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Matlab structure of struct

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Florian Spicher
Florian Spicher am 12 Nov. 2021
Kommentiert: Florian Spicher am 12 Nov. 2021
I'd like to create structures and store them, but I don't know how to do it. For example, for a function, we write something like
function f=MyFunction(arg1,...,argN)
and then we write the different operations. This allows us to write MyValue=MyFunction(...). I'd like to do the same for structures, something like MyObject=MyStruct(...). Could someone give me a reference document which explains how to do this for structures please? So far, the only thing I found is how to create structures from the command window. Thanks!
  2 Kommentare
Jan am 12 Nov. 2021
Stucts can be defined in the code exactly as they are created in the command window. See:
doc struct
doc cell2struct
doc table2struct
Florian Spicher
Florian Spicher am 12 Nov. 2021
I saw this doc. I might be wrong, but to create a structure like this we have to assign values to the fields right? Like stuct.field=sth. What I'd like is only have "a skeleton" of my struct, ie. only store its fields without any values assigned to them.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Jan am 12 Nov. 2021
MyStruct = cell2struct(cell(2, 1), {'field1'; 'field2'})
MyStruct = struct with fields:
field1: [] field2: []
Now the fields exist, but contain empty matrices only.

Weitere Antworten (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 12 Nov. 2021
Not sure what you mean. You can call the function whatever you want and it can take in and return whatever you want. If you want to create a custom structure, there is already a function called struct() to do that.
  5 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 12 Nov. 2021
Looks like Jan showed you how to create one struct. If you want an array of them, call repmat():
MyStruct = cell2struct(cell(2, 1), {'field1'; 'field2'})
structArray = repmat(MyStruct, 5, 2 )
structArray will be a 5 by 2 array of structures.
If that helps, can you "Vote" for my answer?
Florian Spicher
Florian Spicher am 12 Nov. 2021
Nice, it is definitely going to be useful to know that. Thanks a lot!
I already voted for your answer though!

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