actually do in a constructive way. But you don't have a great deal of control...
etwa 2 Monate vor | 0
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What is the origin of "Weissinger Implicit ODE"
I usually laugh at the results of the AI tools available. Half the time they are blowing smoke, since they don't really understa...
etwa 2 Monate vor | 0
my code does not have an answer
The failure of both vpasolve and fsolve suggests it is lkely no solutions exist at all for your problem. But merely the failure ...
etwa 2 Monate vor | 0
Improved Euler's method compared to 4th order Runge - Kutta's method
Is it as good? COMPARE IT TO THE ANALYTICAL SOLUTION! We have gone through exactly this before. A big problem however, is you a...
etwa 2 Monate vor | 0
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