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How to display workspace results with certain digits

8 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Fotis am 21 Mai 2015
Kommentiert: Thorsten am 22 Mai 2015
Hi all.
I have a program that calculates temperatures and pressures. My results look like this: T=298.3456 etc and P=2.38947 I have written a program in order to display these results in a graph but I don't want them to show up with so many digits! Anyone knows how to do this? For example, make them show up like T=298 and P=2.40??

Antworten (2)

Jan am 21 Mai 2015
Simply round the values to n digits:
round(x * 10^n) / 10^n
There are many other tools for rounding to significant digits e.g. in the FileExchange. Use the methods to search there or in the internet.

Thorsten am 21 Mai 2015
num2str(P, '%.2f')
num2str(T, '%.0f')
  2 Kommentare
Fotis am 21 Mai 2015
That's it! Thanks! Do you perhaps also know how to apply this to a multifield structure??
I have for e.g T.w.hp , T.w.lp, etc etc. Your answer applies perfectly to each one of them but is it a way to do it for all T's at once? My program is huge and I have a lot of substructures. Thanks anyway
Thorsten am 22 Mai 2015
I'm not sure if that's what you are looking for, but you can use the following syntax
num2str([T.w.hp T.w.lp], '%.2f ')
If you structure T contains only numerical data that you like to be printed in the same format, you can use
num2str(flatten(y), '%.2f ')
with my flatten function
function [y, me] = flatten(x)
%FLATTEN Flatten numeric data (ND matrices or arbitrarily nested cells)
% [Y, ME] = FLATTEN(X)
%Sample usage:
% C = {1; {2,3}; {4,5}; {6,{7,8}}}
% flatten(C)
% S.pos.x = 10; S.pos.y = 12; = 23; S.pos.q.offset = 0.1;
% flatten(S)
% 2015-05-21
if iscell(x)
y = [];
for i = 1:numel(x)
xi = cell2mat(x{i});
catch me
xi = flatten(x{i});
y(end+1:end+numel(xi)) = xi;
elseif isstruct(x)
y = flatten(struct2cell(x));
y = x(:);

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