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2D matrix resize or interpolation
Q1: B = imresize(A,[numrows numcols]) Q2: What type of images are you working with? Please share an example. You can attach ima...
etwa 4 Stunden vor | 0
Keeping the scale in subplots when one is changed
Because you use axis square for your 2nd plot, the aspect ratios of the data are different. This is why setting position does no...
2 Tage vor | 0
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Trying to create a drop down that will open a new uifigure, nothing happens when I click confirm?
The value of selectedOption is a number corresponding to the item selected (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc). You need to update your cases a...
3 Tage vor | 0
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Plotting range of files using hold on in for loop
I think you need to add a figure command to your code. Otherwise, plot will overwrite the current figure. startIndex = 1; endI...
4 Tage vor | 0
Como evaluar un curso hecho en la plataforma de Matlab?
It sounds like you want a way to determine if your learners have completed a self-paced online course from MathWorks. I can thin...
7 Tage vor | 0
Legend for multiple data series at once
In MATLAB, each column of data is treated as a series, and by default, each series gets its own legend item. You are plotting 5 ...
8 Tage vor | 1
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MathWorks Self-Paced Online Course License Error -5
How are you trying to open the course? I think you need to select 'Launch in Browser' from the course page instead of trying to ...
9 Tage vor | 0
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R&S waveform (.wv) files read and write!
Your file format is definitely different. Rather than being all binary, like the example I linked to, it captures the binary dat...
10 Tage vor | 0
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Error in Simscape battery Onramp
That portion of the model is all provided for you. I suspect something didn't load correctly. I was able to complete this task...
11 Tage vor | 0
How to rotate image 3D
I noticed you must be using R2024a instead of R2024b. Some of the functionality this code uses is no longer available in R2024b,...
15 Tage vor | 0
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Is it possible to plot a vector arrow using quiver( ), then, negate the vector so it points in the opposite direction, but then add arrowhead in original direction?
Perhaps you could share a working example? When I negate U and V, the arrows point the opposite direction. I also modified the ...
18 Tage vor | 1
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MATLAB Code Solution Assessment
There is no built-in way to check how learners created subMat. However, there are 2 aproaches you could take that would prevent ...
18 Tage vor | 3
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What is the heat flow sign convention for a Simscape Temperature Source?
First a caution. Do not assume direction based on block orientation. You would get the same results no matter the orientation of...
20 Tage vor | 0
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How can I make the following heatmap smoother while preserving the contours outlined by the green line?
You need to increase the resolution of your data to smooth the apperance. If I couldn't collect the data at higher resolution, I...
20 Tage vor | 0
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Matlab Fundamentals course:Creating and Calling Functions(4/5) Modify a Function: Not enough input arguments. Error in zerofunction>findcrossing (line 23) y = y - z;
As far as I can tell, you have not followed the instructions. The error suggests you have done part 2 correctly, but the image s...
21 Tage vor | 0
problem with the power system simulation onramp course
I was able to duplicate the issue. This is happening because the default value for one of the Wye-Connected Load block parameter...
22 Tage vor | 1
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Problem with Power Systems onramp course
You Synchronous Machine Salient Pole block does not look correct. You have 3 outputs on the right. You should only have 2. Speci...
22 Tage vor | 0
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Fit countours to shape
I made an attempt using the Image Segmenter app. I first thresholded the image, then eroded the mask to get a roughly square sha...
22 Tage vor | 0
Use CompEcon toolbox in Matlab online
In it's simplest form, a toolbox is just a grouping of functions added to the MATLAB path. I am not familiar with this toolbox s...
22 Tage vor | 1
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unable to save a figure in for loop
I think the issue is with how you are building figname. i =0; minlat=40.4+i*(1/60); maxlat=40.4+(i+1)*(1/60); latcent=(minl...
23 Tage vor | 2
anyone can help me to open this file . sin
This code will reproduce the results obtained in imageJ using the settings provided in the GATE documentation with one change - ...
24 Tage vor | 0
Plotting a Semi-Log Plot as a Function of Time
I'd do something like this. Let me know if you have any questions t = logspace(-2,2); % one way to implement a piecewise funct...
27 Tage vor | 0
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How run the code including wiener process function
You use a function - w(t) - that you do not define in your code. At least that is the error I get in this line: u_deterministic...
27 Tage vor | 1
Convert Classification Network into Regression Network
In R2024a, machine learning models were transitioned to dlnetwork. Rather than assign the output, they now output the prediction...
30 Tage vor | 1
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A-version versus B-version of MATLAB
From my perspective, I don't think there is any merit to this notion.New features are added in every releaes, and the internal p...
30 Tage vor | 2
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Set tick label of the color bar with dates in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
I'm not sure how you created the dates variable used to set the tick labels. It can be difficult to convert decimal years back i...
etwa ein Monat vor | 0
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Global variables are inefficient and. make errors difficult to diagnose
Why not pass the variables as inputs and outputs to your functions? I did this by putting all the code into one script, then use...
etwa ein Monat vor | 1
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Help with MATLAB ODE45 to solve Heat Transfer Model
The odefxn is returning a row vector instead of a column vector. However, looking at your code, it should be returning a scalar....
etwa ein Monat vor | 0
How to fix error in reading shape file vertices?
In the file you have shared, your shapefile has a single shape in it, and that shape does not contain an X property. unzip('PLA...
etwa ein Monat vor | 0
Importing CAD file into matlab (STEP file)- Aircraft structure
I was able to load your step file into OnShape. Your file has 3 independent geometries in it. That is why you are getting this e...
etwa ein Monat vor | 0