Can imtranslate and squeeze be combined to one code line?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Stelios Fanourakis
Stelios Fanourakis am 10 Jul. 2018
Can you combine squeeze and imtranslate to one line? If so, how?
  4 Kommentare
Jan am 10 Jul. 2018
@Stelios: You are not a newcomer in this forum. Please remember to post the complete error message, not just a part of it.
I'm convinced, the message reveals the detail, that you provide 2 input arguments to the squeeze command, but this accepts 1 only. You can find the cause of such problems using the debugger. Type this in the command window:
dbstop if error
Now run the code again until it stops at the error. Check the sizes of the variables and run the code in pieces:
% This is done as standard, but does not reveal the problem yet...
% But this does:
c = squeeze(im, translation_vector)
Using the debugger is more efficient than asking the forum.
By the way, there is no need for square brackets around a vector. See Why not use square brackets
Stelios Fanourakis
Stelios Fanourakis am 11 Jul. 2018
The specific error is the whole error. There is no any other valuable part to consider of the specific error, apart the line code where is spotted, which is irrelevant to our case.
I assume you are right that squeeze accepts only 1 input

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Antworten (1)

Guillaume am 10 Jul. 2018
Bearbeitet: Guillaume am 10 Jul. 2018
As long as you only need the first output of each function, you can chain as many functions as you want regardless of what they are.
Now the question is a bit bizarre, so indeed an explanation of why you're asking that would be welcome.
edit, following your comment
Come on, you're studying for a PhD, engage your brain!. Of course you get an error, you're trying to pass both input arguments to squeeze. Assuming it's the image you want to squeeze (why?) then:
imtranslate(squeeze(im), translation_vector)
  5 Kommentare
Stelios Fanourakis
Stelios Fanourakis am 10 Jul. 2018
Bearbeitet: Stelios Fanourakis am 10 Jul. 2018
@Guillaume. Your answering feedback seems like you are frurstrating when answering to me. And again, I am telling you it's not your obligation to answer to me, if you don't want to. By saying "Come on, ... , engage your brain", shows a disrespecting to me, since, it's like you laugh because of the other's ignorance to a specific part of coding. Sorry, we can not be all experts.
@Jan. I appreciate if Guillaume spend some time to provide his feedback but to be honest, in every culture the "come on, engage your brain" sounds ironic.
Stelios Fanourakis
Stelios Fanourakis am 10 Jul. 2018
But nevermind. I don't want to continue this unpleasant incident

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