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Embedded Coder Dictionary

Create code definitions to control code generation for model data and functions


The Embedded Coder® Dictionary is a file that you use to store and control the code interface configuration. In the interface configuration, you create custom code interface definitions that define how the generated code interacts with the target platform software on which you deploy the code. By applying the configuration to models, you and your users can generate code that conforms to a specific software architecture by default. For example, you can create your own storage class, which you and your users can apply by default to a category of model data, such as root-level inputs, or to individual data elements, such as parameters.

A dictionary contains only one of these types of interface configurations:

  • Data interface configuration — The code generator creates a program intended to run on the target device. The generated code uses the data interfaces that you define.

  • Service interface configuration — The code generator creates an algorithm that you intend to deploy within a larger application. The platform middleware calls the algorithm code and provides the services for the target device. The generated code calls the services according to your definitions in the service interface configuration. To create a service interface configuration, you must use an Embedded Coder Dictionary that is stored in a Simulink® data dictionary.

In the interface configuration you can create these types of code interface definitions:

  • Storage classes, which control the code generated for model data.

  • Function customization templates, which control naming of model entry-point functions, such as model_step. The templates also apply memory sections to the entry-point functions.

  • Memory sections, which control the placement of data and functions in memory. The generated code includes custom decorations, such as pragmas, whose syntax you specify.

  • Services, which control how the generated code calls services provided by the target platform software such as data transfer and timer services. Service definitions are available only in the service interface configuration.

For general information about creating code generation definitions, see Define Service Interfaces, Storage Classes, Memory Sections, and Function Templates for Software Architecture.

A model, not shared, Embedded Coder Dictionary

The Embedded Coder Dictionary has a pane for each type of code definition. Use the right pane to configure properties for each definition. To verify results as you configure properties, use the pseudocode preview.

You can apply the definitions that you create in the dictionary to model elements by using the Code Mappings editor (see Configure Default C Code Generation for Categories of Data Elements and Functions). To create storage classes and memory sections that you can use outside of the Code Mappings editor, use the Custom Storage Class Designer (see Create Code Definitions for External Data Objects).

Open the Embedded Coder Dictionary

  • To open an Embedded Coder Dictionary, in a model window, open the Embedded Coder app by opening the Apps gallery and clicking Embedded Coder. On the C Code tab, select Code Interface > Embedded Coder Dictionary. The Embedded Coder Dictionary window displays the code interface configuration that is stored in the dictionary.

  • To open the Embedded Coder Dictionary in a Simulink data dictionary, in the Model Explorer Model Hierarchy pane:

    1. Under the dictionary node, select the Embedded Coder node.

      If you do not see the node, right-click the dictionary node and select Show Empty Sections.

    2. In the Dialog pane (the right pane), click Open Embedded Coder Dictionary.


Create and Verify Storage Class

In a model, create a storage class that aggregates internal model data, including block states, into a structure whose characteristics you can control. Then, verify the storage class by generating code from the model.

  1. Open the model RollAxisAutopilot by entering this in the MATLAB® Command Window:


  2. If the model does not open in the Embedded Coder app, open the app and click the C Code tab.

  3. On the C Code tab, select Code Interface > Embedded Coder Dictionary. The Embedded Coder Dictionary window displays code generation definitions that are stored in the model file.

  4. On the left pane, click Storage Class. In the Storage Classes section, click Create.

  5. Select the new storage class that appears at the bottom of the list, StorageClass1. In the pane on the right, set the property values listed in this table.

    Header FileinternalData_$R.h
    Definition FileinternalData_$R.c
    Storage TypeStructured
    Structure Properties > Type NameinternalData_T_$M
    Structure Properties > Instance NameinternalData_$M

    After making your changes, in the bottom pane, verify that the pseudocode preview reflects what you expect.

  6. Return to the model editor. To open the Interface editor, below the canvas, double-click Code Mappings. On the Data Defaults tab, expand the Signals section. Select the Signals, states, and internal data row and set Storage Class to InternalStruct.

  7. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation > Code Placement pane, set File packaging format to Modular.

  8. Generate code.

  9. In the Simulink Editor Code view, open and inspect the file internalData_RollAxisAutopilot.h. The file defines the structure type internalData_T_, whose fields represent block states in the model.

    /* Storage class 'InternalStruct', for system '<Root>' */
    typedef struct {
      real32_T FixPtUnitDelay1_DSTATE;     /* '<S7>/FixPt Unit Delay1' */
      real32_T Integrator_DSTATE;          /* '<S1>/Integrator' */
      int8_T Integrator_PrevResetState;    /* '<S1>/Integrator' */
    } internalData_T_;

    The file also declares a global structure variable named internalData_.

    /* Storage class 'InternalStruct' */
    extern internalData_T_ internalData_;

  10. Open and inspect the file internalData_RollAxisAutopilot.c. The file allocates memory for internalData_.

    /* Storage class 'InternalStruct' */
    internalData_T_ internalData_;

Create Function Customization Template

With a function template, you can specify a rule that governs the names of generated entry-point functions. This technique helps save time and maintenance effort in a model that has many entry-point functions, such as an export-function model or a multirate, multitasking model.

This example shows how to create a function template that specifies the naming rule func_$N_$R. $N is the base name of each generated function and $R is the name of the Simulink model.

  1. Open the example model MultirateMultitaskingBareBoard.

  2. Update the block diagram. This multitasking model has two execution rates, so the generated code includes two corresponding entry-point functions.

  3. In the model, set model configuration parameter System target file to ert.tlc. To use a function customization template, you must use an ERT-based system target file.

  4. In the Simulink Editor, open the Embedded Coder app and open the Embedded Coder Dictionary.

  5. In the Embedded Coder Dictionary, on the Function Customization Template tab, click Create.

  6. For the new function template, set these properties:

    • Name to myFunctions.

    • Function Name to func_$N_$R.

    After making your changes, verify that the pseudocode preview reflects what you expect.

  7. In the model window, open the Code Mappings editor. On the Function Defaults tab, for the Initialize/Terminate and Execution rows, set Function Customization Template to myFunctions.

  8. Generate code.

  9. In the Code view, open and inspect the file MultirateMultitaskingBareBoard.c. The file defines the two execution functions, func_step0_MultirateMultitaskingBareBoard and func_step1_MultirateMultitaskingBareBoard, whose names conform to the rule that you specified in the function template.

For an example that shows how to create a memory section, see Control Data and Function Placement in Memory by Inserting Pragmas.

Create Storage Class for Use with Statically and Dynamically Initialized Data

This example shows how to create a storage class that places global variable definitions and declarations in files whose names depend on the model name. You create two copies of the storage class so that you can use one copy with parameter data (the data category Model parameters) and one copy with other data.

Typically, the generated code initializes parameter data statically, outside any function, and initializes other data dynamically, in the model initialization function. When you create a storage class by using the Custom Storage Class Designer or an Embedded Coder Dictionary, you set the Data Initialization property to specify the initialization mechanism.

In an Embedded Coder Dictionary, for each storage class, you must select Static or Dynamic initialization. Consider creating one copy of the storage class for parameter data (Static) and one copy for other data (Dynamic).

Create Storage Class
  1. Open the model RollAxisAutopilot by typing this command:


  2. If the C Code tab is not open, open the Embedded Coder app and click the C Code tab.

  3. Select Code Interface > Embedded Coder Dictionary.

  4. On the left pane, click Storage Class. In the Storage Classes section, click Create.

  5. For the new storage class, set these properties:

    • Name to SigsStates

    • Header File to $R_my_data.h

    • Definition File to $R_my_data.c

    • Data Initialization to Dynamic

    After making your changes, verify that the pseudocode preview reflects what you expect.

  6. Place your cursor over the row for the storage class SigsStates and click Duplicate code definition. A new storage class, SigsStates_copy, appears.

  7. For the new storage class, set these properties:

    • Name to Params

    • Data Initialization to Static

    Verify that the pseudocode preview reflects what you expect.

Apply Storage Class and Generate Code
  1. In the model, open the Code Mappings editor. Below the model canvas, double-click Code Mappings - Component Interface.

  2. On the Data Defaults tab, for the Parameters > Model Parameters row, in the Storage Class column, select Params.

  3. For the Signals > Signals, states, and internal data row, set Storage Class to SigsStates.

  4. Configure some parameter data elements in the model so that optimizations do not eliminate those elements from the generated code. On the Modeling tab, click Design > Model Workspace.

  5. In the Model Explorer, on the center pane, select the three rows that correspond to the variables dispGain, intGain, and rateGain in the model workspace.

  6. Right-click one of the rows and click Convert to parameter object. The Model Data Editor converts the workspace variables to Simulink.Parameter objects.

  7. In the row for the parameter dispGain, in the Storage Class column, click Configure. The model window highlights the row for the dispGain parameter in the Code Mappings editor.

  8. For each variable, in the Storage Class column, select Model default: Params, which means that they acquire the default storage class that you specified for Model parameters.

  9. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation > Code Placement pane, set File packaging format to Modular.

  10. Generate code.

  11. In the Code view, open and inspect the files RollAxisAutopilot_my_data.c and RollAxisAutopilot_my_data.h. These files define and declare global variables that correspond to the parameter objects and some block states, such as the state of the Integrator block in the BasicRollMode subsystem.

    /* Storage class 'SigsStates' */
    real32_T rtFixPtUnitDelay1_DSTATE;
    real32_T rtIntegrator_DSTATE;
    int8_T rtIntegrator_PrevResetState;
    /* Storage class 'Params' */
    real32_T dispGain = 0.75F;
    real32_T intGain = 0.5F;
    real32_T rateGain = 2.0F;

Refer to Code Generation Definitions in a Package

You can configure an Embedded Coder Dictionary to refer to code generation definitions that you store in a package (see Create Code Definitions for External Data Objects). Those definitions then appear available for selection in the Code Mappings editor. In this example, you configure the Embedded Coder Dictionary in RollAxisAutopilot to refer to definitions stored in the built-in example package ECoderDemos.

  1. Open the Embedded Coder Dictionary for RollAxisAutopilot. For instructions, see Create and Verify Storage Class.

  2. In the Embedded Coder Dictionary window, on the Memory tab, click Manage Packages.

  3. In the Manage Packages dialog box, click Refresh. Wait until more options appear in the Select package drop-down list.

  4. Set Select package to ECoderDemos and click Load.

    In the Embedded Coder Dictionary window, on the Storage Classes tab, the table shows the storage classes defined in the ECoderDemos package. Now, in RollAxisAutopilot, you can select these storage classes in the Code Mappings editor on the Data Defaults tab.

  5. To unload the package, in the Manage Packages dialog box, select the package in the Select package drop-down list and click Unload.

For an example that shows how to share code generation definitions between models by using data dictionaries, see Share Code Interface Configuration Between Models.

For an example that shows how to configure default code mappings in a shared Embedded Coder Dictionary, see Configure Default Code Mapping in a Shared Dictionary.

Related Examples


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These properties appear in the right pane in the Embedded Coder Dictionary window.

Storage Classes

Name of the storage class. The name must be unique among the storage classes in the dictionary.

For lists of built-in and example storage classes that Simulink provides, see Choose Storage Class for Controlling Data Representation in Generated Code.

Custom text that you can use to describe the purpose and functionality of the storage class.

This parameter is read-only.

The location of the storage class definition.

Specification to access data associated with the model. Access the data directly (Direct), through customizable get and set functions (Function), or by using a pointer (Pointer). For more information, see Access Data Through Functions by Using Storage Classes in Embedded Coder Dictionary.


  • Setting this property to Pointer:

    • Sets the PreserveDimensions property to false. To preserve dimensions of multidimensional arrays in the generated code, set DataAccess to Direct or Function.

  • Setting this property to Function or Pointer:

    • Sets DataScope to Imported.

    • Means that you cannot specify multi-instance properties.

In addition, setting this property to Function enables these properties:

  • AccessMode

  • AllowedAccess

  • GetFunctionName

  • SetFunctionName

Specification that the generated code define the data (Exported) or import (Imported) the data definition from external code. Built-in storage classes and storage classes in packages such as Simulink can use other scope options, such as File.


  • Setting this property to Imported:

    • Disables Definition File. To include your external source code file in the build process, use model configuration parameters. For an example, see Configure Data Interface.

    • Means that you cannot set Header File to $N.h, though you can use the $N token.

  • To set this property to Exported, you must use one of the tokens $N or $R in the value of Header File.

Name of the header file that declares the data, specified as a name or naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$NName of associated data element
$GName of storage class
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control


  • If you set Data Scope to Exported, you must use one of the tokens $R or $N in the value of this property.

  • If you set Data Scope to Imported, you cannot set the value of this property to $N.h, but you can use the $N token.

Name of the source file that defines the data, specified as a name or naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$NName of associated data element
$GName of storage class
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control


Setting Data Scope to Imported disables Definition File. To include your external source code file in the build process, use model configuration parameters. For an example, see Configure Data Interface.

Specification for the storage class to access data associated with the model through functions by using Value or Pointer. For more information, see Access Data Through Functions by Using Storage Classes in Embedded Coder Dictionary.


This property is enabled only when you set Data Access to Function.

Specification for the storage class to allow read and write (Read/Write), read-only (Read Only), or write-only (Write Only) access to the data.


This property is enabled only when you set Data Access to Function.

Name of the get function that fetches the associated data, specified as a name or naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$NName of associated data element (required)
$RName of root model
$MMangle text that ensures uniqueness
$UUser token text. See Identifier Format Control.


This property is enabled only when you set Data Access to Function.

Name of the set function that fetches the modifies data, specified as a name or naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$NName of associated data element (required)
$RName of root model
$MMangle text that ensures uniqueness
$UUser token text. See Identifier Format Control.


This property is enabled only when you set Data Access to Function.

Specification for the storage class to use either the storage settings that you specify in the Single-instance storage section or the storage settings that you specify in the Multi-instance storage section. When you apply the storage class to a data item, the Embedded Coder Dictionary determines if it is a single-instance storage class or a multi-instance storage class by the type of data and by the context of the model within the model reference hierarchy.


Selecting this property enables the sections Single-instance storage and Multi-instance storage. The properties Storage Type, Type Name, and Instance Name appear in both the Single-instance storage and Multi-instance storage sections.

Specification to aggregate the data that uses the storage class into a structure in the generated code. Each data element appears in the code as a field of the structure. To create a structure, use Structured.


Setting this property to Structured enables Type Name and Instance Name.

Name of the structure type in the generated code, specified as a name or a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$NBase name of associated function, such as step
$GName of storage class
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control
$MName-mangling text inserted, if necessary, to avoid name collisions


Setting Storage Type to Structured enables this property.

Name of the structure variable in the generated code, specified as a name or a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$NBase name of associated function, such as step
$GName of storage class
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control
$MName-mangling text inserted, if necessary, to avoid name collisions


Setting Storage Type to Structured enables this property.

Specification that the generated code initialize the data.

  • Auto — The generated code statically initializes parameter data and dynamically initializes signal and state data.

  • Dynamic — The generated code initializes the data as part of the model initialization entry-point function.

  • Static — The generated code initializes the data in the same statement that defines and allocates memory for the data. The assignment statement appears at the top of a .c or .cpp source file, outside of a function.

  • None — The generated code does not initialize the data.


  • If you select Const, you cannot set this property to Dynamic.

  • Setting this property to Dynamic disables Const.

Location in memory to allocate data, specified as a memory section that exists in the Embedded Coder Dictionary on the Memory Sections tab. For information about memory sections, see Control Data and Function Placement in Memory by Inserting Pragmas.

Specification for the storage class to preserve dimensions of multidimensional arrays in the generated code. For more information, see Preserve Dimensions of Multidimensional Arrays in Generated Code.

Specification to apply the const qualifier to the data.


  • If you select this property, you cannot set Data Initialization to Dynamic.

  • Setting Data Initialization to Dynamic disables this property.

Specification to apply the volatile qualifier to the data.

Specification to apply a custom qualifier to the data. For example, some memory architectures support qualifiers far and huge.

Do not use this property to apply the keyword static. Instead, use the built-in storage class FileScope, which you cannot apply with the Code Mappings editor. See Choose Storage Class for Controlling Data Representation in Generated Code.

Specification indicating whether to allow usage of the storage class with model parameters.


  • Setting Data Initialization to Static enables this property.

  • Setting Data Initialization to Dynamic disables this property.

  • To set the value of this property, set Data Initialization to None.

Specification indicating whether to allow usage of the storage class with model signals.


  • Setting Data Initialization to Dynamic enables this property.

  • Setting Data Initialization to Static disables this property.

  • To set the value of this property, set Data Initialization to None.

Function Customization Templates

Name of the template. The name must be unique among the function templates in the dictionary. Embedded Coder provides the built-in templates listed in this table.

ModelFunctionIn the Code Mappings editor, use for entry-point functions for initialization, execution, termination, and reset (see Configure Default Code Generation for Functions)
UtilityFunctionIn the Code Mappings editor, use for shared utility functions (see Configure Default Code Generation for Functions)

Custom text that you can use to describe the purpose and functionality of the function template.

This parameter is read-only.

The location of the function template definition.

  • Model name — Defined in a Simulink model.

  • Dictionary name — Defined in a Simulink data dictionary (see What Is a Data Dictionary?).

Names of the functions in the generated code, specified as a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$NBase name of associated function, such as step
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control
$CFor shared utility functions, a checksum inserted to avoid name collisions
$MName-mangling text inserted, if necessary, to avoid name collisions

Location in memory to allocate function, specified as a memory section that exists in the Embedded Coder Dictionary on the Memory Sections tab. For information about memory sections, see Control Data and Function Placement in Memory by Inserting Pragmas.

Name of the header file that declares the function. You can use these tokens in the header filename.

$RName of root model
$NBase name of associated function, such as step
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control

For more information about using a custom header file, see Control File Packaging of Generated Entry-Point Functions and Simulink Functions.

Name of the source file that defines the function. You can use these tokens in the definition filename.

$RName of root model
$NBase name of associated function, such as step
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control

For more information about using a custom definition file, see Control File Packaging of Generated Entry-Point Functions and Simulink Functions.

Memory Sections

Name of the memory section. The name must be unique among the memory sections in the dictionary. Embedded Coder provides the built-in memory sections listed in this table.

Memory SectionDescription
MemConstApply the storage type qualifier const to the data.
MemVolatileApply the storage type qualifier volatile to the data.
MemConstVolatileApply the storage type qualifiers const and volatile to the data.

Custom text that you can use to describe the purpose and functionality of the memory section.

This parameter is read-only.

The location of the memory section definition.

Code comment that the code generator includes with the pragmas or other decorations that you specify with Pre Statement and Post Statement.

Code, such as pragmas, to insert before the definitions and declarations of the data or functions that are in the memory section.

You can use the token $R to represent the name of the model that uses the memory section.

When you set Statements Surround to Each variable, you can use the token $N to represent the name of each variable or function that uses the memory section.

Code, such as pragmas, to insert after the definitions and declarations of the data or functions that are in the memory section.

You can use the token $R to represent the name of the model that uses the memory section.

When you set Statements Surround to Each variable, you can use the token $N to represent the name of each variable or function that uses the memory section.

Specification to insert code statements (Pre Statement and Post Statement):

  • Around each variable and function that uses the memory section. Select Each variable.

  • Once, around the entire memory section. The generated code aggregates the variable and function definitions into a contiguous code block and surrounds the block with the statements. Select Group of variables.

Receiver Service Interfaces

Since R2022b

Name of the receiver service. Embedded Coder provides the example services listed in this table.

Receiver ServiceDescription
ReceiverExample1Favor memory optimization over data freshness. The service reads data from another function before the function starts executing.
ReceiverExample2Favor data freshness over memory optimization. The service reads data from another function immediately during execution.
ReceiverExample3Use this option to maximize performance of component code or if mutual exclusion is inherent in component model design. The platform service reads data from generated function code directly by using memory that platform services manage for the target execution environment.

How receiver data transmission is handled between the target platform service and the run-time environment, specified as one of these options:

  • Outside Execution — Read data from another function before the function starts executing. Use this option to favor memory optimization over data freshness.

  • During Execution — Read data from another function immediately during execution. The generated function code that calls the service must use a local buffer to maintain value coherence during execution. Use this option to favor data freshness over memory optimization.

  • Direct Access — Read data from generated function code directly by using memory that platform services manage. Use this option to maximize performance of component code or if mutual exclusion is inherent in component model design.

Names of the receiver functions in the generated code, specified as a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$GService name
$NElement name
$XCurrent callable function
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control
$MName-mangling text inserted to avoid name collisions


To specify a function naming rule, you must set Data Communication Method to Outside Execution or During Execution.

Storage class definition, specified as one of the definitions in the Storage Class section of the dictionary.


To specify a storage class receiver services, you must set Data Communication Method to Direct Access.

Sender Service Interfaces

Since R2022b

Name of the sender service. Embedded Coder provides the example services listed in this table.

Sender ServiceDescription
SenderExample1Favor data freshness over memory optimization. The platform service reads data from another function immediately during execution.
SenderExample2Favor memory optimization over data freshness. The service sends data to another function after the function executes.
SenderExample3Use this option to maximize performance of component code or if mutual exclusion is inherent in component model design. The platform service reads data from generated function code directly by using memory that platform services manage for the target execution environment.

How sender data transmission is handled between the task and the run-time environment, specified as one of these options:

  • Outside Execution — Send data to another function before the function starts executing. Use this option to favor memory optimization over data freshness.

  • During Execution — Send data to another function immediately during execution. The generated function code that calls the service must use a local buffer to maintain value coherence during execution. Use this option to favor data freshness over memory optimization.

  • Direct Access — Send data to generated function code directly by using memory that platform services manage. Use this option to maximize performance of component code or if mutual exclusion is inherent in component model design.

Names of the sender functions in the generated code, specified as a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$GService name
$NElement name
$XCurrent callable function
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control
$MName-mangling text inserted to avoid name collisions


To specify a function naming rule, you must set Data Communication Method to Outside Execution or During Execution.

Names of the sender functions that send a value by reference in the generated code, specified as a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$GService name
$XCurrent callable function
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control


To specify a function naming rule, the definition must be a data sender service and you must set Data Communication Method to Outside Execution or During Execution.

Storage class definition, specified as one of the definitions in the Storage Class section of the dictionary.


To specify a storage class receiver services, you must set Data Communication Method to Direct Access.

Data Transfer Service Interfaces

Since R2022b

Name of the data transfer service. Embedded Coder provides the example services listed in this table.

Data Transfer ServiceDescription
DataTransferExample1Favor data freshness over memory optimization. The platform service reads data from another function immediately during execution.
DataTransferExample2Favor memory optimization over data freshness. The service receives and sends data from another function outside of function execution.

How data transmission is handled between the task and the run-time environment, specified as one of these options:

  • Outside Execution — Communicate data to another function before the function starts executing. Use this option to favor memory optimization over data freshness.

  • During Execution — Communicate data to another function immediately during execution. The generated function code that calls the service must use a local buffer to maintain value coherence during execution. Use this option to favor data freshness over memory optimization.

Names of the receiver functions in the generated code, specified as a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$NElement name
$XCurrent callable function
$MName-mangling text inserted to avoid name collisions

Names of the sender functions in the generated code, specified as a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$RName of root model
$NElement name
$XCurrent callable function
$MName-mangling text inserted to avoid name collisions

Timer Services

Since R2022b

Name of the timer service. Embedded Coder provides the example service listed in this table.

Timer ServiceDescription
TimerServiceExample1The timer service executes outside of function execution.

How data transmission is handled between the task and the run-time environment, specified as one of these options:

  • Outside Execution — Communicate data to another function before the function starts executing. Use this option to favor memory optimization over data freshness.

  • During Execution — Communicate data to another function immediately during execution. The generated function code that calls the service must use a local buffer to maintain value coherence during execution. Use this option to favor data freshness over memory optimization.

Names of the clock tick functions in the generated code, specified as a naming rule. A naming rule includes a combination of text and tokens. Valid tokens are listed in this table.

$GService name
$XCurrent callable function
$UUser token text, which you specify for a model as described in Identifier Format Control


  • If you create multiple timer services, use the $G token.

  • If you set Data Communication Method to Outside Execution, use the $X token.

Parameter Tuning Interfaces

Since R2022b

The name of the tuning service for parameters that need to be tuned. If the parameters do not need to be tuned, Name has the default value, Not tunable.

Name of storage class definition to use with the tuning service, specified as one of the compatible definitions in the Storage Class section of the dictionary.


The Storage Class is not applicable for the Not tunable entry.

Parameter Argument Tuning Interfaces

Since R2022b

The name of the tuning service for parameter arguments that need to be tuned. If the parameter arguments do not need to be tuned, Name has the default value, Not tunable.

Name of storage class definition to use with the tuning service, specified as one of the compatible definitions in the Storage Class section of the dictionary.


The Storage Class is not applicable for the Not tunable entry.

Measurement Service Interfaces

Since R2022b

The name of the measurement service for signals, states, and internal data elements that need to be measured. If the signals, states, and internal data elements do not need to be measured, Name has the default value, Not measured.

Name of storage class definition to use with the measurement service, specified as one of the compatible definitions in the Storage Class section of the dictionary.


The Storage Class for the Not measured entry cannot be configured. Model elements that are specified as Not measured and cannot be optimized away will be generated according to the Storage Class specified for the Internal Data section in the dictionary.


  • A storage class or function customization template that you create in an Embedded Coder Dictionary cannot use a memory section that you load from a package (as described in Refer to Code Generation Definitions in a Package). Use a memory section defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary.

  • A storage class that you create in an Embedded Coder Dictionary that has Function data access is not supported for the storage class of a data store, parameter argument tuning interface, or measurement interface.

  • You cannot create code generation definitions in a .mdl model file.

For additional limitations for code generation definitions in the Embedded Coder Dictionary of a data dictionary (.sldd file), see Deploy Code Generation Definitions.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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