combine columns with different lengths to create a matrix
37 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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mehrdad asadi
am 7 Jul. 2015
Kommentiert: NMarco
am 10 Feb. 2021
how can I create a matrix with vectors with different sizes as columns?
4 Kommentare
Ashmil Mohammed
am 7 Jul. 2015
Bearbeitet: Andrei Bobrov
am 7 Jul. 2015
a=rand(10,1); % randomly make two vectors replace this with your code
s=size(b);z=size(a);% (find size of both)
d=[b;zeros(z(1)-s(1),1)]; % concatenate the smaller with zeros
c=[a,d]; % catenate the two vectors
Akzeptierte Antwort
Jos (10584)
am 7 Jul. 2015
Many years ago, I wrote the function PADCAT to accomplish this. You can find it on the Matlab File Exchange:
Weitere Antworten (2)
Jan Siegmund
am 18 Mai 2020
If the input data is a cell array of column vectors, you might consider this:
a = {ones(5,1) ones(8,1)}; %test data
len = max(cellfun('length',a));
b = cellfun(@(x)[x;zeros(len-size(x,1),1)],a,'UniformOutput',false);
out = [b{:}]
0 Kommentare
am 7 Jul. 2015
First, some comments on the code you've posted:
for i = 1:sqrt(n)
pci = find(any(cul==i))
for j = 1:max(size(pci))
pc(:,:,j) = P_db(:,:,pci(j))
You're using find to convert a logical array (returned by any) into an array of indices, and then using these indices to index into a matrix. The find is unnecessary work. Just use the logical indices directly.
Secondly max(size(v)) to find the numbers of elements in a vector is a very strange construct. numel(v) is the function you should be using.
Third, you don't need a loop to copy the elements. As a result, the code you've posted could be rewritten as:
for i = 1:sqrt(n)
pci = any(cul == i); %pci a logical array
pc = P_db(:, :, pci);
I'll also note that in the above code and in your example code the result pc is overwritten in each loop, so it does not matter if it changes size. I assume you meant to store it in something else. Finally, you mention concatenating column vectors, but according to your code pc is a 3D matrix.
Now, to answer your question, the best thing is to store pc in a cell array. Then it does not matter if it changes size on each iteration:
for i = 1:sqrt(n)
pci = any(cul == i); %pci a logical array
pc{i} = P_db(:, :, pci); %store in a cell array
Afterward, you could pad all these 3d matrices to the maximum size and concatenate them all as a 4D matrix, but I'm not sure why you'd want to:
allpcsizes = cellfun(@size, pci, 'UniformOutput', false);
max3dsize = max(vertcat(allpcsizes{:}));
for i = 1:numel(pc)
resizedpc = zeros(max3dsize);
resizedpc(1:size(pc{i}, 1), 1:size(pc{i}, 2), 1:size(pc{i}, 3)) = pc{i};
pc{i} = resizedpc;
pc4d = cat(4, pc{:});
5 Kommentare
am 7 Jul. 2015
@mehrdad: . I used 'find' because I need the column indices with contain 'i'. without 'find' I get a vector with elements of 0 or 1 which I should again check for the indie of column
You don't need to use find, you can pass the vector of 0 and 1, a logical array as indices, matlab will only keep the elements for which the logical array is 1.
To access your '2nd matrix in a cell' (the wording is a bit sloppy, it's the 2nd page of the single matrix in the cell you want:
ma= pd{i}(:, :, 2); %2nd matrix in cell i
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