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Split column in table
This isn't the cleanest, but it works. I'm assuming that you always have some combination of 2 letters and then any amount of nu...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
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Change File Permission of File Created on a Unix System
Hello all, A file I am generating in MATLAB in Unix is being created with write permission to all users, but when I try to view...
fast 4 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0
Antworthow save plot in specific folder ?
In older versions of MATLAB: filename = fullfile('D:\Your\Folder', 'File.jpg'); saveas(MyFigure,filename);
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 3
Finding difference between all consecutive values within an cell array
I did not download your .mat, but you can just take the diff of that cell array MyCell{1,5} = [629, 657, 969, 1197]; CellDiff ...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 0
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Using MODBUS prior to R2017
Hello alll, I have been successful in using the MODBUS function to communicate with a device via tcp/ip, but I now have to impl...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 0 Antworten | 0
AntwortenUndefined function or variable . which is defined in another workspace.
You pass in a value that the function sees as x, but you are trying to use t. You need to pass your b(t) value AND your t value ...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 0
Rearrange Data in text file
So you want to sort on "DataReg", then you can read the file in, search the lines for "DataReg", and then run your regexp on tho...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 0
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How do I call another .m file to run some calculations
In app designer somewhere when you want to call your function, make sure you have your data ready, and the function is on your p...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 1
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Summing Datenum resets after 24 hours
Hello all, I am trying to sum datenum values, and return them to hours:mins:secs format when all complete. When the amount of t...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 3 Antworten | 0
AntwortenAxis: no labels but grid on
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1
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Skip specific line from a text file
One approach using fgetl. Another would be to read the entire file in, and just search and throw out that line. fname = '409.tx...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
Reading single value from text file
One approach, which only works if these files dont change would be to read in and point to directly where the value is. fname =...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1
matrix creation from a loop
The two other answers are a more correct way of doing it. There is no need to create this many variables in your workspace. Howe...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
rename part of a file names in folder
Use regexprep FileName = 'd10-raw-LT-4000_xyz123.txt'; FileName = regexprep(FileName,'raw-LT-',''); % Output FileName = ...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1
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Jet Colormap with black and white at the ends
You could just create a colormap, and then add a single row for black and a row for white at the beginning and the end respectiv...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
how to store vectors into matrix
A = [1 2 3 4]; B = [5 6 7 8]; C = [A;B] In a loop: Sum_Matrix = []; % pre-allocate if you know how many total elements in ar...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
GUI, make a handle disappear
As suggested above, make all of the items you would like to "disappear" (turn visibility off) by lumping them together in a sing...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1
Mask Password with asterisk in edit field used in app designer
I have created a sample app that just has one EditField (text) setup a public property, called PasswordVal add the UIFigureWin...
fast 5 Jahre vor | 0
how to read a table from a CSV file with multiple header
fname = 'MyCSV.csv'; headerlines = 2; CSV_Data = dlmread(fname,',',headerlines,0); % filename, delimiter, row offset, column...
fast 5 Jahre vor | 0
how to create histogram for each value of a matrix
M=[1,1,2,3; 0,4,2,2; 1,1,1,1]; N = M(:); % make into vector [SortedMat,I] = sort(N); % so...
fast 5 Jahre vor | 0
Create a 1 x m Structure instead of a 1x1 Structure
Hello, Im tring to create a 1 x m structure instead of a 1x1. When doing the following, it creates a 1x1 struct MySturcture.Fi...
fast 5 Jahre vor | 3 Antworten | 0
Combine 2 Cell Matrices into One
Hello, Im trying to combine data from two matrices into one. An example: A = {'A','B','C';'A','B','C'}; B = {'1','1','1';'2',...
fast 5 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0
How can you store values in App Designer like you can in GUIDE?
Hello, Im trying to store some variables in App Designer like I can in GUIDE using handles. In GUIDE for example, I could do:...
fast 5 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0
Antworthave two columns that are the same size but one of them has NAN on the first and last row, how would i delete those rows for both columns
a = 1:10; b = 1:10; b(1) = NaN; b(end) = NaN; NaN_Vals = find(isnan(b)); a(NaN_Vals) = []; b(NaN_Vals) = [];
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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How to save multiple figures with subplots as a single .fig file in an for loop
Try this. Pay special attention to the last line. % within the for loop figs(1,1)=figure; subplot(2,2,1) cdfplot(baseavgpric...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Deleting rows of a table using for loops if consecutive terms in the first column are the same
Please - next time use the code format. It makes this easier to look at. You're deleting an active part of the table, and changi...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 1
How do I define and use a standard range written by variable
N = 1; RangedValues = [690*N:1200*9]; % set your range, assuming your values are always 690 and 1200 * N Num2Check = 1459; % ...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Move Files from different folder into one.
actually, I like this one better --> rdir MainDirectory = 'C:\Users\80CDGZ1\Documents\Data_EXCOG\EC01\Run1' EndDirectory = 'C:...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Disallow running an App in an older version of ML?
if verLessThan('matlab','9.4') % 2018a = 9.4 disp('Version of Matlab is too old. Please open in MATLAB 2018a or later.') e...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Changing variable name from input string
Chiming in for a 3rd opinion. I have used this in the past succesfully. Depth = [1:100]; prompt = 'What would you like to rena...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0