Matlab_Abaqus_25_Bar_Truss is a source code which solves the 25-bar truss optimization problem by analyzing the 25-bar truss structure in Abaqus. The results of the Abaqus analysis are transferred into Matlab, in which the optimization process takes place. The code is written in MATLAB programming language and is available as source code distributed under a BSD-style license (see License.txt). Open Documentation.m in MATLAB and run it (press F5). After this, type "web('Documentation.html')" in the Matlab command window (then enter) to view the documentation of this package.
Zitieren als
George Papazafeiropoulos (2025). Matlab_Abaqus_25_Bar_Truss (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
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1.01 | Project website updated |
1.00 |