speech to text

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Dhaval Gondaliya
Dhaval Gondaliya am 20 Mär. 2012
Bearbeitet: Adam Danz am 13 Dez. 2019
I am doing a project on the speech recognition for home automation but i can not find the code to convert the speech into the text and also i can not justify that what is spoken in the speech? so please any one can help me?
I have some code to distinguish the speech but it does not work for different speeches.
If you have that code then please send me .
My email id :dhavalgondaliya55@gmail.com.
  3 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 4 Sep. 2012
Please be more specific about the difficulty you are encountering.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz am 13 Dez. 2019
Bearbeitet: Adam Danz am 13 Dez. 2019
Several comments have been removed where users were merely leaving their personal email addresses asking for code.
See Gabriele Bunkheila's answer below for source code.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 20 Mär. 2012
  3 Kommentare
PK am 23 Jan. 2013
Hi Image analyst I have seen these links but in the second link can you tell me how exactly to work with code.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 23 Jan. 2013
The company sells the source code for about Eur 30.
I would not think it especially likely that Image Analyst has paid the company for the source to a speech project... not his line of work.

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Gabriele Bunkheila
Gabriele Bunkheila am 16 Jan. 2018
Bearbeitet: Gabriele Bunkheila am 6 Mär. 2018
Hi Dhaval,
I work at MathWorks and I noticed this old enquiry of yours just now. This is probably not directly relevant to your original question, but I thought I'd leave a link to our recent MATLAB Central sumbission speech2text in case it was useful to others:
That leverages 3rd party speech-to-text web services (so far including from Google, Microsoft and IBM) calling their web API directly from MATLAB via a simple MATLAB Function. This may turn in handy to test the performance of your own solution using well-established services.
The syntax looks like the following:
>> [samples, fs] = audioread('helloaudioPD.wav');
>> soundsc(samples, fs)
>> speechObject = speechClient('Google','languageCode','en-US');
>> outInfo = speech2text(speechObject, samples, fs);
ans =
'hello audio product Developers'
ans =
Please refer to the html folder in the submission for a step-by-step getting started guide.
  3 Kommentare
Gabriele Bunkheila
Gabriele Bunkheila am 7 Dez. 2018
Hi Kavitha,
You can find altearnative sintax options (i.e. for IBM and Microsoft) at the following page in the online documentation:https://www.mathworks.com/help/audio/ug/speech2text.html
I hope this helps.
Henan Yu
Henan Yu am 6 Okt. 2019
Hello Gabriele,
I am doing the Speech recognition project, and I followed the link you shared, but it turns out this error: 'unauthorized' voice. Here is my code:
[y,fs] = audioread('audio-file.flac');
soundsc(y, fs)
speechObject = speechClient('IBM','languageCode','en-US')
speechObjectIBM = speechClient('IBM','keywords',"example,keywords",'keywords_threshold',0.5);
outInfo = speech2text(speechObject,y,fs)
I am wondering is this because the code is not correct or there is something wrong with my .JSON file ?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you

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