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Volume Viewer

View volumetric data and labeled volumetric data


The Volume Viewer app enables you to view 3-D volumetric data and 3-D labeled volumetric data. Using this app, you can view the data as a volume or as plane slices. You can also view the data as a maximum intensity projection or an isosurface. Using the Rendering Editor component, you can manipulate opacity to see the structures in the volume that you want to see and make transparent those structures in the volume that you do not want to see.


The app is not supported in MATLAB® Online™. For details, see Specifications and Limitations.

Volume Viewer app

Open the Volume Viewer App

  • MATLAB toolstrip: Open the Apps tab, under Image Processing and Computer Vision, click the Volume Viewer app icon.

  • MATLAB command prompt: Enter volumeViewer.


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  1. Load a labeled volume into the workspace.

    load(fullfile(toolboxdir("images"),"imdata","BrainMRILabeled", ...
  2. Open the labeled volume in Volume Viewer. Use the VolumeType name-value argument to identify the volume as a labeled volume.


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Programmatic Use

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volumeViewer opens Volume Viewer.

volumeViewer(V) loads the grayscale volume V into Volume Viewer. V is an array of size m-by-n-by-p, of data type logical, uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32, single, or double.

volumeViewer(V,L) loads the grayscale volume V and the labeled volume L into Volume Viewer. L is an array of size m-by-n-by-p, of data type categorical, uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32, single, or double.

volumeViewer(___,VolumeType=vtype) loads the volumetric data into the app and defines the type of volume using the VolumeType name-value argument. vtype can be either "Volume" or "Labels". If the volume is of data type categorical, the default volume type is "Labels". For volumes of any other class, the default volume type is "Volume". If you specify both an intensity volume and a labeled volume, then Volume Viewer ignores this name-value argument.

volumeViewer(___,ScaleFactors=sfactors) loads the volumetric data into the app, and resizes the volume using the ScaleFactors name-value argument. sfactors is a 1-by-3 positive numeric vector of the form [x y z], where the values are scale factors applied in the x, y, and z directions. The default value is [1 1 1]. If vtype is "Labels", then Volume Viewer ignores this name-value argument.

volumeViewer close closes all open Volume Viewer apps.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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