Rob Comer
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Rob Comer is the Mapping Toolbox(TM) development lead at The MathWorks, Inc.
Professional Interests: software engineering, geodesy and geophysics, photogrammetry and image processing, geographic information systems
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Calculate distance between two coordinates with depth
As Dr. Kearney suggested, the Mapping Toolbox can help. If you have it, try using ecefOffset. It computes the 3-D offset vector ...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
Need to Understand Treatment of Elevation in los2
LOS2 interpolates values along a profile between the specified points, then calculates visibility using that profile. So no, it ...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
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Multiple geoplot lines with one call
You can use plot() to plot matrices in a geographic axes Any easy workaround is to (a) create a GeographicAxes object and (b) a...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1
Axes control for geoscatter, set the lat and lon limits and remove unwanted, repeated map geography
In your call to geolimits, you specifed latitude limits that extend all the way to the North Pole: geolimits([-70 90], [-179 17...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
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MATLAB: save geospatial polygons in a *.kml file
See the example Write Polygon Data to KML File on the kmlwrite reference page.
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
load coast command not executing in 2018a, pls. suggest an alternative
Beginning in R2020b, coast.mat is no longer available in Mapping Toolbox. Please use its replacement, coastlines.mat, instead. T...
etwa 3 Jahre vor | 1
display of natural earth shapefile as polygon
Hi Hanna, Try clipping the ocean polygon like this before calling geoshow: [oceanLat,oceanLon] = maptriml(oceanLat,oceanLon,[-...
mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1
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polybool error because of invalid polygon
Errors like these can easily arise from small defects in the topology of the input polygons. The MATLAB polyshape class (with me...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
Lambert vs. Lambert Standard
Typically, one would use lambertstd, especially if unprojecting an external dataset from x-y (easting-northing) to latitude-long...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
Spatially thin out trajectory of 3D points
You'll have to write your own function, but the ecefOffset function in Mapping Toolbox can help. Try something like this (assumi...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
Use custom basemap for geobubble function
With Mapping Toolbox and MATLAB R2018b or later, you can use the addCustomBasemap function with geobubble (and geoaxes).
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
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MATLAB: save geospatial polygons in a *.kml file
With Mapping Toolbox and MATLAB R2016a or later, you can use the kmlwritepolygon function.
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
Earth Observing System Data Visualization
Read Earth Observing System (EOS) data products in HDF format and visualize them in MATLAB(R).
etwa 8 Jahre vor | 4 Downloads |
Add a color scale bar using part of the figure's colormap.
etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1 Download |
is it possible to import GPS data in DDD format and create a map with the points plotted?
You could start with the readtable function.
mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0
Modify Labels on Contour Plots
R2014b and R2015a users can apply one of the workarounds available here: <
etwa 9 Jahre vor | 2
Using pcolorm with irregular model grids
Hi Andrew, With an irregular grid, for which a full latitude-longitude geolocation mesh is needed, I think it's always approp...
etwa 9 Jahre vor | 0
How does the contour plot with R2014b work?
You can avoid the problem with the clabel function, which is present in both R2014b and R2015a, by using one of the workarounds ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Exported figure size is huge and specified font of the label is ignored in 2014b
Regarding part 1 of this question, you can control the contour label FontName and other label text properties in R2014b or R2015...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
How to alter contour label properties?
If you download and install one of the workarounds available here for R2014b or R2015a: <
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
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Fontsize in clabel with rotated labels 2014b
If you download and install one of the workarounds available here for R2014b or R2015a: <
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
How do you format rotated text from clabel in MATLAB 2014b?
You can avoid this problem, which is present in both R2014b and R2015a, using one of the workarounds available here: <http://www...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Problems with wrapTo180, creates lines on map
Instead of wrapping your longitudes, try using the maptriml function with latlim = [-90 90] and lonlim = [-180 180]. Because the...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
How to find the border points for a set of latitude and longitude coordinates
With such a small data extent, you can probably ignore the wrapping of longitude around the earth when computing latitude and lo...
fast 10 Jahre vor | 0
How to plot a shapefile on top of digital elevation model using mapshow (or other)
If you only wish to view your map in 2-D, you can plot the terrain raster in the z == 0 plane, like this: mapshow(zeros(siz...
fast 10 Jahre vor | 1
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Problem reading ESRI Grid format
There are two different ESRI (Arc) Grid formats: the proprietary binary format, which is what you have, and the publicly documen...
etwa 10 Jahre vor | 0
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How to use additional files like e.g. gshhs_h.b, WORLDDATAMAP, etc.?
You should first check that the mapdata folder is on your MATLAB path. You could then try: which You may need ...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
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FaceAlpha of surf plot takes the first row and column twice
This variation does what I think you're hoping for: [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:5,1:5); Z = ones(5,5); C = ones(4,4); A = z...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
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Filling a polygon using an index and colormap
The key to making many thematic maps is to use the *makesymbolspec* function in combination with *geoshow* or *mapshow* . In thi...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 3
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