Mobile Robotics Simulation Toolbox

MATLAB and Simulink utilities for vehicle kinematics, visualization, and sensor simulation.
Aktualisiert 9. Jun 2022

This toolbox provides utilities for robot simulation and algorithm development. This includes:

- 2D kinematic models for robot geometries such as differential drive, three, and four-wheeled vehicles, including forward and inverse kinematics
- Configurable lidar, object, and robot detector simulators
- Visualization of robotic vehicles and sensors in occupancy maps
- MATLAB and Simulink examples and documentation

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MathWorks Student Competitions Team (2024). Mobile Robotics Simulation Toolbox (, GitHub. Abgerufen .

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2019b
Kompatibel mit R2018a und späteren Versionen
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

Added navigation and obstacle avoidance with reinforcement learning example. Added simple examples of RRT path planner. Updated all toolbox reference and syntax to R2019b


Added robot soccer and path following with obstacle avoidance examples. Visualization now has customizable robot colors and object markers. Bug fixes.


Added multi-robot support.

Other new features: Nonzero robot radius for visualization and multi-robot detection with lidar sensors, "Generic Omniwheel" kinematic model for simulating vehicles with arbitrary wheel configurations, new examples.

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