Large-Scale Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) Simulation using Simscape
In this webinar, we will show how MATLAB and Simscape can be used to model and simulate large-scale electromagnetic transient (EMT) power systems. Through a worked example of an IEEE test feeder network with 900+ three-phase buses, we will show how to:
- Programmatically build an EMT model using MATLAB and Simscape Electrical.
- Implement different data saving strategies.
- Include a large-penetration of inverter-based resources, modeled as ideal power converters.
- Perform fault studies.
- Explore the impact of parameter uncertainty on system response.
- Define and run multiple operational scenarios.
You will learn how to:
- Programmatically build an EMT model using MATLAB and Simscape Electrical.
- Implement different data saving strategies.
- Include a large-penetration of inverter-based resources, modeled as ideal power converters.
- Perform fault studies.
- Explore the impact of parameter uncertainty on system response.
- Define and run multiple operational scenarios.
About the Presenters
Graham Dudgeon is Consultant Product Manager for Electrical Technology at MathWorks. Over the last two decades Graham has supported several industries in the Electrical Technology area, including Aerospace, Marine, Automotive, Industrial Automation, Medical Devices and Power & Utilities. Graham’s technical experience covers - Transmission & Distribution, Grid Integration, Renewable Energy, Power Conversion, Motors & Drives, Microgrids, Electric Aircraft, Electric Ship and Electric Vehicle, with an emphasis on system modeling and simulation, control design, real-time simulation, and data analytics. Prior to joining MathWorks, Graham was Senior Research Fellow at the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Electrical Power Systems at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, UK.
Mohsen Aleenejad joined MathWorks as a Senior Application Engineer in 2020. He supports customers from Energy and Power areas as well as Industrial Automation with a focus on Power Electronics and Power System applications. Mohsen has a Ph.D. in Power Electronics from the University of Kansas, where he specialized in modeling and control of multi-level power converters and fault tolerant operation of power electronics systems. Later, he started a Postdoctoral Researcher position with New York University, where he was collaborating with Boeing Company on building an Active Load Profiler for testing the Aircraft's power sources. Before joining MathWorks, he was working as a senior power electronics engineer with a focus on renewable energy systems at InnoCit LLC, and Active Front End motor drive at PowerItPerfect Inc.
Recorded: 18 Apr 2024