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Find items of a matrix using a per-column index
A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]; idx = [2, 2, 1]; linearIndices = sub2ind(size(A), idx, 1:length(idx)); result = A(linearIndices)
etwa ein Monat vor | 0
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hey so i need to repeat the code everytime to see and analyze the time responses for 20 different values of k. How can i do it at once and have the output for all the values?
There are many ways to go about this and your question is not very specific in what you want. What values do you want to keep? ...
10 Monate vor | 0
how to writefile string as a text-file with function
'\' is a formatting operator, so to get a backslash using fprintf/sprintf, you need to have a '\\'. Your first line contains mul...
10 Monate vor | 0
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smart function to switch functions
You could set up a function with a switch statement, something like: function odesolver(@fun,odesolverStr) switch odesolverStr...
10 Monate vor | 0
Use drawing made by user in UI Axes to be animated onto graph
I've attempted this with the MATLAB logo as the image which is 'creating' the sine wave (see attached, the PNG file has to be in...
11 Monate vor | 0
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Plotting between a point and a frame
Not excatly sure if I've understood your question, but here's my attempt at interpreting it: n = 50; t = linspace(0,2*pi,n); ...
12 Monate vor | 0
How do I Measure Distances in an Image and save them in an array?
I haven't been able to test this out but you should be able to change the output argument to include diffPos: function diffPos ...
12 Monate vor | 0
change mouse hover datatip information?
Since I don't have your GPSData data, here's a working example of how to do it using dataTipTextRow. See also Create Custom Data...
etwa ein Jahr vor | 0
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How do I display an image that a user uploads?
I'm glad it worked out for you! Just adding my comment as an answer so you can accept it 🙂 The code you are using should work...
etwa ein Jahr vor | 0
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Use regexp to find all letters in string except one
I copied your question (with no edits) into the MATLAB AI Chat Playground, and this was the response: Yes, it is possible to bu...
etwa ein Jahr vor | 0
Exportgraphics does only export black images from UIAxes
When I run this code (from the command window), it all works fine (Windows 10, MATLAB R2023b Update 6). See attached image for r...
etwa ein Jahr vor | 0
Error while using readPDFFormData to extract data from online pdf files
I was not able to get the URL to work directly either (not sure why since I'm pretty sure reading online images such as PNG/JPG ...
etwa ein Jahr vor | 0
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Create Loop to convert DICOM to Tiff
Do you mean something like: for i = 600:1400 I = dicomread(sprintf('1255-%i.dcm',i)); imwrite(I, sprintf('1255-%i.tif...
etwa ein Jahr vor | 0
Comparison Using a Tolerance
Test cases isequal_tol(1,5,1e-3) % false isequal_tol(1,1,1e-3) % true isequal_tol(pi,3.141593,1e-3) % true isequal_tol funct...
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0
Highlight multiple segments in plot and save indices
Is this what you're after? You can select multiple segments by simply holding the Shift key, from the documentation:
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 2
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Extracting Specific Rows From xlsx or txt File
I think you edited your question from what you had initially quite a bit (you should have just made a new question). Since I spe...
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0
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code for this type of GROUP bar graph?
This isn't exactly the same as your plot, but I hope it helps. If you want a patterned fill on your bars, you can check out Hatc...
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 1
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How to fully display y-axis labels if they do not fit inside of the figure window when specifying a figure size and using subsubplot?
This is happening due to this line, which makes the figure window smaller than the default axis size: figure('units','inches','...
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 1
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How to remove border from figure
The way I go about this is first saving the figure as a PDF (so that it is vectorised): f = figure(1); % OR f = gcf exportgrap...
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 1
Why do I receive License Manager Error -8?
Have you looked this up online? MathWorks has already answered this exact (word-for-word!) question: Why do I receive License Ma...
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0
Adding labels to plots with LaTeX syntax
Take a look at the text function with the latex interpreter. Here's a working example: plot(0:.1:pi,sin(0:.1:pi)) text(pi/2,.9...
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 1
Mandelbrot Set with CUDA
I am attempting to work through the three methods to compute the Mandelbrot Set outlined on this page. I am stuck on the third m...
mehr als ein Jahr vor | 1 Antwort | 0
AntwortApplying a mask to 3D Data
nbins = 20; mask = mask==1; selected_voxels = fw(mask); % ? counts = histcounts(selected_voxels, nbins); range = linspace(0,...
fast 2 Jahre vor | 0
How can I fit a scatter plot?
If you want to fit a line to the data as a whole, I think this should work: t = 1:7; Lac = randi(10,[7,24]); scatter(t,Lac) ...
fast 2 Jahre vor | 0
Saving results of a for loop in a cell array
It is hard to run your code without your data, but a potential source of error may be when you use 'for iAnimal = 1:size(DataFra...
fast 2 Jahre vor | 1
low quality figure problem when saving as svg or pdf ( using fill function)
This issue occurs when the figure is quite complex, like your second one. One solution is to force a vectorised export by going ...
fast 2 Jahre vor | 5
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Convert Pictures into Array
You can use imread to import the images to MATLAB and then use save to save them as a .mat file
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0
solve equation for a variable
This works for me (you were also missing an * in your equation): v = 2.42; si_f235 = 577E-24; N_235 = 780.63E18; phi = 3E13;...
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 2
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Why this piece of code gives error?
Your multiplications in Line 19 give a 2 by 13 matrix in the numerator and a 2 by 2 matrix in the demoninator. To perform matri...
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0
It disconnects when I press on "Get Matlab"
Maybe try logging in on a private/incognito window, and go straight to this link:
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1