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How to read input images from the folder sequentially

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
S.A am 9 Apr. 2018
Kommentiert: Jan am 19 Mär. 2022
Hello, In my work I'm giving input as a folder of facial photos which consists of 10 images. The output enhanced images are getting stored in separate folder But the problem is, it is not getting stored in the same order as that of the images passed through input folder. The images are read randomly.

Antworten (2)

KALYAN ACHARJYA am 9 Apr. 2018
Bearbeitet: KALYAN ACHARJYA am 9 Apr. 2018
% Save all images name in a sequence manner before doing the operation
% names for example im1,im2,im3...
%Save the folder of images in the current directory
path_directory='folder_name'; % 'Folder name'
original_files=dir([path_directory '/*.jpg']);
for k=1:length(original_files)
filename=[path_directory '/' original_files(k).name];
% Image read is done
%%Image Operation as per your work
  5 Kommentare
Halee Scott
Halee Scott am 18 Mär. 2022
Where would fullfile be used in the script then? Sorry I am new to coding and adapting this to create a for loop that changes file types (.oib to .tiff) and saves the new files in a different folder.

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Stephen23 am 15 Aug. 2018
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 23 Apr. 2020
Presumably the filenames have numbers in them, and you are getting them listed not in numeric order...One solution is to download my FEX submission natsortfiles, which was written to solve that exact problem:
There are plenty of examples in the Mfile, in the online description, and in the HTML documentation, so you should not have any problems using it. You will probably want something like this:
D = 'path of the folder where the files are';
S = dir(fullfile(D,'*.txt'));
F = natsortfiles({});
for k = 1:numel(F)
im = imread(fullfile(D,F{k}))
  5 Kommentare
Manuella Juwita
Manuella Juwita am 29 Jun. 2020
I want to ask, how to use natsortfiles to sort alphanumerically overlaying plots in one figure? I find it difficult to match one plot to another because they have different directories and names.
Jan am 19 Mär. 2022
@Manuella Juwita: What are "alphanumerically overlaying plots in one figure"? Plots do not have directories.

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