expr =
Hello Gustavo,
You can simplify the given expression into the desired form in MATLAB using symbolic computation. Here's how you can do it:
% Define the original expression
expr = (A*exp(x) - B*exp(-x)) / (C*exp(x) + D*exp(-x));
% Multiply numerator and denominator by exp(-x)
numerator = (A*exp(x) - B*exp(-x)) * exp(-x);
denominator = (C*exp(x) + D*exp(-x)) * exp(-x);
% Simplify the transformed numerator and denominator
numerator_simplified = simplify(numerator);
denominator_simplified = simplify(denominator);
% Form the new expression
expr_transformed = numerator_simplified / denominator_simplified;
% Display the transformed expression
The above code snippet multiply the numerator and the denominator by (e^{-x}) to transform the expression and then the "simplify" function is used to simplify both the numerator and the denominator after the multiplication.
To know more about "simplify" function, please refer to the documentation below:
Hope this helps.