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Installation, Einrichtung und Konfiguration

Installieren von Hardware-Support, Aktualisierung von Firmware und Konfigurieren der Hardwareverbindung

  • Der Bildschirm „Hardware Setup“ umfasst Anleitungen zur Installation und Konfiguration des Simulink®-Supportpakets für Raspberry Pi®-Hardware. Weitere Informationen zur Installation finden Sie unter Installieren des Simulink-Supportpakets für Raspberry Pi.

  • Lernen Sie, wie Sie Kommunikation zwischen dem Host-Computer und Ihrer Raspberry Pi-Hardware aufbauen können.


raspberrypiGet host name, user name, password, and build directory

Einrichten der Hardware

Install Support for Raspberry Pi Hardware

Install support for Raspberry Pi hardware.

Enable Passwordless Sudo on Raspberry Pi Hardware

Run Simulink models on Raspberry Pi without providing a password.

Setup Virtual CAN Interface

Setup virtual CAN interface before configuring CAN Transmit and CAN Receive blocks.

Konfigurieren der Netzwerkeinstellungen

Configure Network Settings of Raspberry Pi Hardware

Configure the network settings of your Raspberry Pi hardware.

Get IP Address of Raspberry Pi Hardware

You can use any of these methods to know the IP address of your Raspberry Pi hardware.

Access Internet When Raspberry Pi Is Directly Connected to Computer Using Ethernet

When Raspberry Pi hardware is directly connected to a computer using an Ethernet cable, perform these steps to access the Internet from the hardware.

Zugreifen auf und Konfigurieren des Linux-Betriebssystems

Open Command-Line Session with Raspberry Pi Hardware

Open a serial command-line session with Raspberry Pi hardware.

Access Linux on Raspberry Pi Using Computer Peripherals

Set up Raspberry Pi hardware as a Linux® desktop or terminal.

Run Linux Shell Commands on Raspberry Pi Hardware

This example shows you how to run Linux® shell commands on your Raspberry Pi® hardware.

Extend Linux Partition on SD Card

Extend Linux partition on the SD card for Raspbian Linux image.

Konfigurieren der Parameter im Dialogfeld „Configuration Parameters“

Model Configuration Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware

This section describes about the model configuration parameters.

Additional Capabilities with Simulink Coder and Embedded Coder

Include additional capabilities for code generation.

Konfigurieren von Simulink Online

Connect to Raspberry Pi Hardware Board in Simulink Online

Configure, connect to, and control Raspberry Pi hardware in Simulink Online™.

Security Considerations for Raspberry Pi in Simulink Online

Take steps to secure your Raspberry Pi in Simulink Online.