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Test und Messung

Wellenform-Generierung, Datei-E/A-Formate, Visualisierung und Leistungsanalyse

Generieren Sie Wellenformen und verwenden Sie quantitative Tools zur Messung der Systemleistung. Verwenden Sie grafische Hilfsprogramme wie Konstellations- und Augendiagramme zur Visualisierung der Effekte verschiedener Störungen und Korrekturen.

Die unterstützten Dateiformate zur Verarbeitung erfasster Signale umfassen binäre Basisband-Signalformate und NI™ TDMS-Formate (Technical Data Management Solution). Sie können Daten in Tabellen oder Timetables übertragen, indem Sie TDMS-Dateien einzeln oder Sammlungen an TDMS-Dateien simultan auslesen.


Wireless Waveform GeneratorCreate, impair, visualize, and export modulated waveforms
Bit Error Rate AnalysisAnalyze BER performance of communications systems


alle erweitern

biterrCompute number of bit errors and bit error rate (BER)
symerrCompute number of symbol errors and symbol error rate
berawgnBER and SER for uncoded data over AWGN channels
bercodingBER for coded AWGN channels
berconfintError probability estimate and confidence interval of Monte Carlo simulation
berfadingBER and SER for uncoded data over Rayleigh and Rician fading channels
berfitFit curve to nonsmooth empirical BER data
bersyncBER for imperfect synchronization
semianalyticBER using semianalytic technique
scatterplotDisplay input signal in IQ-plane
eyediagramGenerate eye diagram
plotPhaseNoiseFilterPlot response of phase noise filter block
marcumqGeneralized Marcum Q-function
noisebwEquivalent noise bandwidth of digital lowpass filter
qfuncQ function
qfuncinvInverse Q function
showcommblockdatatypetableCommunications Toolbox block characteristics
tdmsreadRead data from TDMS file (Seit R2022a)
tdmswriteWrite data to TDMS file (Seit R2022b)
tdmsinfoInformation about TDMS file (Seit R2022a)
tdmsreadpropRead properties as single row table from TDMS file (Seit R2022a)
tdmswritepropWrite properties to TDMS file (Seit R2022b)


alle erweitern

comm.ACPRMeasure adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR)
comm.ErrorRateCompute bit or symbol error rate of input data
comm.EVMMeasure error vector magnitude (EVM) of received signal
comm.MERMeasure modulation error ratio of received signal
powermeterMeasure power and CCDF of the power of voltage signal (Seit R2021a)
comm.ConstellationDiagramDisplay and analyze input signals in IQ-plane
spectrumAnalyzerDisplay frequency spectrum of time-domain signals (Seit R2022a)
timescopeDisplay time-domain signals (Seit R2020a)
dsp.ArrayPlotDisplay vectors or arrays
comm.BasebandFileReaderRead baseband signal from file
comm.BasebandFileWriterWrite baseband signal to file
vita49ReaderVITA 49 file reader (Seit R2022b)
tdmsDatastoreDatastore for collection of TDMS files (Seit R2022a)


alle erweitern

Error Rate CalculationCompute bit error rate or symbol error rate of input data
EVM MeasurementMeasure error vector magnitude (EVM)
MER MeasurementMeasure modulation error ratio in digital modulation applications
Power MeterMeasure power and the CCDF of the power of voltage signal in Simulink (Seit R2021a)
Constellation DiagramDisplay and analyze input signals in IQ-plane
Eye DiagramDisplay eye diagram of time-domain signal (Seit R2023b)
Time ScopeDisplay and analyze signals generated during simulation and log signal data to MATLAB
Spectrum AnalyzerDisplay frequency spectrum
Waveform From Wireless Waveform Generator AppWireless waveform source exported to Simulink (Seit R2021b)
Baseband File WriterWrite baseband signals to file
Baseband File ReaderRead baseband signals from file


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