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RF Data Converter Configuration

Configure RF data converter on RFSoC device from MATLAB

The soc.RFDataConverter object configures the RF data converter on the RFSoC device from MATLAB®. This object creates an Ethernet connection to the RFSoC device, allowing control of the ADC and DAC tiles from MATLAB. To configure the RF data converter in step 1.2 of the HDL Workflow Advisor, use the soc.RFDataConverter object.


  • System Object Usage

    Use the object functions and properties of the object to configure the RF data converter.


soc.RFDataConverterConfigure the RF Data Converter on the RFSoC device from MATLAB (Since R2020b)


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setupEstablish connection with RF data converter (Since R2020b)
applyConfigurationApply settings to the RF Data Converter (Since R2020b)
releaseRelease TCP/IP connection (Since R2020b)
enableMTSEnable multi-tile synchronization mode (Since R2020b)
disableMTSDisable multi-tile synchronization mode (Since R2020b)
configureLMXPLLSet reference clock frequency of external LMX PLL (Since R2020b)
getLMXPLLReference clock frequency of external LMX PLL (Since R2020b)
readRFStatusStatus of RF-ADC and RF-DAC tiles (Since R2020b)
applyNyquistZoneUpdate Nyquist zone (Since R2020b)
applyCalibrationModeUpdate calibration mode for RF-ADC (Since R2021a)
configureADCTileConfigure the PLL and sampling rate of ADC tile (Since R2020b)
configureADCChannelConfigure decimation factor in channel of ADC tile (Since R2020b)
configureADCTileClockConfigure output clock frequency of ADC tile (Since R2020b)
configureADCMixerConfigure properties of mixer for channel in ADC tile (Since R2020b)
configureADCLocalOscillatorConfigure frequency of NCO mixer for ADC channel in RF-ADC tile (Since R2020b)
configureADCThresholdSettingsConfigure threshold settings for ADCs in real time (Since R2022b)
configureDACTileConfigure the PLL and sampling rate of DAC tile (Since R2020b)
configureDACChannelConfigure interpolation factor in channel of DAC tile (Since R2020b)
configureDACTileClockConfigure output clock frequency of DAC tile (Since R2020b)
configureDACMixerConfigure properties of mixer for channel in DAC tile (Since R2020b)
configureDACLocalOscillatorConfigure frequency of NCO mixer for DAC channel in RF-DAC tile (Since R2020b)
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