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Create and name a directory

74 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Baba am 8 Nov. 2011
Kommentiert: Image Analyst am 28 Aug. 2017
I want to create a subfolder in some folder and name that subfoder as data-"name of the folder". So if folder name is INFO, I want to create a sufolder in the INFO folder named DATA-INFO.
I have:
mkdir('DATA-' what to put here? )
What is the syntax of adding the main folder name to the mkdir subfolder name?

Antworten (3)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 9 Nov. 2011
I don't recommend ever relying on "pwd" because that could change without you being aware of it, for example by some other badly written function you call. Don't even ask what pwd is if you're compiling your app - it gets complicated. I recommend keeping track of all your folders in variables that you create and control so that you know for certain what they are at all times. So my answer would be something like this that does not depend on pwd at all:
% First, get the name of the folder you're using.
% For example if your folder is 'D:\photos\Info', parentFolder would = 'D:\photos, and deepestFolder would = 'Info'.
[parentFolder deepestFolder] = fileparts(yourFolder);
% Next, create a name for a subfolder within that.
% For example 'D:\photos\Info\DATA-Info'
newSubFolder = sprintf('%s/DATA-%s', yourFolder, deepestFolder);
% Finally, create the folder if it doesn't exist already.
if ~exist(newSubFolder, 'dir')
Note: forward slashes work in both Unix and Windows.
  15 Kommentare
Rohan Maharjajn
Rohan Maharjajn am 28 Aug. 2017
@osama Did yo get the answer?? I am also facing the same problem!!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 28 Aug. 2017
It should be str2double, not str2dobule.

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Nirmal Gunaseelan
Nirmal Gunaseelan am 8 Nov. 2011
You should be creating customized strings using concatenation and passing those strings to mkdir. Current folder name could be obtained by manipulating output of PWD. Eg.
% This puts the entire path of current folder, but you can change as per what you need as the suffix
currFolderName = pwd;
% Create customized string name sub folder
mkdir(['DATA-', currFolderName]);

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang am 8 Nov. 2011
  1 Kommentar
Stephen23 am 15 Dez. 2016
Don't use pwd in code like this: it is unreliable. See Image Analyst's answer below.

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