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Mask Password with asterisk in edit field used in app designer

82 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Sampath Rachumallu
Sampath Rachumallu am 12 Mai 2020
Beantwortet: NIHAD am 6 Apr. 2024
Hello all, I have created a basic gui in app designer for user login.It has username selection as dropdown and password as edit field.
I want to mask the password with asterisk '*' while the user is typing the password with the edit field in focus. There are lot of resources on how to achieve this functionality in GUIDE but none in app designer.
Since edit field in app designer doesn't have 'keypress' Callback and also has no property 'String' (which are there in GUIDE) .I am finding it difficult how to replicate the same functionality in app designer.
I am using R2019a.Kindly help.
  6 Kommentare
Bavitha  Battipati
Bavitha Battipati am 22 Apr. 2021
Bearbeitet: Bavitha Battipati am 22 Apr. 2021
I'm facing the same issue. the password is not replaced by asterks. I'm using R2020b. Could you please help?

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Antworten (5)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski am 2 Jun. 2020
Bearbeitet: Sean de Wolski am 23 Apr. 2021
I would recommend using uihtml and the html password edit box.
Attached is a functional example (can be better formatted and whatnot)
  1 Kommentar
Sampath Rachumallu
Sampath Rachumallu am 2 Jun. 2020
Wow this is cool. But uihtml is supported from R2019b i guess. I am currently using R2019a :(. So it won't be useful for me.But thanks for the information though!

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Ruger28 am 2 Jun. 2020
Bearbeitet: Ruger28 am 2 Jun. 2020
I have created a sample app that just has one EditField (text)
  1. setup a public property, called PasswordVal
  2. add the UIFigureWindowKeyPress callback
  3. that function should follow below
  4. your password will be stored in PasswordVal, and can be used later anywhere in your app.
function UIFigureWindowKeyPress(app, event)
key = event.Key;
% Define letters, numbers, and special chars for your password. This is to
% stop the function from working when anything other than the defined chars
% above are entered.
letters = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K',...
Nums = {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'};
SpecChars = {'!','@','#','$','%','^','&'};
% check to see if keypress is valid
if any(contains(letters,key,'IgnoreCase',true)) || any(contains(Nums,key,'IgnoreCase',true)) || any(contains(SpecChars,key,'IgnoreCase',true))
% key is valid, append to current password
app.PasswordVal = [app.PasswordVal,key];
% convert chars into *
app.EditField.Value = repmat('*',[1 length(app.PasswordVal)]);
else % invalid key, replce keypress with length of true password
app.EditField.Value = repmat('*',[1 length(app.PasswordVal)]);
Hope this helps.
  1 Kommentar
Sampath Rachumallu
Sampath Rachumallu am 2 Jun. 2020
Bearbeitet: Sampath Rachumallu am 26 Jun. 2020
Well this method will fail when the edit field is in focus. The UIFigureWindowKeyPress won't get executed when the edit field is in focus.

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Matt Stead
Matt Stead am 23 Nov. 2021
Bearbeitet: Matt Stead am 26 Nov. 2021
function password_entry(src, evt)
% password stored in src.UserData.password
% src == 'edit' textbox whose 'KeyPressFcn' == @password_entry
% src 'Callback' is disabled during entry, and called when enter/return hit
% there may be a better way to do this, but it works nicely
if (isempty(src.UserData)) % store password & callback in UserData
set(src, 'Interruptible', 'off'); % do not allow other key presses until this is done
src.UserData = struct("password", '', "callback", src.Callback);
src.Callback = [];
c = get(gcf, 'CurrentCharacter'); % char(evt.Key) will not get shifted characters
if (isempty(c)) % modifier key
len = length(src.UserData.password);
if (c < 33 || c > 126) % non-printable characters
switch (c)
case {8, 127} % backspace, delete
len = len - 1;
src.UserData.password = src.UserData.password(1:len);
ast_str = repmat('*', [1 len]);
src.String = ast_str; % first time display
drawnow; % 'edit' builtin display replaces previous string
src.String = ast_str; % second display
case {9, 10, 13, 27} % tab, newline, carriage return, escape
src.Callback = src.UserData.callback; % src callback will be called on return
set(src, 'Interruptible', 'on'); % reset default - not sure if this is necessary
src.UserData.password(len + 1) = c;
ast_str = [repmat('*', [1 len]) c];
src.String = ast_str; % first time display (asterisks with last character)
drawnow; % 'edit' builtin display replaces previous string
src.String = ast_str; % second display
pause(0.2); % show asterisks with last character for a brief time
ast_str(end) = '*'; % replace with all asterisks
src.String = ast_str;
  6 Kommentare
Matt Stead
Matt Stead am 20 Apr. 2022
Hi Jignesh,
Here's a complete program that works on my machine.
Call as: pw = test_pw_box();
Hope this helps. You'll have to figure out how to use it with App Designer yourself though.
function [password] = test_pw_box()
DEFAULT_PASSWORD = 'test_password';
% Figure
fig = figure('Units','pixels', ...
'Position', [200 100 350 160], ...
'HandleVisibility','on', ...
'IntegerHandle','off', ...
'Renderer','painters', ...
'Toolbar','none', ...
'Menubar','none', ...
'NumberTitle','off', ...
'Name','Test Password Box', ...
'Resize', 'on', ...
'CloseRequestFcn', @figureCloseCallback);
% Axes
ax = axes('parent', fig, ...
'Units', 'pixels', ...
'Position', [10 10 330 140], ...
'Xlim', [1 330], 'Ylim', [1 140], ...
'Visible', 'off');
% Password Label
passwordLabel = text('Position', [100 100], ...
'String', 'Password:', ...
'Color', 'k', ...
'FontSize', SYS_FONT_SIZE, ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
'FontWeight', 'bold', ...
'FontName', 'FixedWidth');
% Password Textbox
passwordTextbox = uicontrol(fig, ...
'Style', 'edit', ...
'Position', [120 100 150 30], ...s
'BackgroundColor', 'white', ...
'FontSize', SYS_FONT_SIZE, ...
'FontName', 'FixedWidth', ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
'KeyPressFcn', @password_entry, ...
'Callback', @passwordTextboxCallback);
% Finished Pushbutton
finishedPushbutton = uicontrol(fig, ...
'Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'String', 'Finished', ...
'Position', [120 50 100 30], ...
'FontSize', SYS_FONT_SIZE, ...
'FontName', 'FixedWidth', ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
'Callback', @finishedPushbuttonCallback);
% Set focus to textbox
% Password Textbox Callback
function passwordTextboxCallback(~, ~)
if (length(passwordTextbox.String) > MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH)
errordlg('Password is too long', 'Error');
passwordTextbox.String = '';
passwordTextbox.UserData.password = '';
end % passwordTextboxCallback()
% Finished Pushbutton Callback
function finishedPushbuttonCallback(~, ~)
end % finishedPushbuttonCallback()
% Figure Close Callback
function figureCloseCallback(~, ~)
password = passwordTextbox.UserData.password;
end % figureCloseCallback()
function password_entry(src, ~)
% password stored in src.UserData.password
% src == 'edit' textbox whose 'KeyPressFcn' == @password_entry
% src 'Callback' is disabled during entry, and called when enter/return hit
% there may be a better way to do this, but it works nicely
if (isempty(src.UserData)) % store password & callback in UserData
set(src, 'Interruptible', 'off'); % do not allow other key presses until this is done
src.UserData = struct("password", '', "callback", src.Callback);
src.Callback = [];
c = get(gcf, 'CurrentCharacter'); % char(evt.Key) will not get shifted characters
if (isempty(c)) % modifier key
len = length(src.UserData.password);
if (c < 33 || c > 126) % non-printable characters
switch (c)
case {8, 127} % backspace, delete
len = len - 1;
src.UserData.password = src.UserData.password(1:len);
ast_str = repmat('*', [1 len]);
src.String = ast_str; % first time display
drawnow; % 'edit' builtin display replaces previous string
src.String = ast_str; % second display
case {9, 10, 13, 27} % tab, newline, carriage return, escape
src.Callback = src.UserData.callback; % src callback will be called on return
set(src, 'Interruptible', 'on'); % reset default - not sure if this is necessary
src.UserData.password(len + 1) = c;
ast_str = [repmat('*', [1 len]) c];
src.String = ast_str; % first time display (asterisks with last character)
drawnow; % 'edit' builtin display replaces previous string
src.String = ast_str; % second display
pause(0.3); % show asterisks with last character for a brief time
ast_str(end) = '*'; % replace with all asterisks
src.String = ast_str;

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Raph am 20 Jan. 2023
Matt Stead has a really good answer. For App designer, I had to do some modifications.
% add to your edit field the Value changing function
app.PasswordEditField.ValueChangingFcn= @app.password_entry;
% add a function in your appdesigner file.
function password_entry(app,src, evt)
% password stored in src.UserData.password
% src == 'edit' textbox whose 'KeyPressFcn' == @password_entry
% src 'Callback' is disabled during entry, and called when enter/return hit
% there may be a better way to do this, but it works nicely
if (isempty(src.UserData)) % store password & callback in UserData
set(src, 'Interruptible', 'off'); % do not allow other key presses until this is done
src.UserData = struct("password", '', "callback", src.ValueChangedFcn);
src.ValueChangedFcn = [];
c = get(app.UIFigure, 'CurrentCharacter'); % char(evt.Key) will not get shifted characters
if (isempty(c)) % modifier key
len = length(src.UserData.password);
if (c < 33 || c > 126) % non-printable characters
switch (c)
case {8, 127} % backspace, delete
len = len - 1;
src.UserData.password = src.UserData.password(1:len);
ast_str = repmat('*', [1 len]);
src.Value= ast_str; % first time display
drawnow; % 'edit' builtin display replaces previous string
src.Value= ast_str; % second display
case {9, 10, 13, 27} % tab, newline, carriage return, escape
src.ValueChangedFcn = src.UserData.callback; % src callback will be called on return
set(src, 'Interruptible', 'on'); % reset default - not sure if this is necessary
src.UserData.password(len + 1) = c;
ast_str = [repmat('*', [1 len]) c];
src.Value = ast_str; % first time display (asterisks with last character)
drawnow; % 'edit' builtin display replaces previous string
src.Value = ast_str; % second display
pause(0.2); % show asterisks with last character for a brief time
ast_str(end) = '*'; % replace with all asterisks
src.Value = ast_str;

NIHAD am 6 Apr. 2024
Hello, I would recommend to use "Editfield changing value function" Here is a functional sample code for app designer.


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