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Transmission Lines

Microstrip lines, coplanar waveguides

Use the transmission line objects and functions to create and visualize different types of transmission lines used on a printed circuit board (PCB).

RF and microwave transmission lines connect different components on a PCB board. They allow signals to flow between the components. There are various types of transmission lines and they all have unique geometries and satisfy different requirements when used on a PCB. A well-designed transmission line reduces the insertion loss in an RF system and improves the circuit performance.


Transmission Line DesignerDesign, visualize, and analyze transmission lines (Since R2023a)


coplanarWaveguideCreate coplanar waveguide transmission line (Since R2021b)
microstripLineCreate transmission line in microstrip form (Since R2021b)
coupledMicrostripLineCreate coupled microstrip transmission line (Since R2021b)
microstripLineCustomCreate coupled form of single or differential microstrip transmission line (Since R2022b)
SIWLineCreate an SIW line in microstrip form (Since R2023b)
stripLineCreate a transmission line in stripline form (Since R2024a)
coupledStripLineCreate coupled transmission line in stripline form (Since R2024a)
stripLineCustomCreate a coupled single-ended or differential transmission line in strip form (Since R2024b)


showDisplay PCB component structure or PCB shape (Since R2021b)
infoDisplay information about PCB component structure (Since R2021b)
pcbcascadeCreate new component using cascade operation (Since R2021b)
propagationDelayCompute propagation delay of transmission line (Since R2022b)
layoutPlot all metal layers and board shape (Since R2021b)
shapesExtract all metal layer shapes of PCB component (Since R2021b)
rlgcCompute resistances, inductances, conductances, and capacitances (Since R2022b)
getZEvenCalculate even mode impedance of differential PCB transmission line (Since R2022b)
getZOddCalculate odd mode impedance of differential PCB transmission line (Since R2022b)
dgsCreate defected ground structure of PCB element (Since R2023a)

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