help me with a simple program

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Tarek Alnajjar
Tarek Alnajjar am 6 Apr. 2015
Beantwortet: Tarek Alnajjar am 6 Apr. 2015
I don't know much about matlab so Im hoping for some help from u guys
I must create 1 dice that has 4 faces and roll it the results should be :
totally random and must be done 50 times plz reply :)
  1 Kommentar
Jan am 6 Apr. 2015
Please post more details. What exactly does "create" mean here? A 3D visualization? A function which replies random numbers?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Mahdiyar am 6 Apr. 2015
rolls = randi(4, 1, 50)
for i=1:50
switch rolls(i)
case 1
Results(i) = {'right'};
case 2
Results(i) = {'left'};
case 3
Results(i) = {'up'};
case 4
Results(i) = {'down'};

Weitere Antworten (3)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 6 Apr. 2015
Use randi():
rolls = randi(4, 1, 50)
  2 Kommentare
Tarek Alnajjar
Tarek Alnajjar am 6 Apr. 2015
I donno how to explain my question perfectly but what I need is when I get the result for the random number for exaple:(if the answer was 4 it should wright down or arrow down) or 1= -> 2= <- 3= Δ 4= ∇
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 6 Apr. 2015
Sounds like homework, so all three of us gave you the identical hint. And it looks like Mahdiyar gave you a full answer that is what I think you are asking for.

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Jan am 6 Apr. 2015
I guess that this is enough:
randi(4, 1, 50)
  1 Kommentar
Tarek Alnajjar
Tarek Alnajjar am 6 Apr. 2015
I donno how to explain my question perfectly but what I need is when I get the result for the random number for exaple:(if the answer was 4 it should wright down or arrow down) or 1= -> 2= <- 3= Δ 4= ∇

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Tarek Alnajjar
Tarek Alnajjar am 6 Apr. 2015
Perfect ! Thanks alot (shokrn ;) )


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