33.410 Ergebnisse



von Harry Lee

Add multiple y-axes to plots. zoomable with zoom modification.

Adds multiple axes to plots using addaxis.m. Automatically adjusts axes to accomodate as many axes as you want.Add more plots to any added axes with addaxisplot.mAdd y-labels to any of the axes with

Plotting function that allows for N y-axes using a common x axis

This function allows for results to be plotted on N separate y-axes. These y-axes share a common x axis, but do not need to share exactly the same x/y data or size. The function supports all



von Laura Proctor

MULTIPLOTYYY allows the user to plot multiple lines on three sets of y-axes.

MULTIPLOTYYY plots using three sets of y-axes values. Additionally, multiple lines can be plotted against each y-axis. Therefore, the inputs to the function must be grouped into cell arrays.Here is

Publish your MATLAB figures to the web with one line of code.

graphs with a single line of code:```[X, Y, Z] = peaks;contour(X,Y,Z,20)fig2plotly()```This code generates this graph in your browser: https://plot.ly/~demos/1574For more, see the official documentation at


Version 1.2

von Soc

Plotting data on multiple y-axes in the same figure for MATLAB.

addy_axisA new take on plotting data across multiple y-axes in MATLAB. Creates a pair of visible/invisible axes: the invisible one is used to overlay data with the existing main axes, while the


Version 1.5.1

von vik

Create axes object with multiple y-axis in Figure or App Designer

Object orientated approach for creating plots with three or more y axis. myaxisc, short for "Multiple Y Axis Class", is a class holding all the axes objects needed to display multiple Y axis. Second

Axis XX


von Luke Plausin

Add multiple X or Y axes to plots, rescale data, use any function, add data tips, zoom, flexible.

This package will allow you to plot data on multiple X or Y axis. Similar to MATLAB's own plotyy function, but less limiting. Features: Create any combination of X or Y axes, plot multiple lines on



von Friedhelm Steinhilber

Myplotyy plots different data sets with a common x-axis but using individual y-axes in one figure.

Myplotyy plots different data sets with a common x-axis but using individual y-axes in one figure. The properties of every curve (y-axis) can be individually adjusted, such as linear or logarithmic

ScrollPlot adds a scroll sub-window to any supplied plot handles

) modifies the corresponding scroll patch(es) accordingly.Both X & Y scrolling are possible.Custom properties provide access to the scroll axes, central patch and side-bars, for user customizations (e.g

enhanced zooming, ticks, and interactive exploration of yyaxis charts

This submission contains the following tools to facilitate the interaction with yyaxis charts:yyzoom – allow zooming and panning both y-axes of a yyaxis plot simultaneouslyyytick – align ticks on



von Denis Gilbert

PLOTYYY - Extends plotyy to include a third y-axis

PLOTYYY builds upon plotyy to include a third y-axis. It also provides an easy way of labelling all three y-axes at once.



von Bruno Luong

multiple colon-intervals

Return a concatenation of multiple colon-intervals.User provides left, step, and right bound.>> mcolon([0 10],[1 2],[2 14])ans = 0 1 2 10 12 14

Plots data on separate y-axes



von Peter (PB) Bodin

PLOTY4 support for a third and fourth y-axis.

PLOTY4 is based on plotyyy by Denis Gilbert and allows a fourth y-axis. Labelling of all four y-axes is possible.

plot data with error bars along both x and y axes

Sjöberg(http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5444-xyerrorbar)errorbarxy(x, y, lerrx, uerrx, lerry, uerry) plots the data with errorbars on bothx and y axes with error bars [x-lerrx, x+uerrx] and [y-lerry, y+uerry]. If there isno error on one axis, set corresponding lower

This function adds a second y-axis to a x-y plot using a relationship between the two y-axes.

This function allows to use two different y-axes with the same data in one plot. Note, that only one curve but in two different units is shown. This is the difference to plotyy which plots two

Multiplying matrices, vectors, or scalars contained in two N-D arrays, with array expansion enabled.

with multidimensional arrays.MULTIPROD performs multiple multiplications between matrices, vectors, or scalars contained in two multidimensional arrays, with automatic virtual array expansion (AX

Detect and track multiple faces from live video.

This is a simple system for detecting and tracking multiple faces from live video. It uses the Computer Vision System Toolbox and the Webcam Support Package. The system detects faces using the

Solve multiple systems of linear equations of the same size

Intersectm, ismemberm, setdiffm, setxorm, unionm with multiple inputs. Ex: intersectm(a,b,c,…).

Have you ever tried to find the common elements/rows to more than two sets without using a loop?Now you can with multiple-input set functions: Intersectm, ismemberm, setdiffm, setxorm, unionm.Brief

This package provides parallel processing on multiple cores/machines.

This package provides parallel processing on multiple cores on a single machine or on multiple machines that have access to a common directory.If you have multiple function calls that are independent

A generalization of INTERSECT to handle multiple inputs.

This toolbox defines a new mp class allowing multiple precision objects in MATLAB.

Function for plotting multiple histograms side-by-side in 2D - better than boxplot.

(http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37105).DistributionPlot allows visualizing multiple distributions side by side. It is useful for skewed unimodal data and indispensable for multimodal data. DistributionPlot is especially useful for showing the time

Program to create a figure with multiple tabs and demo their use.

This function creates a figure with multiple Tabs. The number of tabs can be changed and they are distributed evenly across the top of the figure. Content is provided for the first 5 tabs to demo

Fit a specified number of Gaussians to a test signal.

Searches a directory for multiple file specs with optional recursivity

. This value is locale-dependent. EXAMPLES: Example 1: Recursive directory listing of the current directory d = dir2(pwd,'-r') {d.name}' Example 2: Using multiple

Compute the intersection of a reference line (or line segment) with a polyshape boundary or with a batch of other line segments.

Create multiple colormaps and colorbars in (seemingly) the same set of axes.

This function creates a new set of invisible axes matching the size and extents of the current axes. This allows additional colormaps to be used in such a way that they are perceived as multiple

Compute in one shot the eigen-values of multiples (3 x 3) matrices using Cardan's formula

Grouped boxplots matlb ploting function

, 200; 51,153,255, 200; 0, 0, 255, 200];col=col/255;multiple_boxplot(data',xlab,{'A', 'B', 'C'},col')title('Here it is!')

Multiple XY Graph for Simulink®

This is an XY-Graph block that is based on the Level-2 MATLAB S-Function API to plot multiple trajectories. The zip file contains the associated S-function and an example model.

Smooths contour lines by fitting them with a 2-D spline.

CONTOURSPLINE(X,Y,Z,N) creates a contour plot having N contour levels from the matrix Z, treating the values in Z as heights above the X-Y plane. X and Y are either vectors defining the X- and Y-axes

Wrapper for NLINFIT which allows simultaneous fitting for multiple data sets with shared parameters.

This function allows you to simultaneously fit multiple data sets (for example noisy measurements) with multiple models, which share some (or all) of the fitting parameters.Unlike difference

labelxy -- labels the X and Y axes "X" and "Y"

labelxy -- labels the X and Y axes "X" and "Y".This is a quick shortcut that is useful for generic plots.

labelxyz -- labels the (X,Y,Z) axes "X", "Y", and "Z".

labelxyz -- labels the (X,Y,Z) axes "X", "Y", and "Z".This is a quick shortcut that is useful for generic plots and also useful for seeing which direction is which in a 3D plot.

It will determine maximum allowed width of XTickLabels and convert them into multiple line format

FIX_XTICKLABELS will determine maximum allowed width of long XTickLabels and convert them into multiple line format to fit maximum allowed width IN: handle [optional] - axes handle

Superimpose multiple semitransparent images with individual colormaps on the current axis.

Remaps CData for multiple images, plotted in the current axis, to their respective individual colormaps. Multiple examples provided. The examples also demonstrate how semitransparent effects can be

Multiple RRT implementation for mobile robot path planning or C-space manipulator motion planning

% See Usage section in RrtPlanner.m file. This is a basic example of usage:treesMax = 28; %How many multiple trees (must be at least 2, 1 for source and 1 for destinationseedsPerAxis = 3; %Number of

Visualize data as a heatmap with many customizable options.

properties:* X- and Y-axes tick labels: Display the row/column indices or any other numeric or text labels. X-axis tick labels can even be rotated. * Text labels: Overlay the heatmap image with formatted text

Scroll a zoomed axes in x/y direction related to full view

The function zoomOrientation reduces width and height of an axes and adds two new axes, xOrientation and yOrientation plus xSlider and ySlider. You can either use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out or

Adds multiple plot instructions to a figure and the user chooses which one to use from a list box.

mplot figure instead of the currently active onex = 1:100; y = rand(1,100); mplot('my caption', x, y, 'kx');% assigns the given caption to the newly added plotfun = @(ax) plot(ax, x, y, 'k.'); mplot(fun

Tracking of multiple targets using particle filter. This was a redo from last work.

Extend Simscape Multibody models with physical effects spanning multiple physical domains.



von Or Werner

create graphs with 3 different Y axes and errorbars for each curve.

The function is built over PLOTYYY in order to create 3 Y axes and having errorbars for the curves.It's has the exact abilities of PLOTYYY with extra features for errorbars.The zip file include two

1) Transfer Learning Using Alexnet 2) Transfer Learning Using Multiple Pretrained Neural Networks in single script

, you need to download for this example1) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7v78jjm1szvce8c/AACvvG6eWaa2gMYF5yVjWlfza?dl=02) https://www.dropbox.com/s/4662xcxiwy7vjjq/trainednetwork.mat?dl=0 There are two live

open multiple images and preform multiple ROIs process

1) Goal: Interactively process MULTIPLE images with MULTIPLE ROIs (so-called mmROI), which returns ROI mean, std, min, max, median, area and center(X,Y), and plots the mean/std values along the image

This toolbox includes eight different approaches to deal with the Multiple Comparisons Problem.

The "Multiple Testing Toolbox" includes a compilation of eight different algorithms to deal with the Multiple Comparisons Problem, focusing on both the correction of the Family-Wise Error Rate (FWER

Genetic Algorithm Solution to the Multiple Depots, MTSP, with Variable number of salesmen

Allows the user to open multiple files.

MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification)

MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) is one of the earliest proposed and a very popular method for super-resolution direction-finding. These methods relying on the decomposition of the observation

Multiple-Symbol Differential Sphere Decoding

simulation of the following paper:Lampe, L.; Schober, R.; Pauli, V.; Windpassinger, C., "Multiple-symbol differential sphere decoding," Communications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.53, no.12

errorbars on x and y axes with many options.

Plot graph with error bars on both axes.% simple example:Data = [1 10 1; 2 9 0.5; 3 8 0.7];errorxy(Data)

Solving multiple roots polynomial, using simple elementary arithematic operations mostly.

A given polynomial having multiple roots is solved by the routine Z = poly_roots(p)where Input p: polynomial coefficient vector Output Z: root-multiplicity

Plots trajectories of multiple objects in 3D with controllable speed and tail length

comet3n plots trajectories of multiple objects in 3D with controllable speed and tail length. It takes an M*5 array as an input. Column 1-4 is the (x,y,z,t) coordinate of an object, respectively

Simulation of Multiple-Mass Dynamic System

Adjusts a family of p-values via Bonferroni-Holm method to control probability of false rejections.

Bonferroni-Holm (1979) correction for multiple comparisons. This is a sequentially rejective version of the simple Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons and strongly controls the

Returns a matrix containing the cartesian product of multiple input sets.

CARTPROD Cartesian product of multiple sets. (The cartesian product of multiple input sets is a larger set containing every ordered combination of the input set elements. See example below.)X =

Least Common Multiple Set


von Josh

Input a set of numbers as an n-dimension array, get their least common multiple.

I wanted to find the least common multiple of a group of more than two numbers. Matlab's built in lcm function does not have this capability. It accepts two integer inputs, but cannot handle more. So

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