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how to measure distance between corners?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
sara am 4 Okt. 2014
Kommentiert: sara am 19 Okt. 2014
I have detected some corners in labeled images,how can I measure vertical distance between corners,forexample plot a line at the top corner of each labeled image and measure the vertical difference to each other
  4 Kommentare
sara am 4 Okt. 2014
yeah it can be the difference in vertical coordinates too,i think
Guillaume am 4 Okt. 2014
Then, since you have detected the two corners, can't you just subtract their vertical coordinates?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 4 Okt. 2014
Just measure the bounding box with regionprops. A full demo is given in my Image Segmentation Tutorial:
  9 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 19 Okt. 2014
To show top lines, use the line() or plot() function on the original (not cropped) image. To display bounding box, use the rectangle() function on the original image, not the cropped subImage.
sara am 19 Okt. 2014
thank you so much for your answer,thanx

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