How can I save into an struct multiple arrays?

10 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Mariana am 21 Feb. 2020
Kommentiert: Stephen23 am 24 Feb. 2020
I have two variables. Id and Matrix.
Id : [0,1,2,3]
Matrix : 3600 x 9
I want to save in a structure the ID and the respective matrix.
For example:
ID Matrix
0 Matrix(1:900,:)
1 Matrix(901:1800,:)
2 Matrix(1801,2700:)
3 Matrix(2701:3600,:)
How can I make something like this in a matlab function in Simulink?

Antworten (1)

Jalaj Gambhir
Jalaj Gambhir am 24 Feb. 2020
I understand you want to save numeric id’s as fields and sub matrices as values, in a struct, given a matrix and a double array of ids.
But the question is confusing in the sense that the representation that you have used seems to be of a table.
If what you want is a struct with fields as 0,1,2 and 3, then having numeric fields in a struct is not possible. You can have a look here, it states that the field for a struct must be a character array or a string scalar. However, you can convert the numeric array to a string array and have alternate representations of the elements as fields using matlab.lang.makeValidName using method followed in the following script:
function result = div(id, matrix)
start = 1;
string_ids = string(id);
valid_fields = matlab.lang.makeValidName(string_ids);
rows = size(matrix,1);
num_id = floor(rows/length(id));
result = struct;
for i = 1:length(id)-1
temp_array = matrix(start:start+num_id-1,:);
result.(valid_fields(i)) = temp_array;
start = start+num_id;
last_array = matrix(start:rows,:);
result.(valid_fields(length(id))) = last_array;
The above function outputs:
result = div(id,matrix);
result =
struct with fields:
x0: [900×9 double]
x1: [900×9 double]
x2: [900×9 double]
x3: [900×9 double]
If you want to store the result as a table, using the representation that you have mentioned in the question, you can use the following function:
function table_ans = div(id, matrix)
start = 1;
cell_id = num2cell(id');
rows = size(matrix,1);
num_id = floor(rows/length(id));
result = {};
for i = 1:length(id)-1
temp_array = matrix(start:start+num_id-1,:);
result{end+1} = temp_array;
start = start+num_id;
last_array = matrix(start:rows,:);
result{end+1} = last_array;
result = result';
table_ans = table(cell_id,result);
The above function outputs:
table_ans = div(id,matrix)
table_ans =
4×2 table
cell_id result
_______ ______________
[0] [900×9 double]
[1] [900×9 double]
[2] [900×9 double]
[3] [900×9 double]


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