Import rigid body tree model from URDF, Xacro, SDF file, text, or Simscape Multibody model
URDF, Xacro, or SDF Import
returns a robot
= importrobot(filename
object by parsing
the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), XML Macros (Xacro), or Simulation
Description Format (SDF) file specified by filename
specifies options using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to any
combination of input arguments from previous syntaxes. For example,
= importrobot(___,Name,Value
imports a KUKA LBR iiwa 14 robot and decomposes the collision meshes of the
robot using voxelized hierarchical approximate convex decomposition
Use the URDF, Xacro, or SDF Import name-value pairs to import a model from URDF, Xacro, or SDF file, or text.
Simscape Multibody Model Import
imports a Simscape™
Multibody™ model and returns an equivalent robot
] = importrobot(model
object and
information about the import in importInfo
. Only fixed,
prismatic, revolute joints, and floating joints are supported in the output
specifies options using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to the
Multibody model from the previous syntax. Use the Simscape Multibody Model Import name-value pairs to
import a model that uses other joint types, constraint blocks, or variable
] = importrobot(___,Name,Value
Import Robot from URDF File
Import a URDF file as a rigidBodyTree
robot = importrobot('iiwa14.urdf')
robot = rigidBodyTree with properties: NumBodies: 10 Bodies: {[1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody] [1x1 rigidBody]} Base: [1x1 rigidBody] BodyNames: {'iiwa_link_0' 'iiwa_link_1' 'iiwa_link_2' 'iiwa_link_3' 'iiwa_link_4' 'iiwa_link_5' 'iiwa_link_6' 'iiwa_link_7' 'iiwa_link_ee' 'iiwa_link_ee_kuka'} BaseName: 'world' Gravity: [0 0 0] DataFormat: 'struct'
ans = Axes (Primary) with properties: XLim: [-1.5000 1.5000] YLim: [-1.5000 1.5000] XScale: 'linear' YScale: 'linear' GridLineStyle: '-' Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150] Units: 'normalized' Use GET to show all properties
Import Robot from URDF Character Vector
Specify the URDF character vector. This character vector is a minimalist description for creating a valid robot model.
URDFtext = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><robot name="min"><link name="L0"/></robot>';
Import the robot model. The description creates a rigidBodyTree
object that has only a robot base link named 'L0'
robot = importrobot(URDFtext)
robot = rigidBodyTree with properties: NumBodies: 0 Bodies: {1x0 cell} Base: [1x1 rigidBody] BodyNames: {1x0 cell} BaseName: 'L0' Gravity: [0 0 0] DataFormat: 'struct'
Display Robot Model with Visual Geometries
You can import robots that have .stl
files associated with the Unified Robot Description format (URDF) file to describe the visual geometries of the robot. Each rigid body has an individual visual geometry specified. The importrobot
function parses the URDF file to get the robot model and visual geometries. The function assumes that visual geometry and collision geometry of the robot are the same and assigns the visual geometries as collision geometries of corresponding bodies.
Use the show
function to display the visual and collision geometries of the robot model in a figure. You can then interact with the model by clicking components to inspect them and right-clicking to toggle visibility.
Import a robot model as a URDF file. The .stl
file locations must be properly specified in this URDF. To add other .stl
files to individual rigid bodies, see addVisual
robot = importrobot('iiwa14.urdf');
Visualize the robot with the associated visual model. Click bodies or frames to inspect them. Right-click bodies to toggle visibility for each visual geometry.
Visualize the robot with the associated collision geometries. Click bodies or frames to inspect them. Right-click bodies to toggle visibility for each collision geometry.
Import Simscape™ Multibody™ model to RigidBodyTree
Import an existing Simscape™ Multibody™ robot model into the Robotics System Toolbox™ as a rigidBodyTree
Open the Simscape™ Multibody™ model. This is a model for a humanoid robot.
Import the model.
[robot,importInfo] = importrobot(gcs)
robot = rigidBodyTree with properties: NumBodies: 21 Bodies: {1×21 cell} Base: [1×1 rigidBody] BodyNames: {'Body01' 'Body02' 'Body03' 'Body04' 'Body05' 'Body06' 'Body07' 'Body08' 'Body09' 'Body10' 'Body11' 'Body12' 'Body13' 'Body14' 'Body15' 'Body16' 'Body17' 'Body18' 'Body19' 'Body20' 'Body21'} BaseName: 'Base' Gravity: [0 0 -9.8066] DataFormat: 'struct'
importInfo = rigidBodyTreeImportInfo with properties: SourceModelName: 'example_smhumanoidrobot' RigidBodyTree: [1×1 rigidBodyTree] BlockConversionInfo: [1×1 struct]
Display details about the created rigidBodyTree
-------------------- Robot: (21 bodies) Idx Body Name Simulink Source Blocks Joint Name Simulink Source Blocks Joint Type Parent Name(Idx) Children Name(s) --- --------- ---------------------- ---------- ---------------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- 1 Body01 Info | List | Highlight Joint01 Info | List | Highlight revolute Base(0) Body02(2) 2 Body02 Info | List | Highlight Joint02 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body01(1) Body03(3) 3 Body03 Info | List | Highlight Joint03 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body02(2) Body04(4) 4 Body04 Info | List | Highlight Joint04 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body03(3) 5 Body05 Info | List | Highlight Joint05 Info | List | Highlight revolute Base(0) Body06(6) 6 Body06 Info | List | Highlight Joint06 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body05(5) Body07(7) 7 Body07 Info | List | Highlight Joint07 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body06(6) Body08(8) 8 Body08 Info | List | Highlight Joint08 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body07(7) 9 Body09 Info | List | Highlight Joint09 Info | List | Highlight revolute Base(0) Body10(10) 10 Body10 Info | List | Highlight Joint10 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body09(9) Body11(11) 11 Body11 Info | List | Highlight Joint11 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body10(10) Body12(12) 12 Body12 Info | List | Highlight Joint12 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body11(11) 13 Body13 Info | List | Highlight Joint13 Info | List | Highlight revolute Base(0) Body14(14) 14 Body14 Info | List | Highlight Joint14 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body13(13) Body15(15) 15 Body15 Info | List | Highlight Joint15 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body14(14) Body16(16) 16 Body16 Info | List | Highlight Joint16 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body15(15) 17 Body17 Info | List | Highlight Joint17 Info | List | Highlight revolute Base(0) Body18(18) 18 Body18 Info | List | Highlight Joint18 Info | List | Highlight revolute Body17(17) Body19(19) 19 Body19 Info | List | Highlight Joint19 Info | List | Highlight fixed Body18(18) Body20(20) 20 Body20 Info | List | Highlight Joint20 Info | List | Highlight fixed Body19(19) 21 Body21 Info | List | Highlight Joint21 Info | List | Highlight fixed Base(0) --------------------
Decompose Collision Meshes of Imported Robot
Import a KUKA LBR iiwa 14 robot.
robot = importrobot("iiwa14.urdf");
Display the robot with the default collision meshes.
t = tiledlayout(1,2); title(t,"KUKA iiwa 14") nexttile; show(robot,Visuals="off",Collisions="on"); title("Default Collision Meshes"); axis auto nexttile; show(robot); title("Visual Meshes"); axis auto
Import a robot but decompose the collision meshes using voxelized hierarchical approximate convex decomposition (V-HACD).
robotCollisionDecomp = importrobot("iiwa14.urdf",CollisionDecomposition=true);
Display the robot with the updated collision meshes from decomposition.
figure show(robotCollisionDecomp,Visuals="off",Collisions="on"); title("Decomposition of Collision Meshes"); axis auto
By default the V-HACD solver decomposes the collision meshes of the robot. To decompose the visual meshes of the robot, import the robot with custom V-HACD solver options.
options = vhacdOptions("RigidBodyTree",SourceMesh="VisualGeometry"); robotVisualDecomp = importrobot("iiwa14.urdf",CollisionDecomposition=options);
Display the robot with the updated collision meshes from decomposition.
figure show(robotVisualDecomp,Visuals="off",Collisions="on"); title("Decomposition of Visual Meshes"); axis auto
Input Arguments
— Name of robot description file
string scalar | character vector
Name of the robot description file, specified as a string scalar or character vector. This file must be a valid URDF robot description, Xacro robot description, or SDF model description.
Included Robot Models with Mesh Data
Robot Model | Mesh Visualization | Description |
"iiwa7.urdf" |
| KUKA LBR iiwa 7 R800 7-axis robot |
"iiwa14.urdf" |
| URDF version of KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 7-axis robot |
"iiwa14.xacro" |
| Xacro version of KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 7-axis robot |
"iiwa14.sdf" |
| SDF version of KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 7-axis robot |
"sawyer.urdf" |
| Rethink Robotics Sawyer 7-axis robot |
To download the mesh data for the included robot models without the mesh data, see Install Robotics System Toolbox Robot Library Data Support Package.
Included Robot Models without Mesh Data
Robot Model | Mesh Visualization | Description |
"abbIrb120.urdf" | ABB IRB 120 6-axis robot | |
"abbIrb120T.urdf" | ABB IRB 120T 6-axis robot | |
"abbIrb1600.urdf" | ABB IRB 1600 6-axis robot | |
"abbYuMi.urdf" | ABB YuMi 2-armed robot | |
"amrPioneer3AT.urdf" | Adept MobileRobots Pioneer 3-AT mobile robot | |
"amrPioneer3DX.urdf" | Adept MobileRobots Pioneer 3-DX mobile robot | |
"amrPioneerLX.urdf" | Adept MobileRobots Pioneer LX mobile robot | |
"atlas.urdf" | Boston Dynamics ATLAS® Humanoid robot | |
"clearpathHusky.urdf" | Clearpath Robotics Husky mobile robot | |
"clearpathJackal.urdf" | Clearpath Robotics Jackal mobile robot | |
"clearpathTurtleBot2.urdf" | Clearpath Robotics TurtleBot 2 mobile robot | |
"fanucLRMate200ib.urdf" | FANUC LR Mate 200iB 6-axis robot | |
"fanucM16ib.urdf" | FANUC M-16iB 6-axis robot | |
"frankaEmikaPanda.urdf" | Franka Emika Panda 7-axis robot | |
"kinovaGen3.urdf" | Version 1 of Kinova®Gen3 7-axis robot | |
"kinovaGen3V12.urdf" | Version 2 of Kinova Gen3 7-axis robot | |
"kinovaJacoJ2N6S200.urdf" | Kinova JACO® 2-fingered 6 DOF robot with non-spherical wrist | |
"kinovaJacoJ2N6S300.urdf" | Kinova JACO® 3-fingered 6 DOF robot with non-spherical wrist | |
"kinovaJacoJ2N7S300.urdf" | Kinova JACO® 3-fingered 7 DOF robot with non-spherical wrist | |
"kinovaJacoJ2S6S300.urdf" | Kinova JACO® 3-fingered 6 DOF robot with spherical wrist | |
"kinovaJacoJ2S7S300.urdf" | Kinova JACO® 3-fingered 7 DOF robot with spherical wrist | |
"kinovaJacoTwoArmExample.urdf" | Two Kinova JACO® 3-fingered 6 DOF robots with non-spherical wrist | |
"kinovaMicoM1N4S200.urdf" | Kinova MICO® 2-fingered 4 DOF robot | |
"kinovaMicoM1N6S200.urdf" | Kinova MICO® 2-fingered 6 DOF robot | |
"kinovaMicoM1N6S300.urdf" | Kinova MICO® 3-fingered 6 DOF robot | |
"kinovaMovo.urdf" | Kinova MOVO® 2-armed mobile robot | |
"kukaIiwa7.urdf" | KUKA LBR iiwa 7 R800 7-axis robot | |
"kukaIiwa14.urdf" | KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 7-axis robot | |
"meca500r3.urdf" | Mecademic Meca500 R3 6-axis robot | |
"omronEcobra600.urdf" |
| Omron eCobra 600 4-axis SCARA robot |
"puma560.urdf" |
| PUMA 560 6-axis robot |
"quanserQArm.urdf" | Quanser QArm 4 DOF robot | |
"quanserQBot2e.urdf" | Quanser QBot 2e mobile robot | |
"quanserQCar.urdf" | Quanser QCar mobile robot | |
"rethinkBaxter.urdf" | Rethink Robotics Baxter 2-armed robot | |
"rethinkSawyer.urdf" | Rethink Robotics Sawyer 7-axis robot | |
"robotiq2F85.urdf" | Robotiq 2F-85 2-finger gripper The gripper can be used with the following list of manipulators:
| |
"robotisOP2.urdf" | ROBOTIS OP2 Humanoid robot | |
"robotisOpenManipulator.urdf" | ROBOTIS OpenMANIPULATOR 4-axis robot with gripper | |
"robotisTurtleBot3Burger.urdf" | ROBOTIS TurtleBot 3 Burger robot | |
"robotisTurtleBot3Waffle.urdf" | ROBOTIS TurtleBot 3 Waffle robot | |
"robotisTurtleBot3WaffleForOpenManipulator.urdf" | ROBOTIS TurtleBot 3 Waffle robot with OpenMANIPULATOR | |
"robotisTurtleBot3WafflePi.urdf" | ROBOTIS TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi robot | |
"robotisTurtleBot3WafflePiForOpenManipulator.urdf" | ROBOTIS TurtleBot 3 Waffle Pi robot with OpenMANIPULATOR | |
"techmanTM5-700" |
| Techman TM5-700 6-axis robot with Camera |
"techmanTM5x-700" |
| Techman TM5X-700 6-axis robot without Camera |
"techmanTM5-900" |
| Techman TM5-900 6-axis robot with Camera |
"techmanTM5x-900" |
| Techman TM5X-900 6-axis robot without Camera |
"techmanTM12" |
| Techman TM12 6-axis robot with Camera |
"techmanTM12x" |
| Techman TM12X 6-axis robot without Camera |
"techmanTM14" |
| Techman TM14 6-axis robot with Camera |
"techmanTM14x" |
| Techman TM14X 6-axis robot without Camera |
"universalUR3.urdf" | Universal Robots UR3 6-axis robot | |
"universalUR3e.urdf" | Universal Robots UR3e 6-axis robot | |
"universalUR5.urdf" | Universal Robots UR5 6-axis robot | |
"universalUR5e.urdf" | Universal Robots UR5e 6-axis robot | |
"universalUR10.urdf" | Universal Robots UR10 6-axis robot | |
"universalUR10e.urdf" | Universal Robots UR10e 6-axis robot | |
"universalUR16e.urdf" | Universal Robots UR16e 6-axis robot | |
"valkyrie.urdf" | NASA Valkyrie Humanoid robot | |
"willowgaragePR2.urdf" | Willow Garage PR2 mobile robot | |
"yaskawaMotomanMH5.urdf" | Yaskawa Motoman MH5 6-axis robot |
Example: "robot_file.urdf"
Example: "robot_file.xacro"
Example: "robot_file.sdf"
Data Types: char
| string
— Robot description text
string scalar | character vector
Robot description text, specified as a string scalar or character vector. The text must be a valid URDF robot description, Xacro robot description, or SDF model description.
Parse URDF Robot Description from text
Import robot model from URDF text.
% Specify URDF text as a character vector. text = ['<?xml version="1.0" ?>', ... '<robot name="min">', ... '<link name="L0"/>', ... '</robot>']; % Import the robot model from the URDF text. robot = importrobot(text);
Import robot model from a URDF text file.
% Specify URDF text as a character vector. text = ['<?xml version="1.0" ?>', ... '<robot name="min">', ... '<link name="L0"/>', ... '</robot>']; % Write the text to file. writelines(text,"URDF_robot.txt") % Import the robot model from the URDF text file. Specify the format of % the robot description text file. robot = importrobot("URDF_robot.txt","urdf");
Parse Xacro Robot Description from text
Import robot model from Xacro text.
% Specify Xacro text as a character vector. text = ['<?xml version="1.0" ?>', ... '<robot name="min" ', ... 'xmlns:xacro="">', ... '<link name="L0"/>', ... '</robot>']; % Import the robot model from the Xacro text. robot = importrobot(text);
Import robot model from a Xacro text file.
% Specify Xacro text as a character vector. text = ['<?xml version="1.0" ?>', ... '<robot name="min" ', ... 'xmlns:xacro="">', ... '<link name="L0"/>', ... '</robot>']; % Write the text to file. writelines(text,"Xacro_robot.txt") % Import the robot model from the Xacro text file. Specify the format of % the robot description text file. robot = importrobot("Xacro_robot.txt","xacro");
Parse SDF Model Description from text
Import robot model from SDF text.
% Specify SDF text as a character vector. text = ['<?xml version="1.0" ?>', ... '<sdf version="1.6">', ... '<model name="min">', ... '<link name="L0"/>', ... '</model>', ... '</sdf>']; % Import the robot model from the SDF text. robot = importrobot(text);
Import robot model from a SDF text file.
% Specify SDF text as a character vector. text = ['<?xml version="1.0" ?>', ... '<sdf version="1.6">', ... '<model name="min">', ... '<link name="L0"/>', ... '</model>', ... '</sdf>']; % Write the text to file. writelines(text,"SDF_robot.txt") % Import the robot model from the SDF text file. Specify the format of % the robot description text file. robot = importrobot("SDF_robot.txt","sdf");
Data Types: char
| string
— File format of robot description text file
| "xacro"
| "sdf"
File format of robot description text file, specified as a string scalar or character vector. Use this argument to specify explicitly the required format for the robot description file.
Example: "robot_file.txt","urdf"
Example: "robot_file.txt","xacro"
Example: "robot_file.txt","sdf"
Data Types: char
| string
— Simscape Multibody model
model handle | string scalar | character vector
Simscape Multibody model, specified as a model handle, string scalar, or character vector.
Data Types: char
| string
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: "MeshPath",{"../arm_meshes","../body_meshes"}
— Relative search paths for mesh files
string scalar | character vector | cell array of string scalars or character vectors
Relative search paths for mesh files, specified as a string scalar,
character vector, or cell array of string scalars or character vectors.
Mesh files must still be specified inside the URDF, Xacro, or SDF file,
but MeshPath
defines the relative paths for these
specified files.
To use this name-value argument, you must specify either the
or the text
argument as a URDF, Xacro, or SDF file.
Data Types: char
| string
| cell
— Input/output data format for kinematics and dynamics functions
(default) | "row"
| "column"
Input/output data format for the kinematics and dynamics functions of
the robot model, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and "struct"
, or "column"
. To use
dynamics functions, you must specify either "row"
. This name-value pair sets the DataFormat
property of the rigidBodyTree
Data Types: char
| string
— Select model from SDF that contain multiple models
string scalar | character vector
Select a model from the SDF file or text that contain multiple models, specified as a string scalar or character vector.
To use this name-value argument, you must specify either the
or the text
argument as an SDF file or SDF text description,
Data Types: char
| string
— Maximum number of bodies allowed in imported robot during code generation
Maximum number of bodies allowed in imported robot during code
generation, specified as an integer. Use
to add rigid bodies to the
imported tree inside a function that supports code generation. The
number of additional bodies that can be added is the difference between
and the number of bodies in the
imported tree, rigidBodyTree.NumBodies
This name-value pair is only necessary for code generation workflows.
— Decomposition of collision meshes of robot after import
(default) | true
or 1
| vhacdOptions
Decomposition of the collision meshes of the robot after import,
specified as a logical 0
logical 1
), or vhacdOptions
does not decompose the robot collision meshes after import.true
uses thecollisionVHACD
function with default decomposition options to decompose the robot collision meshes specified in the URDF file or text.vhacdOptions
object —importrobot
uses thecollisionVHACD
function with specified decomposition options to decompose the collision meshes specified in the URDF file or text. You must set theType
property of thevhacdOptions
object to"RigidBodyTree"
— Closed chain breaking
(default) | "remove-joints"
Closed chain breaking, specified as "error"
returns an error when the source model contains closed chains."remove-joints"
removes joints from the robot model to break closed chains. You can see the removed joints in theBlockConversionInfo
property of theimportInfo
output argument.
Data Types: char
| string
— Unsupported to fixed joint conversion
(default) | "convert-to-fixed"
Unsupported to fixed joint conversion, specified as
or "convert-to-fixed"
returns an error when the source model contains unsupported joints."convert-to-fixed"
converts unsupported joints in the source model to fixed joints. You can see the converted joints in theBlockConversionInfo
property of theimportInfo
output argument.
An unsupported joint is any joint other than a fixed, prismatic, or revolute joint.
Data Types: char
| string
— Constraint block removal
(default) | "remove"
Constraint block removal, specified as "error"
returns an error when the source model contains restraint blocks."remove"
removes contributions from constraint blocks present in the source model. You can see the removed constraints in theBlockConversionInfo
property of theimportInfo
output argument.
Data Types: char
| string
— Variable inertia block removal
(default) | "remove"
Variable inertia block removal, specified as
or "remove"
returns an error when the source model contains variable inertia blocks."remove"
removes contributions from variable inertia blocks present in the source model. You can see the removed variable inertias in theBlockConversionInfo
property of theimportInfo
output argument.
Data Types: char
| string
— Input/output data format for kinematics and dynamics functions
(default) | "row"
| "column"
Input/output data format for the kinematics and dynamics functions of
the robot model, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and "struct"
, or "column"
. To use
dynamics functions, you must specify either "row"
. This name-value pair sets the DataFormat
property of the rigidBodyTree
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— Robot model
Robot model, returned as a rigidBodyTree
If the gravity is not specified in the URDF file, the default
property is set to [0 0
. Simscape
Multibody uses a default of [0 0
m/s2 when using
to import a URDF.
— Object for storing import information
Object for storing import information, returned as a rigidBodyTreeImportInfo
object. This object contains the
relationship between the input model
and the resulting
Use showdetails
to list all the import info for each body in the
. Links to display the rigid body info, their
corresponding blocks in the model, and highlighting specific blocks in the
model are output to the command window.
Use bodyInfo
, bodyInfoFromBlocks
, or bodyInfoFromJoint
to get information about specific
components in either the robot
output or the
does not support importing robot models from URDF files that contain the mimic tag.
When importing a robot model with visual meshes, the importrobot
function searches for the .stl
or .dae
files to
assign to each rigid body using these rules:
The function searches the raw mesh path for a specified rigid body from the URDF, Xacro, or SDF file. References to ROS packages have the
removed.Absolute paths are checked directly with no modification.
Relative paths are checked using the following directories in order:
Current folder
MATLAB® path
The folder containing the URDF, Xacro, or SDF file
One level above the folder containing the URDF, Xacro, or SDF file
The file name from the mesh path in the URDF, Xacro, or SDF file is appended to the
input argument.
If the mesh file is still not found, the parser ignores the mesh file and returns a
object without
[1] Mammou, Khaled, et al. “Voxelized Hierarchical Approximate Convex Decomposition - V-HACD Version 4.” GitHub, October 24, 2022.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
When using the CollisionDecomposition
name-value argument,
supports code generation when the value of
is true
) or false
Version History
Introduced in R2017aR2024a: Import robots with floating joints
The importrobot
function now supports:
Importing floating joints from URDF files that use joint elements of attribute type
. For more details, see 6-DOF Joint (Simscape Multibody) blocks from Simscape Multibody models as floating joint.
The rigid body tree represents the 6DOF joints in Simscape
Multibody or floating joints in URDF files as rigidBodyJoint
objects with the
property set to "floating"
R2023b: Collision-mesh decomposition support
The importrobot
function supports voxelized hierarchical
approximate convex decomposition (V-HACD) of robot model collision meshes after
import using the CollisionDecomposition
name-value argument.
R2021b: Code generation support
The importrobot
function supports code generation.
See Also
| rigidBodyTreeImportInfo
| loadrobot
| vhacdOptions
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