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Receive data from USRP device

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Wireless Testbench™ Support Package for NI™ USRP™ Radios add-on.


The comm.SDRuReceiver System object™ receives data from a USRP™ radio, enabling simulation and development for software-defined radio applications; for USRP 200-series radios, see the Communications Toolbox™ documentation.

Use this object to communicate with a USRP radio on the same Ethernet subnetwork or a via a USB connection. You can write a MATLAB® application that uses the System object, or you can generate code for the System object without connecting to a USRP radio.

This object receives signal and control data from a USRP radio using the universal hardware driver (UHD™) from Ettus Research™. The System object receives data from a USRP radio and outputs a column vector or matrix signal with fixed number of rows.

To receive data from a USRP radio device:

  1. Create the comm.SDRuReceiver object and set its properties.

  2. Call the object as if it were a function.

To learn more about how System objects work, see What Are System Objects?.


Starting in R2024a, the MathWorks® products and support packages you require to use this System object depend on your radio device.

Radio DeviceRequired MathWorks ProductsSupport Package Installation


USRP N200, N210

USRP B200, B210

Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP RadioInstall Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP Radio

USRP N300, N310, N320, N321

USRP X300, X310

Wireless Testbench™

Wireless Testbench Support Package for NI™ USRP Radios

Install Support Package for NI USRP Radios

For details on how to use this System object with a radio device supported by Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP Radio, see comm.SDRuReceiver.



rx = comm.SDRuReceiver(Platform=radioDevice) creates an SDRu receiver System object for a USRP radio with the specified model number at the default IP address,


rx = comm.SDRuReceiver(Platform=radioDevice,IPAddress=radioIPAddress) creates an SDRu receiver System object for a USRP radio with the specified model number at the specified IP address.


rx = comm.SDRuReceiver(___,Name = Value) sets Properties using one or more name-value in addition to any input argument combination from previous syntaxes. For example, CenterFrequency = 5e6 specifies the center frequency as 5 MHz.



expand all

Unless otherwise indicated, properties are nontunable, which means you cannot change their values after calling the object. Objects lock when you call them, and the release function unlocks them.

If a property is tunable, you can change its value at any time.

For more information on changing property values, see System Design in MATLAB Using System Objects.

Connection Properties

Model number of the radio, specified as one of these values.

  • "N300" — A connected USRP N300 radio.

  • "N310" — A connected USRP N310 radio.

  • "N320/N321" — A connected USRP N320 or USRP N321 radio.

  • "X300" — A connected USRP X300 radio.

  • "X310" — A connected USRP X310 radio.

Data Types: char | string

IP address of the USRP radio, specified as a character vector or string scalar containing dotted-quad values. When you specify more than one IP address, you must separate each address using commas or spaces.

This value must match the physical IP address of the radio device assigned when you set up your radio using the Radio Setup wizard. If you configure the radio device with an IP address other than the default, update this property accordingly.

To find the logical network location of all connected USRP radios, use the findsdru function.

Example: "," or "" specifies IP addresses for two radio devices.

Data Types: char | string

Option to enable the TwinRX daughterboard, specified as a numeric or logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). To enable the TwinRX daughterboard on an X-series radio, set IsTwinRXDaughterboard to 1 (true).

When you enable the TwinRX daughterboard, you can use the EnableTwinRXPhaseSynchronization property to enable phase synchronization between channels of the TwinRX daughterboard.


To enable this property, set the Platform property to "X300" or "X310".

Data Types: logical

Configuration Properties

Option to enable phase synchronization between channels of the TwinRX daughterboard, specified as a numeric or logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). When you set this property to 1 (true), the TwinRX daughterboard provides phase synchronization between all the channels. In this case, the value of the CenterFrequency property must be the same for all the channels.


The local oscillator (LO) source on channel 1 is the master source that drives the other LOs of the TwinRx daughterboard channels.

To share LOs between two TwinRx daughterboards, attach the four MMCX RA male cables on one daughterboard to the MMCX RA male cables on the other daughterboard by crossing the cables between the two daughterboards. Make these cable connections.

  • J1 to J2

  • J2 to J1

  • J3 to J4

  • J4 to J3

This figure shows the connections between the TwinRx daughterboards.

Crisscross connection of MMCX RA male cables between two TwinRX daughterboards


To enable this property, set the Platform property to "X300" or "X310" and IsTwinRXDaughterboard property to 1 (true).

Data Types: logical

Channel mapping for the radio or bundled radios, specified as a positive scalar or a row vector of positive values. This table shows the valid values for each radio platform.

Platform Property Value ChannelMapping Property Value


  • When IPAddress contains one IP address, specify this property as 1, 2, or [1 2].

  • When IPAddress contains N IP addresses, specify this property as a 1-by-2N row vector.


  • When IPAddress contains one IP address, specify this property as one-, two-, three-, or four-element row vector of channel numbers from the set {1, 2, 3, 4}.

  • When IPAddress contains N IP addresses, specify this property as a 1-by-4N row vector.


  • When IPAddress contains one IP address, specify this property as 1, 2, or [1 2].

  • When IPAddress contains N IP addresses, specify this property as a 1-by-2N row vector.

"X300" or "X310" when the IsTwinRXDaughterboard property is 0 (false)

  • When IPAddress contains one IP address, specify this property as 1, 2, or [1 2]

  • When IPAddress contains N IP addresses, specify the property as a 1-by-2N row vector.

"X300" or "X310" when two TwinRX daughterboards are connected and the IsTwinRXDaughterboard property is 1 (true)

When the EnableTwinRXPhaseSynchronization property is 0 (false), specify this property as one of these values.

  • [N M], where N and M are distinct integers from 1 to 4 — Channels N and M are in use.

  • [N M P], where N, M, and P are distinct integers from 1 to 4 — Channels N, M, and P are in use.

  • [1 2 3 4]

When the EnableTwinRXPhaseSynchronization property is 1 (true), specify this property as 1, [1 2], [1 2 3], or [1 2 3 4].

When the IPAddress property contains multiple IP addresses, the channels defined by ChannelMapping are ordered first by the order in which the IP addresses appear in the list and then by the channel order within the same radio.

For example, if the Platform is "X300" and IPAddress is ",", then the ChannelMapping must be [1 2 3 4]. Channels 1 and 2 of the bundled radio refer to channels 1 and 2 of the radio with IP address, respectively. Channels 3 and 4 of the bundled radio refer to channels 1 and 2 of the radio with IP address, respectively.

Data Types: double

Center frequency in Hz, specified as a nonnegative scalar or a row vector of nonnegative values. The valid range of values for this property depends on the RF daughter card of the USRP device.

When you set the IsTwinRXDaughterboard property to 0 (false), specify the value according to these conditions.

  • For a single-input single-output (SISO) configuration, specify the value for the center frequency as a nonnegative scalar.

  • For multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) configurations that use the same center frequency, specify the center frequency as a nonnegative scalar. The center frequency is set by scalar expansion.

  • For multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) configurations that use different center frequencies, specify the values in a row vector (for example, [70e6 100e6]). The object applies the ith element of the vector to the ith channel that you specify in the ChannelMapping property.


    • For a MIMO scenario, the center frequency for a N300 radio must be a scalar. You cannot specify the frequencies as a vector.

    • The channels corresponding to the same RF daughterboard of an N310 radio must have the same center frequency.

When you set the IsTwinRXDaughterboard property to 1 (true), specify the center frequency according to these conditions.

  • To tune all channels to the same frequency, specify the center frequency as a scalar and the EnableTwinRXPhaseSynchronization property as 1 (true).

  • To tune the channels to different frequencies, specify the center frequency as a row vector. Each value in the row vector specifies the frequency of the corresponding channel. Set the EnableTwinRXPhaseSynchronization property to 0 (false).


When you set IsTwinRXDaughterboard and EnableTwinRXPhaseSynchronization to 1 (true), the LO source on channel 1 is the master source that drives the other LOs of the TwinRX daughterboard channels. In this case, the CenterFrequency property value must be the same for all channels of the TwinRX daughterboard.

For more information, see EnableTwinRXPhaseSynchronization.

Tunable: Yes

Data Types: double

LO offset frequency in Hz, specified as a scalar or row vector. The valid range of this property depends on the RF daughterboard of the USRP device.

The LO offset does not affect the received center frequency. However, the LO offset does affect the intermediate center frequency in the USRP radio, as this diagram shows.

Impact of LO frequency on the intermediate center frequency of the USRP radio

In this diagram:

  • f RF is the received RF frequency.

  • f center is the center frequency that you set in the System object.

  • f LO offset is the LO offset frequency.

  • Ideally, fRF - fcenter = 0.

To move the center frequency away from interference or harmonics generated by the USRP radio, use this property.

To change the LO offset, specify the value according to these conditions.

  • For a SISO configuration, specify the LO offset as a scalar.

  • For MIMO configurations, the LO offset must be zero. This restriction is due to a UHD limitation. In this case, you can specify the LO offset as 0.

Tunable: Yes

Data Types: double

Overall gain in dB for the USRP radio receiver data path, including analog and digital components, specified as a scalar or row vector. The valid range of this property depends on the RF daughterboard of the USRP device.

Specify the gain according to these conditions.

  • For a SISO configuration, specify the gain as a scalar.

  • For MIMO configurations that use the same gain value, specify the gain as a scalar. The gain is set by scalar expansion.

  • For MIMO configurations that use different gains, specify the values in a row vector (for example, [32 30]). The object applies the ith element of the vector to the ith channel that you specify in the ChannelMapping property.

Tunable: Yes

Data Types: double

Pulse per second (PPS) signal source, specified one of these values.

  • "Internal" — Use the internal PPS signal of the USRP radio.

  • "External" — Use the PPS signal from an external signal generator.

  • "GPSDO" — Use the PPS signal from a global positioning system disciplined oscillator (GPSDO).

To synchronize the time for all the channels of the bundled radios, you can:

  • Provide a common external PPS signal to all of the bundled radios and set this property to "External".

  • Use the PPS signal from each GPSDO that is available on the USRP radio by setting this property to "GPSDO".

To get the lock status of the GPSDO to the GPS constellation, set this property to "GPSDO" and use the gpsLockedStatus function.

Data Types: char | string

Option to enforce GPS time synchronization, specified as one of these values.

  • 1 (true) — Synchronize the USRP radio time to the valid global positioning system (GPS) time if the GPSDO is locked to the GPS constellation at the beginning of the transmit or receive operation.

  • 0 (false) — Set the USRP radio time to the GPSDO time if the GPSDO is not locked to the GPS constellation at the beginning of the transmit or receive operation.

Each time you call the System object, it checks the lock status of the GPSDO. When the GPSDO is locked to the GPS constellation, the System object sets the USRP radio time to the valid GPS time.


To enable this property, set the PPSSource property to "GPSDO".

Data Types: logical

Clock source, specified as one of these values.

  • "Internal" — Use the internal clock signal of the USRP radio.

  • "External" — Use the 10 MHz clock signal from an external clock generator.

  • "GPSDO" — Use the 10 MHz clock signal from a GPSDO.

The external clock port has the label REF IN.

To synchronize the frequency for all the channels of the bundled radios, you can:

  • Provide a common external 10 MHz clock signal to all of the bundled radios and set this property to "External".

  • Provide a 10 MHz clock signal from each GPSDO to the corresponding radio and set this property to "GPSDO".

To synchronize the frequency for all channels, set this property to "GPSDO" and then verify that the outputs of the referenceLockedStatus and gpsLockedStatus functions both return an output of 1.

Data Types: char | string

Master clock rate in Hz, specified as a positive scalar. The master clock rate is the analog to digital (A/D) and digital to analog (D/A) clock rate. The valid range of values for this property depends on the connected radio platform.

Platform Property ValueMasterClockRate Property Value (in Hz)

"N300" or "N310"

122.88e6, 125e6 (default), or 153.6e6


200e6 (default), 245.76e6, or 250e6

"X300" or "X310"

184.32e6 or 200e6 (default)

Data Types: double

Decimation factor for the SDRu receiver, specified as an integer in the range [1,1024] with restrictions that depend on the radio you use.

DecimationFactor Property ValueUSRP N3xx Series RadioUSRP X3xx Series Radio



Not valid with TwinRX daughterboard







Odd integer from 4 to 128

Not valid


Even integer in the range [4,256]



Integer multiple of 4 in the range [256,512]



Integer multiple of 8 in the range [512,1024]



The radio uses the decimation factor when it downconverts the intermediate frequency (IF) signal to a complex baseband signal.

Data Types: double

Option to enable timed transmission and reception, specified as a numeric or logical value of 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this property to 1 (true), you can:

  • Transmit or receive after the time specified in the TriggerTime property.

  • Transmit or receive at the specified GPS time in the TriggerTime property if you set the PPSSource property to "GPSDO".

  • Simultaneously transmit and receive after the time specified in the TriggerTime property.

Data Types: logical

Trigger time in seconds, specified as a nonnegative scalar. Specify the trigger time after which the radio starts transmitting or receiving data. The TriggerTime value must be greater than the current USRP radio time. Use the getRadioTime function to get the current USRP radio time.


After you call the getRadioTime function, call the System object before releasing it to ensure that the object is released properly.

When you set the PPSSource property to "GPSDO", specify the TriggerTime property as the exact GPS time in seconds at which you want the radio to start transmitting or receiving data.


For USRP N3xx series radios, you can expect a consistent delay between the specified trigger time and the start of transmission or reception.


To enable this property, set the EnableTriggerTime property to true.

Data Types: double

Data Properties

Transport data type, specified as one of these values:

  • "int16" — Use 16-bit transport to achieve higher precision.

  • "int8" — Use 8-bit transport to achieve a transport data rate that is approximately two times faster than 16-bit transport. The quantization step is 256 times larger than 16-bit transport.

The default transport data type assigns the first 16 bits to the in-phase (I) component and the remaining16 bits to the quadrature (Q) component, resulting in 32 bits for each complex sample of transport data.

Data Types: char | string

Data type of the output signal, specified as one of these values.

  • "Same as transport data type" — Set the output data type to the same as the transport data type: either int8 or int16.

    • When the transport data type is int8, the output values are raw 8-bit I and Q samples from the board in the range [–128, 127].

    • When the transport data type is int16, the output values are raw 16-bit I and Q samples from the board in the range [–32 768 32 767].

  • "single" — Specify single-precision floating point values scaled to the range [–1, 1].

  • "double" — Specify double-precision floating point values scaled to the range [–1, 1].

Data Types: char | string
Complex Number Support: Yes

Number of samples per frame of the output signal, specified as a positive integer. A 16-bit I/Q sample requires 4 bytes. The default 362 samples per frame value is set to fit a frame of data within one Ethernet packet, which is 1500 bytes.


You can now set the SamplesPerFrame property to any positive integer value. Before R2021b, the maximum value is 375000.

Data Types: double

Option to enable burst mode, specified as a numeric or logical value of 1 (true) or 0 (false). To produce a set of contiguous frames without an overrun or underrun to the radio, set this property to 1 (true). Enable burst mode to simulate models that cannot run in real time.

When you enable burst mode, specify the number of frames in a burst by using the NumFramesInBurst property.

For an example, see Burst Mode Buffering With SDRu Receiver.

Data Types: logical

Number of frames in a contiguous burst, specified as a nonnegative integer.


To enable this property, set EnableBurstMode to 1 (true).

Data Types: double



data = rx() receives data from a USRP radio associated with the comm.SDRuReceiver System object, rx.


[data,dataLen] = rx() also returns dataLen, which indicates whether the object receives valid data from the radio.

[data,dataLen,overrun] = rx() also returns an integer value that indicates data discontinuity. If overrun is equal to or greater than 1, then data does not represent contiguous data.


[data,dataLen,overrun,timeStamps] = rx() also returns the timestamp of each received sample from a USRP device.


Output Arguments

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Output signal, returned as a column vector or matrix. For a single-channel radio, this output is a column vector. For a multichannel radio, this output is a matrix. Each column in this matrix corresponds to a complex data received on one channel.

Data Types: int16 | single | double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Data length, returned as a nonnegative integer. The value of this output is the number of samples received from USRP radio.

Data Types: double

Data discontinuity flag, returned as one of these values.

  • 0 — The object does not detect an overrun.

  • 1 — The object detects an overrun. The output data does not represent contiguous data that is transmitted from the USRP radio to the host.

Although the value of this output does not represent the actual number of packets dropped, as this value increases, the farther your execution of the object is from achieving real-time performance. You can use this value as a diagnostic tool to determine real-time execution of the object.

For an example, see Burst Mode Buffering With SDRu Receiver.

Data Types: uint32

Timestamp of each received sample, returned as a column vector. The length of this output equals the length of received data.

  • To get the GPS timestamp of each received sample from a USRP radio, set the PPSSource property to 'GPSDO'.

  • To get the timestamp of each received sample from bundled radios, set the PPSSource property to 'GPSDO' or 'External'.

Object Functions

To use an object function, specify the System object as the first input argument. For example, to release system resources of a System object named obj, use this syntax:


expand all

infoCurrent USRP radio settings
gpsLockedStatusLock status of GPSDO to GPS constellation
referenceLockedStatusLock status of USRP radio to 10 MHz clock signal
captureCapture RF data using SDRu receiver
getRadioTimeGet current USRP radio time
stepRun System object algorithm
releaseRelease resources and allow changes to System object property values and input characteristics
resetReset internal states of System object


collapse all

Create an SDRu receiver System object for your USRP radio. Set the master clock rate and center frequency.

rx = comm.SDRuReceiver(Platform='X310',IPAddress='');

Set master clock rate and center frequency.

rx.MasterClockRate = 184.32e6;
rx.CenterFrequency = 2.4e9;

Capture 5 seconds of data.

[data,~] = capture(rx,5,'Seconds');

Release the hardware.


Create an SDRu receiver System object for a multichannel radio configuration.

radio = comm.SDRuReceiver(Platform ="X300",IPAddress ='');
radio.ChannelMapping = [1 2];
radio.CenterFrequency = [1.2 1.3]*1e9;
radio.Gain = [5 6];

Get the radio information by calling the info function.

ans = struct with fields:
                    Mboard: 'X300'
                  RXSubdev: {'UBX RX'  'UBX RX'}
                  TXSubdev: {'UBX TX'  'UBX TX'}
    MinimumCenterFrequency: [-70000000 -70000000]
    MaximumCenterFrequency: [6.0800e+09 6.0800e+09]
               MinimumGain: [0 0]
               MaximumGain: [37.5000 37.5000]
                  GainStep: [0.5000 0.5000]
           CenterFrequency: [1.2000e+09 1.3000e+09]
     LocalOscillatorOffset: 0
                      Gain: [5 6]
           MasterClockRate: 200000000
          DecimationFactor: 512
        BasebandSampleRate: 390625

Create an SDRu receiver System object for a USRP N320 radio. Configure the System object to receive at 1 GHz with a decimation factor of 512 and a master clock rate of 200 MHz. Calculate the baseband sample rate from the master clock rate and decimation factor.

rx = comm.SDRuReceiver( ...
    Platform="N320/N321", ...
    IPAddress="", ...
    CenterFrequency=1e9, ...
    MasterClockRate=200e6, ...
sampleRate = rx.MasterClockRate/rx.DecimationFactor;     

Create a baseband file writer System object to write the received baseband data to a file named Configure the System object with the same center frequency and sample rate as the SDRu receiver.

rxWriter = comm.BasebandFileWriter( ...
    '', ...

Write the valid baseband data to the file.

for counter = 1:2000
    data = rx();

Display information about the received signal.

ans = struct with fields:
             Filename: 'C:\MATLAB\'
      SamplesPerFrame: 362
          NumChannels: 1
             DataType: 'int16'
    NumSamplesWritten: 724000

Release the System objects.


This example shows how to detect overruns when using an SDRu receiver System object and how to overcome overruns by using burst mode buffering.

Detect Lost Samples

Create an SDRu receiver System object for a USRP N210 radio. Configure the System object to receive at 2.5 GHz. To increase the likelihood that an overrun will be occur, set the maximum baseband sample rate by setting the highest supported master clock and a decimation factor of 1. Set the number of samples per frame to 37500. Set the output data type to double.

rx = comm.SDRuReceiver(Platform="N320/N321", ...
         IPAddress="", ...
         CenterFrequency=2.5e9, ...
         MasterClockRate=250e6, ...
         DecimationFactor=1, ...
         SamplesPerFrame=37500, ...

Create a comm.DPSKDemodulator System object for capturing data.

demodulator = comm.DPSKDemodulator(BitOutput=true);

Receive 1000 frames of data using the SDRu receiver System object rx. Additionally output the data continuity flag overrun. Increment a variable n when an overrun is detected. This indicates that the data transmitted from the USRP radio to the host is not contiguous.

for frame = 1:1000
    [data,~,overrun] = rx();
    if overrun == 1
        n = n+1;

Report the number of frames where overruns were detected.

fprintf("Overruns detected in %d frames without burst mode buffering",n-1)
Overruns detected in 54 frames without burst mode buffering

Release the hardware resources.


Use Burst Mode Buffering

To overcome overruns, enable burst mode buffering on the SDRu receiver System object rx. Set the number of frames in a burst to 20.

rx.EnableBurstMode = true;
rx.NumFramesInBurst = 20;

Receive 1000 frames of data using burst mode buffering.

for frame = 1:1000
    [data,~,overrun] = rx();
    if overrun == 0

Report the number of frames where overruns were detected.

fprintf("Overruns detected in %d frames with burst mode buffering",n-1)
Overruns detected in 0 frames with burst mode buffering

Release the hardware resources.


Configure a B210 radio with the serial number 3136D5F. Set the PPS signal source to the PPS signal from a GPSDO and enable GPS time synchronization. Set the clock source to GPSDO. Set the master clock rate to 20MHz, decimation factor to 20, and number of received samples per frame to 10.

Create an SDRu receiver System object to receive data form the USRP™ device.

format long;                    
rx = comm.SDRuReceiver(Platform = "B210", SerialNum='3136D5F', ...
                       PPSSource = "GPSDO", EnforceGPSTimeSync = true, ...
                       ClockSource= "GPSDO", ...
                       MasterClockRate=20e6, DecimationFactor=200, ...
                       SamplesPerFrame = 20000);

Check the GPS lock status.

GPSLockStatus = 0;
while ~GPSLockStatus 
    disp("Trying to lock to GPS constellation ...");
    GPSLockStatus =  gpsLockedStatus(rx);
Trying to lock to GPS constellation ...
if GPSLockStatus
    disp("GPSDO is locked. Acquiring data from radio ...");
    [data,~, ~,GPSTimestamps] = rx();
    d = datetime(GPSTimestamps(1), 'convertfrom', 'posixtime', 'Format', 'MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss.SSS','TimeZone','Asia/Calcutta');
GPSDO is locked. Acquiring data from radio ...
USRP time synchronized to GPS time

Release the System object. Display the GPS timestamp of the first received data sample.

fprintf('GPS timestamp of first sample: %s',d);
GPS timestamp of first sample: 07/27/23 16:33:38.078

Receive phase synchronized signals using the TwinRX daughterboard. Transmit the sinusoidal signals with a B210 radio and receive the signals on an X300 radio with two TwinRX daughterboards. This example requires two MATLAB sessions running on your host computer.

To run this example, you require:

In the first MATLAB session, run the transmitter_twinrx.m script.

In the second MATLAB session, configure an X300 radio with an IP address of Set the radio to receive at 2.45 GHz with a decimation factor of 200 and a master clock rate of 200 MHz. Enable the TwinRX daughterboard and the TwinRX phase synchronization capability to receive phase synchronized signals. Set the ChannelMapping property to [1 2 3 4]. Connect the power splitter from an B210 transmitter to four receiver channels of the X300 radio for calibration.

rx = comm.SDRuReceiver(Platform = "X300", ...
                    IPAddress = '', ...
                    OutputDataType = "double", ...
                    IsTwinRXDaughterboard = true, ...
                    EnableTwinRXPhaseSynchronization = true, ...
                    ChannelMapping = [1 2 3 4], ...
                    MasterClockRate = 200e6, ...
                    DecimationFactor = 200, ...
                    Gain = 45, ...
                    CenterFrequency = 2.45e9, ...
                    SamplesPerFrame = 4000);

Set the frame duration for the signal reception based on the samples per frame and sample rate. Create time scope and frequency scope System objects to display time-domain and frequency-domain signals, respectively. Display a message when reception starts.

frameduration = (rx.SamplesPerFrame)/(200e6/200); 
time = 0; 
timeScope = timescope(TimeSpanSource = "Property",...
                      TimeSpan = 4/30e3,SampleRate = 200e6/200);
spectrumScope = spectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate',200e6/200); 
spectrumScope.ReducePlotRate = true; 
disp("Reception Started");
Reception Started

Inside a while-loop, receive the sine wave using the rx System object. Normalize the signal with respect to the amplitude for each receive channel. Compute the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of each normalized signal. Calculate the phase difference between channels 1 and 2, channels 1 and 3, and channels 1 and 4. Display the phase difference between channel 1 and each of the other channels of the TwinRX daughterboard.

counter = 0;
while time < 10 && counter < 10  
 data = rx();  
    amp(1) = max(abs(data(:,1))); 
    amp(2) = max(abs(data(:,2))); 
    amp(3) = max(abs(data(:,3))); 
    amp(4) = max(abs(data(:,4))); 
    maxAmp = max(amp); 
    if any(~amp)  
       normalizedData = data; 
      normalizedData(:,1) = maxAmp/amp(1)*data(:,1); 
      normalizedData(:,2) = maxAmp/amp(2)*data(:,2); 
      normalizedData(:,3) = maxAmp/amp(3)*data(:,3); 
      normalizedData(:,4) = maxAmp/amp(4)*data(:,4); 
    freqOfFirst = fft(normalizedData(:,1)); 
    freqOfSecond = fft(normalizedData(:,2)); 
    freqOfThird = fft(normalizedData(:,3)); 
    freqOfFourth = fft(normalizedData(:,4)); 
    angle1 = rad2deg(angle(max(freqOfFirst)/max(freqOfSecond))); 
    angle2 = rad2deg(angle(max(freqOfFirst)/max(freqOfThird))); 
    angle3 = rad2deg(angle(max(freqOfFirst)/max(freqOfFourth))); 
    time = time + frameduration;
    counter = counter +1;
    disp([' Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: ', num2str(angle1)]); 
    disp([' Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: ', num2str(angle2)]);
    disp([' Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: ', num2str(angle3)]); 
    disp(' ');
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.1443
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.6504
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1414
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.147
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.6436
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1362
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.1514
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.6434
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1411
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.1505
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.6371
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1357
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.1553
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.636
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1205
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.1513
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.6337
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1287
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.1536
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.6466
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1361
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.1451
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.64
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1323
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.1567
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.6353
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1197
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 2: 100.152
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 3: -70.6353
 Phase difference between channel 1 and 4: -165.1248


disp("Reception ended"); 
Reception ended

This example shows how to generate a MEX file called sdruReceiveMex from the function sdruReceiveData. When you run this MEX file, the code shows a performance improvement and no overruns for data frames that contain 10000 samples.

Create a function that configures comm.SDRuReceiver System object. Set the frame duration for the radio to receive data based on samples per frame and sample rate. Display a message when reception starts. Inside a for-loop, receive the data using the rx System object and return the overrun output argument.

function [receiveTime,overrunCount] = sdruReceiveData()
        duration = 10;
        masterClockRate = 35e6;
        decimationFactor = 1;
        samplesPerFrame = 10000;

        sampleRate = masterClockRate/decimationFactor;
        frameDuration = samplesPerFrame/sampleRate;
        iterations = duration/frameDuration;

        rx = comm.SDRuReceiver(Platform = "B210",SerialNum = "30F59A1", ...
                       MasterClockRate = masterClockRate, ...
                       DecimationFactor = decimationFactor, ...
                       OutputDataType = "double");
        count = 0;
        disp("Started Reception...");
        for i = 1:iterations
            [data,~,overrun] = rx();
            if overrun
            count = count + 1;
        receiveTime = toc;
        overrunCount = count;

Generate a MEX file with the name sdruReceiveMex from the function sdruReceiveData.

codegen sdruReceiveData -o sdruReceiveMex;

Run this MEX file to receive data using the generated MEX and observe the reception time and number of overruns.

[ReceiveTime,overrunCount] = sdruReceiveMex()

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