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Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of antenna or array element



vswr(object,frequency,z0) calculates and plots the VSWR of an antenna or an array element, over specified frequency range, and a reference impedance of z0 ohms.


vswRatio = vswr(object,frequency,z0) calculates and returns the VSWR of an antenna or array element, over specified frequency range, and a reference impedance of z0 ohms.

vswRatio = vswr(___,UseParallel = true) uses the Parallel Computing Toolbox™ to perform VSWR calculations for each frequency in parallel. To use this feature, you need a license to the Parallel Computing Toolbox.


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Plot vswr (voltage standing wave ratio) of a circular loop antenna.

h = loopCircular;

Calculate vswr (voltage standing wave ratio) of a helix antenna.

h = helix;
hvswr = vswr(h,2e9:1e9:4e9,50)
hvswr = 1×3

    3.6010    6.6936    3.3338

Input Arguments

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Antenna or array to calculate the VSWR, specified as an antenna or array from the catalog, custom antenna or array created using custom antenna or array objects in Custom 2-D and 3-D Antenna catalog, pcbStack antenna or array, or installedAntenna.

Frequency used to calculate VSWR, specified as a scalar in Hz or frequency range specified as vector in Hz.

Example: 75e6

Example: 50e6:1e6:100e6

Data Types: double

Reference impedance, specified as a scalar in ohms.

Flag to enable parallel pool, specified as a logical value. The default value is false. Set the flag to true or 1 to enable the parallel pool. Use parallel pool to speedup the VSWR calculations at multiple frequencies for computationally large antennas and arrays.

Example: UseParallel=true

Data Types: logical

Output Arguments

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VSWR, returned as a scalar in dB for a single analysis frequency and a vector in dB for a frequency range.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

See Also