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Build standalone executable file or model reference target for model


slbuild(model) builds a standalone Simulink® Coder™ binary executable file from the specified model, using the current configuration parameter settings. If the model is not loaded, slbuild loads the model before starting the build process.


slbuild(model,buildSpec) builds a standalone Simulink Coder binary executable file from the model according to the specified code generation action.

slbuild(model,Name,Value) builds a standalone Simulink Coder binary executable file from the model as specified by one or more name-value arguments.


blockHandle = slbuild(subsystem) generates subsystem code and builds a Simulink Coder binary executable file by using the current configuration parameter settings of your model. If the selected system target file creates an S-Function block, the function returns a non-empty block handle to an autogenerated S-Function wrapper. Before you run the command, you must open or load the parent model.


blockHandle = slbuild(subsystem,'Mode','ExportFunctionCalls') generates code from the subsystem that includes function calls that you can export to external application code. This command requires Embedded Coder®. If the Create block configuration parameter is set to SIL, the function returns the handle to a Model block in SIL mode. You can then use the Model block for numerical equivalence testing.


blockHandle = slbuild(subsystem,Name,Value) generates subsystem code and builds a Simulink Coder binary executable file as specified by one or more name-value arguments.



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Generate C code for model CounterModel.

% Same operation as ...
% slbuild('CounterModel','StandaloneCoderTarget') 

For the generic real-time (GRT) target, the coder generates these code files and places them in folders CounterModel_grt_rtw and slprj/grt/_sharedutils.

Model FilesShared FilesInterface FilesOther Files










If the following model configuration parameters settings apply, the coder generates additional results.

Parameter SettingResults
Code Generation > Generate code only pane is clearedExecutable file CounterModel.exe
Code Generation > Report > Create code generation report is selectedReport appears, providing information and links to generated code files, subsystem and code interface reports, entry-point functions, inports, outports, interface parameters, and data stores

This example shows how to use slbuild to generate executable code for two models, CounterModel and ParallelBuildA1. ParallelBuildA1 is a top model that references models and is configured to build the referenced models in parallel.

Open the models.

openExample("simulinkcoder/RegisterAndUseToolchainToBuildExecutableExample", ...
openExample("simulinkcoder/MonitorBuildProcessForModelHierarchyExample", ...

Build the models.

slbuild({'CounterModel', 'ParallelBuildA1'})
### Starting build procedure for: CounterModel
### Successful completion of build procedure for: CounterModel

Build Summary

Top model targets:

Model         Build Reason                                         Status                        Build Duration
CounterModel  Information cache folder or artifacts were missing.  Code generated and compiled.  0h 0m 37.136s 

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 40.889s
### Searching for referenced models in model 'ParallelBuildA1'.
### Found 3 model reference targets to update.
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'Processes' profile ...
Connected to parallel pool with 4 workers.
### Initializing workers for parallel model reference build.
### Parallel worker initialization complete.
### Starting parallel model reference code generation build.
### Successfully updated the model reference code generation target for: ParallelBuildB1
### Successfully updated the model reference code generation target for: ParallelBuildB2
### Successfully updated the model reference code generation target for: ParallelBuildB3
### Starting build procedure for: ParallelBuildA1
### Successful completion of build procedure for: ParallelBuildA1

Build Summary

Model reference code generation targets:

Model            Build Reason                               Status                        Build Duration
ParallelBuildB1  Target (ParallelBuildB1.c) did not exist.  Code generated and compiled.  0h 0m 53.995s 
ParallelBuildB2  Target (ParallelBuildB2.c) did not exist.  Code generated and compiled.  0h 0m 53.985s 
ParallelBuildB3  Target (ParallelBuildB3.c) did not exist.  Code generated and compiled.  0h 0m 53.985s 

Top model targets:

Model            Build Reason                                         Status                        Build Duration
ParallelBuildA1  Information cache folder or artifacts were missing.  Code generated and compiled.  0h 0m 18.998s 

4 of 4 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 3m 15.417s

For each model, the build process displays a build summary.

In the current folder, the build process creates standalone executable files, CounterModel.exe and ParallelBuildA1.exe.

Generate code and build an executable file for the model TopModelCode, which refers to model ReferenceModelCode, regardless of model checksums and parameter settings.


Generate C code for subsystem Amplifier in model CounterModel.


The code generator produces code files in the Amplifier_grt_rtw and slprj/grt/_sharedutils folders.

In your current working folder, the build process creates an executable file (Amplifier.exe).

To export function calls to external application code, build an executable file from a function-call subsystem.


The executable file util.exe appears in your working folder.

From a function-call subsystem, create a Model block that you can use to test the code generated from a model.

Open subsystem util in model SimulinkFunctions.

Set the Code Generation > Verification > Advanced parameters > Create block configuration parameter to SIL.

Create the Model block.

mysilblockhandle = slbuild('SimulinkFunctions/util',...

The code generator produces the Model block in a temporary model. The Model block is configured as follows:

  • Model name is set to the name of a new model that contains the content of the original subsystem.

  • Simulation mode is set to Software-in-the-loop (SIL).

You can add the block to an environment or test harness model that supplies test vectors or stimulus input. You can then run simulations that perform SIL tests and verify that the Model block produces the same result as the original subsystem.

Input Arguments

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If you specify the model name as a handle or character vector, the build process creates a standalone executable file or model reference target.

If you specify multiple models through a cell array of handles or character vectors, the build process applies buildSpec to each model in the cell array.

Example: gcs

Name of subsystem from which you want to generate code or build an executable file, specified as a handle or character vector representing the subsystem name or the full block path.

You can specify multiple subsystems through a cell array of handles or character vectors

Example: 'SimulinkFunctions/util'

buildSpec directs the code generator to perform the selected build action for the model and the build process:

  • Honors the setting of the Rebuild parameter on the Model Referencing pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

  • Requires a Simulink Coder license only if you build a model reference Simulink Coder target, not if you build a model reference simulation target only.

The buildSpec argument must be one of the following.

buildSpec ValueBuild ActionNotes


Builds a standalone Simulink Coder binary executable file for the specified model, using the current model configuration settings. It also builds model reference coder targets for the referenced models.

If the specified model is not loaded, slbuild loads it before initiating the build process.

  • This is the default value when you select Component or Automatic from the Deployment Type menu.

  • You cannot specify this value when you select Subcomponent from the Deployment Type menu.


Builds a model reference Simulink Coder target.

  • This is the default value when you select Subcomponent from the Deployment Type menu.

  • You cannot specify this value when you select Component from the Deployment Type menu.


Builds a model reference simulation target.

Does not require a Simulink Coder license.


Cleans the model build area enough to trigger regeneration of the top model code at the next build.

You cannot specify this value when you select Component or Subcomponent from the Deployment Type menu.

Example: 'ModelReferenceSimTarget'

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'UpdateThisModelReferenceTarget','Force'

Conditional rebuild option for the model reference build, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'UpdateThisModelReferenceTarget' and 'Force', 'IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange', or 'IfOutOfDate'.

This option applies only to the specified model, not to any models referenced by the specified model.

'UpdateThisModelReferenceTarget' ValueEquivalent Rebuild OptionRebuild Action



Unconditionally rebuilds the model.


If changes detected

Rebuilds the model if the build process detects any changes.


If changes in known dependencies detected

Rebuilds the model if the build process detects any changes in known dependencies of this model.

For more information on the different rebuild options, see Rebuild.

Example: 'UpdateThisModelReferenceTarget','Force'


To use this option, set buildSpec to 'ModelReferenceSimTarget' or 'ModelReferenceCoderTarget'.

Data Types: char | string

If your top model uses an ERT or GRT system target file, use this option to specify the output type for the build process.

'BuildOutputType' ValueBuild Action

'Auto' (default)

In the code generation folder, create a Simulink Coder binary file from the top model. The output type of the build process depends on the current configuration parameter settings. For example:


In the code generation folder, create a standalone Simulink Coder binary executable file from the top-model generated code. For example, myModel.exe.


In the build folder, create a static library from the top-model generated code. For example, myModel.lib. The library does not include the example main program.


In the build folder, create a shared library from the top-model generated code. For example, myModel.dll. The library does not include the example main program.

For information about code generation and build folders, see Manage Build Process Folders (Simulink Coder).

Example: 'BuildOutputType' ,'StaticLibrary'


To use this option, set buildSpec to 'StandaloneCoderTarget'.

Data Types: char | string

Option to force the top model of the model hierarchy to build, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ForceTopModelBuild' and true or false.

Setting the value to true directs the code generator to generate code and build an executable file for the top model of the model hierarchy, regardless of model checksums and parameter settings.

Example: 'ForceTopModelBuild',true


To use this option, set buildSpec to 'StandaloneCoderTarget'.

Data Types: logical

If you do not specify a value, the Generate code only (GenCodeOnly) option on the Code Generation pane controls build process behavior.

If you specify a value, the argument overrides the Generate code only (GenCodeOnly) option on the Code Generation pane:

  • true –– Generate code only.

  • false –– Generate code and build executable file.

  • 'ExportFunctionCalls' –– If you have Embedded Coder, generates code from subsystem that includes function calls that you can export to external application code.

  • 'Normal' –– Does not export function calls.

Name the exported function for the specified subsystem.

Example: slbuild(subsystem,'Mode','ExportFunctionCalls','ExportFunctionFileName', fcnname)

Name the exported initialization function for specified subsystem.

Example: rtwbuild(subsystem,'Mode','ExportFunctionCalls','ExportFunctionInitializeFunctionName', fcnname)

Option to display the build information, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'OpenBuildStatusAutomatically' and true or false.

To display build information in the Build Status window, specify true. The default is false. For more information about using the status window, see Monitor Parallel Building of Referenced Models (Simulink Coder).

The Build Status window supports parallel builds of referenced model hierarchies. Do not use the Build Status window for serial builds.


To use this option, set buildSpec to 'StandaloneCoderTarget'.

Data Types: logical

Specify whether to generate obfuscated C code:

  • true –– Generate obfuscated C code that you can share with third parties with reduced likelihood of compromising intellectual property.

  • false –– Generated C code is not obfuscated.

Output Arguments

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Block handle to an autogenerated S-Function wrapper block or Model block.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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