ans =
X = rand(258,6);
y = rand(258,1);
mdl = fitlm(X, y, "quadratic")
There are 6 variables, here called x1...x6, corresponding to the 6 columns of your array. And 28 terms in the model. You can see them listed above, as represented by the linear regression model.
If you are not sure how to use the result of fitlm, here are the tools that can be applied:
And of course, you can perform a prediction at any point as:
If you do extract the coefficients themselves from the model, do NOT extract them only as 5 digit approximations. Do NOT just use the numbers you see under the extimate column. (That is perhaps the most common mistake we see made in MATLAB, thinking that because we see a number written as 0.12097, that is the actual number. WRONG. The actual number is a double precision number. Use it properly.) So we can extract the coefficients as the vector:
coeffs = mdl.Coefficients.Estimate;
format long g
coeffs(1) % the constant term...