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Hello Academia,
I've been trying to get information regarding these configuraitons in a 3 phase transformer. The first is a dual secondary consisting of a wye output and delta output. Both feed separate 3 phase bridges, which outputs are connected in parallel.
The second is a Wye output, which each leg feeds 3 more series windings, which are located on the adjacent core (phase shifted) on the same transformer, with only one 3 phase bridge for the output
I see there is a zigzag simulink but can't seem to get that loaded...
My question is, are these essentially identical in operation, or is the dual secondary what I should be using? (due to better harmonic rejection)
Congratulations, @Karim for winning the 1st ever Editor's Pick badge awarded for MATLAB Answers, in recoginition of your awesome solution in How to find X and Y coordinates of maximum gap between curves?
This is a new badge we just introduced to recognize awesome answers people contribute and yours was picked for discovering a creative way to solve the problem, and made the solution clear, and reproducible. Thank you so much for setting a high standard for MATLAB Answers and for your ongoing contribution to the community.
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You provided 9717 answers at the acceptance rate of 75.23% and received 3281 votes. Thank you for your contribution to the community!
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Watch live as Brandon Armstrong and Cris LaPierre import, visualize, and compute statistics without writing code in MATLAB.
The first challenge when starting a new project is importing and exploring the data to determine what it contains. This is especially true if your files contain a mix of numeric, text, and categorical data.
MATLAB has many new tools to simplify this process. Using app-based workflows enable you to spend more time investigating and exploring your data and less time troubleshooting code. Importantly, the code required to repeat your analysis is auto-generated so you can apply the same steps to new files and have others reproduce your work.
Date: 8/25 at 11am EDT - View in your timezone
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8896 Stimmen
I am designing a battery model and its control to undergo cyclic charge and discharge.
The battery model is created by using a simscape electrical battery block (Table-based).
The control is modeled using Stateflow. The statflow chart takes SOC values as inputs and provide current values as outputs. By default, the battery will be at rest and no current is drawn at that state (I=0A). And then based on the SOC % of the battery, it goes to charge (3A current) or discharge (-3A current) state. I have defined the controls as follows.
  • If the battery has SOC >= 50%, it has to discharge. If the battery has SOC < 50%, it has to charge.
  • While discharging, if the battery reaches 0% SOC, it goes to rest.
  • While charging, if the battery reaches 100% SOC, it goes to rest.
I have defined initial SOC as 50%.
When I run the simulation, the battery started to discharge as per the condition provided in the stateflow chart.
I = -3
But the battery has not come to rest state after reaching 0% S0C.
I am getting a warning that,
At time 1944.017100, one or more assertions are triggered. State of charge must be greater than or equal to zero. The assertion comes from: Block path: Example_cell_model/Battery (Table-Based)1Assert location: o (location information is protected)
I don't understand why the battery has not came back to rest state.
Do anyone has any idea for the cause of this problem and how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance.
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18554 Stimmen
I need to model temperature rise of a resistor due to joule heating with a variable supply or a variable resistor. Is there a simulink component that can be used for this or it has to be implemented with the physical equations fed into block diagrams?
Can someone help give an idea of how this can be modeled?
Join us on a upcoming live to learn about how the deep learning frameworks in MATLAB and Simulink can be used with TensorFlow and PyTorch to provide enhanced capabilities for building and training your Machine Learning model.
Watch this preview to learn more.
I'm trying to simulate EV drive system using FEM PMSM and IGBT block of simscape electrical.
The simulation results (magnitude of the current in time domain) is quite similar with the experimental results.
But in frequency domain analysis using FFT (fast fourier transform), amplitude of current harmonics(specially 5, 7 th of fundamental frequency) are way to different.
Is there any way that I could increase my simulation accuracy?
I am trying to simulate a single phase H-bridge inverter connected to a load in Simulink using Simscape Electrical (blue wire). The simulation does not work. I tested the same circuit (with black wire). And everything works fine. I looked hard, I can't see any reason. Does anyone know why or have any examples?
You can find the simulation files in the attachment.
My goal with this is to start with a basic inverter scheme before testing multilevel converters. I had started with that but I had problems from the beginning...
Thanks in advance

hello can some body help me regarding designing a project in simulink to estimate the state of health of a battery ?... including kalman filter .... at least i need the battery cell equivalent circuit in simulink and the idea of the estimation method

many thanks

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1592 Stimmen
Join us live on May 26 at 11am for another Livestream Event on YouTube.
We welcome Brian Buechel and Nikola Trica as this week's guests. They will analyze experimental data to quantify the ride quality of a car suspension in MATLAB. They'll work with signals recorded from a car suspension, analyze the data, and visualize the results. At the end, we'll have a shareable report containing code and formatted text that clearly communicates our findings.
Watch the event live or the recording on YouTube. We welcome your questions during the event and let us know what other topics that you are interested in seeing.
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1076 Stimmen
I am trying to simulate a 3 phase induction motor on Simulink by using its dynamic model. This is the information in its datasheet:
It also has 4 poles and J = 0.0117 kgm², star connection. After calculate parameters, I get these values:
Lm = 0.176 H; Rr=Rs = 0.613Ω; Llr=Lls = 0.00669 H.
Also in the datasheet, they said that the output torque = 705 Nm at speed 35 rpm, but the model cannot reach that value. The simulation motor run backward if applied torque greater than 70 Nm ( at about 1200 rpm). But in reality, this motor can withstand 705 Nm, I have seen it run.
Can someone help me with this problem? Thank you
I have two DGs and I want a secondary control between these two DGs using mpc toolbox. I don't know where I am going wrong with it. it is not working. when I am trying to change the load the frequency is still the same. Can anyone please help?
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